If the problem is having the ability to be able to look myself and others and admit when I am wrong, then yes I apparently do have a problem.
It is apparently a disorder at least on this forum since few others have the capacity to be able to admit they are wrong. If disorder means "not normal" and "normal" is defined by what every one else does, then yeah I have a problem.
In reality, your problem is that I am right and am not afraid to say so because I also am not afraid to admit I am wrong when I am.
You and others would do well to learn that it really is ok to acknowledged your accomplishments if you are also able to acknowledge your failures.
The reason why so many here don't ever get to bask in their successes is because they refuse to acknowledge their failures.
And yes we all do have failures.
Some of us just happen to be able to admit them which is clearly a rarity on this forum.
And THAT is a problem.
The first step is for those who have the problem to acknowledge it and take steps to correct it instead of continuing to look for opportunities to denigrate others because they happen to point out the truth which you (collective, Kev) are unwilling to admit.