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700UW said:
Uh oh,
Now  you dont it, we are going to get a 100,000 word WT Manifesto about Delta is God and everyone is the devil!
which appears that the interests of small communities were completely disregarded in the name of the DOJ's efforts to increase access by low fare carriers to slot restricted airports.
It will be very apparent that small cities will suffer as a result of this agreement. Whether they should have hhad service and tied up slots which could have been used for larger aircraft remains to be seen but what is certain is that new AA will have a lot more competition.

And yes newAA will have a larger number of seats than they have today but it is highly unlikely that new AA's share will be higher than US has now. The only way that can happen is if AA/US dumps RJ capacity and replaces it a faster rate than LFCs add capacity.
We can revisit the topic after the slots are awarded and schedules are loaded but it is mathematically very hard for the number of seats - not flights - to end up higher than what US has today.

Echoes of Pan Am hubris.
It is just another effort by those who want to discredit what DL did for PA's 6500 employees while failing to also ask the question about what UA did despite buying far more assets over several times or to compare how those former PA turned DL employees fared compared to other employees, including TW.

The mere fact that you can't and won't answer the AA-TW question at the bare minimum shows that the answer is that those former PA employees did fare better than any other employees who were part of an asset acquisition and in many cases better than other employees at other airlines involved in mergers.

The FL employees - esp. the pilots - would love to have been treated by WN as well as DL treated the PA employees.
interestingly, DL's OT stats are better than some LFCs, DL's DOT customer complaint ratio is better, and DL's costs are within 1% of WN's.

DL should file for the slots and tell the DOJ they will hold up the merger while they show how capricious their definition of LFCs actually is.
DL cant hold up the merger, try again.
You really need to go to Delta Airlines Rehab, you are obsessed and addicting to everything Delta.
I'm sure the room is right next to where they detoxify you from your belief that the IAM actually can succeed at something.

The difference is that DL actually succeeds at what it does. You could only wish that you could say the same thing about the labor movement in the airline industry and the IAM in specific.
Come on, you are the all knowing Airline Expert, you know the IAM has done many successful things in the industry.
Must suck to be a hater.
I hate nothing... I'm moved by results. You show me how IAM represented members are better off today and we'll believe it.

I do know that tens of thousands of DL employees said "no thanks" to not only the IAM but the entire labor movement. More significantly, tens of thousands of FORMER NW and former IAM represented employees also said "NO." Not exactly a ringing endorsement for all you did for them.

Results... that's all anyone asks.
Wt is that tens of thousands of dl employees just from atl? Ive heard time n time again in my station as well as when I worked in 2 other cities in the past that they wanted a union... soumds like dl is like piedmont give raises to keep unions out only piedmont recinded the raise I knw bec it happen while I was w them in 06 the iam just like any other union has had both success n failures just like delta n all the other companies
hate to break it to you but the voting process is a winner takes all simple majority system.

TENS of THOUSANDS of DL employees ACROSS the system chose to ditch the IAM and other unions because that is what the majority chose to do.

The only large labor group at DL that has ever had a union contract is the pilots and that has been with ALPA and has not changed.
WorldTraveler said:
I'm sure the room is right next to where they detoxify you from your belief that the IAM actually can succeed at something.
So you admit you have a problem.
If the problem is having the ability to be able to look myself and others and admit when I am wrong, then yes I apparently do have a problem.

It is apparently a disorder at least on this forum since few others have the capacity to be able to admit they are wrong. If disorder means "not normal" and "normal" is defined by what every one else does, then yeah I have a problem.

In reality, your problem is that I am right and am not afraid to say so because I also am not afraid to admit I am wrong when I am.

You and others would do well to learn that it really is ok to acknowledged your accomplishments if you are also able to acknowledge your failures.

The reason why so many here don't ever get to bask in their successes is because they refuse to acknowledge their failures.

And yes we all do have failures.

Some of us just happen to be able to admit them which is clearly a rarity on this forum.

And THAT is a problem.

The first step is for those who have the problem to acknowledge it and take steps to correct it instead of continuing to look for opportunities to denigrate others because they happen to point out the truth which you (collective, Kev) are unwilling to admit.
Blue collar me dont think he is admitting to anything yet 🙂

Kev it is typically a first step but me dont see it there yet 🙂

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