It was released that the company is giving the pilots yet another extension to negotiate.
Because the negotiation protocol between the company and the APA gives the arbitration decision to the company. And, remember the pilots have not voted on a TA. They have not reached a TA, and the company's statements seem to indicate that (as far as the company is concerned) they're not even close. It's not the same situation as we have at all. DP is giving the negotiators another chance to reach a TA. He is NOT offering a re-vote on anything.
That puts to bed the assertion that the Flight attendants shouldn't get another chance because it would be a "bad example".
No, it doesn't. As stated above, you are comparing apples to rutabagas. We are in an entirely different stage of negotiations.
Indeed, I think that it is very likely that the company did propose another chance by proposing a re-vote. Yet this was quashed by APFA, as they informed Mr. Parker that we would proceed to arbitration.
You think? In other words, "it's very likely" that you don't know. Your just making a statement off the top of your head (or taken from the Oracle at Facebook) because you are determined to stick to the belief that the AFA at US Airways was/is far superior to the APFA, and you want to blame somebody. And, when you add the argument that your side voted for it. Yes, a majority did. But, since the final count was only 16 votes apart, we could just as easily say that 16 NO votes on the US Airways side made the whole difference.
What's up, folks?
Nothing. Perhaps, you should let your therapist know that your paranoia is becoming rampant again.
Is there any argument that flight attendants would be better off under the TA, than a 82 million less arbitration award? Hasn't there been enough of an outcry that the Facebook bunch has largely been discredited?
AFA advocated for flight attendants, not always well, but in this instance they would seize the chance at a re-vote.
What is going on? Before you respond that the company released that the "Flight attendants would proceed to arbitration" please recognize the timeline. That was AFTER DP said he would allow a re-vote. APFA answered "we will go to arbitration", basically slamming that door.
Source? I don't remember any statements by DP that he would allow a re-vote. I've only seen statements from him that we are proceeding to arbitration per the Negotiation Protocols. Besides, DP is not stupid. Why would he risk the wrath of the stockholders by re-offering almost a half a billion dollars (over the life of the contract) to the f/as to which they had already said "No thank you. We don't want that money."?
That is not advocacy, that is "take your medicine". Well, guess what? The US flight attendant approved the TA. We do not need any medicine. There is no desire for a divided group, however the comparison between the two is inevitable, as US just did all of this not too long ago.
Oh, yes there is. There's been an unstated underlying theme all along that all of you are union experts and the APFA is a bunch of amateurs. Maybe you should have gotten the APA to hold out and demand that they become the surviving union in the merger so that all of you could show us how it's done. Maybe you could have negotiated some pay rates like you have now, and all of us on the AA side could take a cut in pay to something that you experts had negotiated.
APFA should be advocating for a re-vote, if that door is even still open. If it's not, then it was slammed shut by APFA.
This is all going to come to a conclusion soon, however, as AA flight attendants live out whatever agreement we end up with, there should not be any illusions about how we got there, and what was done and not done.
Ok. If you want to hold on to the belief that the US Airways f/as are like the Virgin Mary--without sin or error--knock yourself out. And, be sure and hang on to that belief and resentment until you get in charge and can straighten out the rest of us by showing us how it's done. Spend the next 5 years blaming the AA side for the misery that your life has become because of the arbitration. Of course, hanging on to a resentment--particularly one where you have no power to change the situation--is like drinking poison in the hope it will kill the other person you are mad at. If you are all that mad at the APFA, you should have thought of that and tried to prevent the merger. Did you really think that the APA would be the surviving union? If so, I find that level of naivete refreshing in someone your age.