usfliboi said:
I lose about 4 dollars per hour because of the ta sad.....why aren't people contacting the union for a revote....I homestly think people believe that further negotiations are happening and they are is going to binding arbitration ....
we can't let this happen the union and demand another vote before this draconian comtract is imposed....
Is there something about the phrase,
it's too late to do something about it, that confuses you? When the f/as voted against the TA, the ball fell into DP's court. You should try reading some of the emails from the union. They
asked DP (or his representative) in the mediation sessions last week if he would allow a re-vote. They asked if further negotiations could take place. They asked if the members could have a vote between the TA and the arbitrated contract. The answer was NO in every case.
The union told everyone before the vote that if they voted NO, this would be the result. The other option was for LAA f/as to stick with their current BK contract until 2016 minimum and for the LUS f/as to stick with their current contract until at least 2018 (IIRC). Either way the f/as screwed themselves by listening to Facebook idiots. Now, actions have consequences. Life doesn't allow do-overs if you suddenly decide that you don't like the consequences of an action you took--particularly when you were told the consequences of that action in advance.
Unfortunately, when we suddenly discover that we are the new prom queen at the state prison, it's too late to "un-rob" the 7-11 store.
P.S. For those of us at top of scale (I'm on 13th year pay step which will become TOS with the new contract), the date of signing pay rate was to be $53.52/hr--an increase of $6.78/hr!!! We will now get $53.24/hr in the 4th year of the contract.
And, that's assuming the arbitrator sticks to the union's suggested arbitrated contract. Hope all the Facebook experts are happy. I hear misinformed righteous indignation spends real well at Safeway. (At Kroger's where I shop, not so much.)