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IORFA said:
Bob, we were to get MORE vacation with the TA. Not less. However, because I work with more morons than rational smart people, I'm going to make less money AND have less vacation. Yay me!!! Thanks Facebook and lazy f/a's who couldn't bother to attend the road shows or email/call APFA to get facts.
More vacation than UAL, DAL and CAL? Or more than you have now? 
kirkpatrick said:
>> Each FA just lost 17k per year in contract improvements <<
Not quite.  82 million divided by 24,500 is $3347 per year, or 16,735 over the term of the contract.
 9%, 2%, 2%, 2%, 2% when the company is reporting billions. 
Overspeed said:
If 6.a states value in the aggregate and Glading is saying the rejected TA is worth $82M more (in the aggregate) that means she is agreeing with the Company's figures. Shouldn't the APFA be arguing that the Company's valuations are wrong in arbitration?
Yes, she could also argue that since the company agreed to it that extra $82 million is a more accurate number, and that there is no way to tell what the values will be beyond 2016. So the arbitrator should not award anything that extends beyond that date. So they may see a smaller check now and be pegged to 'aggregate" but after 2016 they would not be locked into a value that was set in 2014 with three more years to go. 
Bob Owens said:
 9%, 2%, 2%, 2%, 2% when the company is reporting billions. 
The major point here is that the FAs didn't have the option of renegotiating, it was vote for TA or vote for arbitration minus $82m. Just the two choices, for the FAs that were know it alls during the voting process how accurate was their info?

I heard they'll sweaten the pot

They moved on the hard 40, there's more room for money
Bob Owens said:
Yes, she could also argue that since the company agreed to it that extra $82 million is a more accurate number, and that there is no way to tell what the values will be beyond 2016. So the arbitrator should not award anything that extends beyond that date. So they may see a smaller check now and be pegged to 'aggregate" but after 2016 they would not be locked into a value that was set in 2014 with three more years to go.
You're doing a lot of supposing here. We KNOW they would have $82m more in contract.

This is what I'll do, if the arbitrator gives the FAs a two year deal and is richer then the TA with all the work rules in it that the FAs wanted, or the arbitrator says in 2016 the FAs will get a raise equal to or greater then deltas FAs along with the good work rules, I will do nothing but say how right you are. But seeing your track record, I'm sure I won't be saying how right you are.
You mean the Fleet Service union which the Mechanics are a minor part of.  B)
How many of the ATD officers are AMTs?  Just one.  All the rest are Fleet Service.  The one AMT is from Pan Am and not AA so in reality we AMTs from AA have no representation in the ATD.  Can't blame us for not being happy about that.
OldGuy@AA said:
How many of the ATD officers are AMTs?  Just one.  All the rest are Fleet Service.  The one AMT is from Pan Am and not AA so in reality we AMTs from AA have no representation in the ATD.  Can't blame us for not being happy about that.
Just being sarcastic OldGuy, nothing else. I would also call bullsh** if my representation majority was from another work group.
Just being sarcastic OldGuy, nothing else. I would also call bullsh** if my representation majority was from another work group.
OldGuy@AA said:
How many of the ATD officers are AMTs?  Just one.  All the rest are Fleet Service.  The one AMT is from Pan Am and not AA so in reality we AMTs from AA have no representation in the ATD.  Can't blame us for not being happy about that.

The mechanics should go non Union and hope for mercy from Doug

In 2010 TA, why did the twu structure the pay as a one time pay out for OH and a raise for line?

If bob could tell us why the committee did it that way, it would be nice to hear from one of the negotiators. Of course I'm surprised Bob just didn't get us SWA contract with OH and a pension.

I lose about 4 dollars per hour because of the ta failure....so sad.....why aren't people contacting the union for a revote....I homestly think people believe that further negotiations are happening and they are not....it is going to binding arbitration ....we can't let this happen folks...contact the union and demand another vote before this draconian comtract is imposed....
usfliboi said:

I lose about 4 dollars per hour because of the ta failure....so sad.....why aren't people contacting the union for a revote....I homestly think people believe that further negotiations are happening and they are not....it is going to binding arbitration ....we can't let this happen folks...contact the union and demand another vote before this draconian comtract is imposed....
Is there something about the phrase, it's too late to do something about it, that confuses you?  When the f/as voted against the TA, the ball fell into DP's court.  You should try reading some of the emails from the union.  They asked DP (or his representative) in the mediation sessions last week if he would allow a re-vote.  They asked if further negotiations could take place.  They asked if the members could have a vote between the TA and the arbitrated contract.  The answer was NO in every case.
The union told everyone before the vote that if they voted NO, this would be the result.  The other option was for LAA f/as to stick with their current BK contract until 2016 minimum and for the LUS f/as to stick with their current contract until at least 2018 (IIRC).  Either way the f/as screwed themselves by listening to Facebook idiots.  Now, actions have consequences.  Life doesn't allow do-overs if you suddenly decide that you don't like the consequences of an action you took--particularly when you were told the consequences of that action in advance.
Unfortunately, when we suddenly discover that we are the new prom queen at the state prison, it's too late to "un-rob" the 7-11 store. :lol:
P.S.  For those of us at top of scale (I'm on 13th year pay step which will become TOS with the new contract), the date of signing pay rate was to be $53.52/hr--an increase of $6.78/hr!!!  We will now get $53.24/hr in the 4th year of the contract.  And, that's assuming the arbitrator sticks to the union's suggested arbitrated contract.  Hope all the Facebook experts are happy.  I hear misinformed righteous indignation spends real well at Safeway. (At Kroger's where I shop, not so much.)
For the benefit of those who don't get APFA hotlines and emails, the union proposed that the 81 million (newest figure) come out of pay rates only.  They say to take vacation, 401k, etc, would create an imbalance between the LUS and LAA groups, which is true.  The new pay rate for top of scale is proposed to be $50.17 (instead of $53.52) and rise each Dec to $54.84 (instead of $58.5) retroactive to Dec 2, 2014.  So instead of a 9.1% increase for LAA on Dec 2 it becomes 2.3, 11.8% with the last raise Dec 2018 instead of 19.3.  That's $3.35 per hr less next month, or $302 for me for my 90.1 hr LAX schedule.  It also means our next contract starts with these far lower figures instead of the original higher ones.  We'll never recover from this.
Thanks for the Christmas present, no voters.
Agree MK, while many feel (and correctly so in my opinion) the no voters made a mistake. That is their opinion and their right as well. But for those folks who didn't even vote, completely unbelievable. I wonder how many of them are complaining about the lack of passage, and how many of them are boasting about the failure of it passing. Amazing!
Agree MK, while many feel (and correctly so in my opinion) the no voters made a mistake. That is their opinion and their right as well. But for those folks who didn't even vote, completely unbelievable. I wonder how many of them are complaining about the lack of passage, and how many of them are boasting about the failure of it passing. Amazing!
I agree those FA's who voted NO because they were self righteous is weird but ok, but those that voted no because they formed an opinion based on galley gossip or some know it all on bookface is just week minded and unfortunately that effects ALL FAs.
Not voting is just unacceptable. What an expensive lesson. 
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