The biggest problem I see is that AFA has some seriously weird and outdated confusing language in their contracts. USAir F/A's wanted to keep all/most of the confusing stuff. That was a problem as a lot of people couldn't/didn't understand it. It wasn't till the last week that a normal sounding break down of things like reserve started to come out. My close friends still didn't understand reserve and thought the current way was better till the union put out an easy reading version. Again, AFA contracts couldn't be more confusing or different than an APFA contract. There is no reason for all the drivel in them. With that, the other big problem is that most people aren't financial wizards and don't know how to use a calculator when very large numbers are involved, nor do the understand compounding. People also have a hard time remembering the last time they received profit sharing and how much they got. Every smart person should know that getting it twice a month in higher wages and where up to an additional 9.9% of it is added into your 401K is a better deal by far. However in this age of social media, all it takes is a few uninformed loud mouths that don't understand logic and finances to find like minded people and stir them up in such a way that absolutely nothing will change their minds. My friends that voted no can't tell me why they voted no or the one or two provisions they didn't like, when I explained it to them, they said they didn't understand it. Now, I've yet to meet any no voter that attended a roadshow! Amazing. Now, it isn't an excuse. But the complexities of a vastly different worded contract was a huge problem AND the very big problem of trust. Most of the no voters I talked to simply didn't believe the union or the company that this was the only chance. That was the biggest one. If we voted today with what is out there, I think it passes by a very reasonable number. People got their chance to send a message, however most don't want the outcome. Like I said, morons! As an aside, yes, changing the limp 40 during the vote was a problem. Except, it was advantageous for the membership. However the loud mouths ratcheted up the rhetoric on the Facebook about how that was the beginning and they guaranteed more changes would come. I almost forgot, there were the conspiracy theories that the union and company knew the vote total by the minute. Thus, if the vote was no, they would sweeten the pot to get a yes at the end. How'd that work out for them? Morons!!!