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US Airways Appoints Chief Operating Officer

suspicious timing...2 years after merger...was probably granted big $$ to stay 2 years...probably more big fish leaving in the next few weeks
Many things are on the horizon and this is just the start. While this may well have been the worst summer we have every seen, change is in the air and problems are being addressed.

And there you have it folks - this line is pretty much the best summarization of the America West business philosophy I have seen on this board. The history as a company is just as this post says - nothing more - and nothing less. Things will always be getting better because they certainly can't get any worse than they are now. We can't seem to get flights off to Europe or Hawaii on a regular ontime basis, so let's make it better by going to China. Give me a break! (Sort of sounds like our current President on Iraq!)

It seems the business philosophy of this group is to drive things down as far as possible so that of course things will improve. That's all you ever hear about the old AWA - how things had gotten so bad tha customers were leaving in droves, but we worked hard to improve etc. etc. etc. Sounds like the same old story to me this time around as well.

Bottom line - these people have no idea how to run an airline - but they are making money - and as long as that is going on you are smoking something if you think things are going to change. Why improve the service if you can make money on the crappy service you currently provide? Hmmmm - no reason it would seem.
Mr Isom may actually "Get it" folks. Not sure if this was posted prior but he did an interview in the AZ Republic and had this to say:

Q: Speaking of people, how big an obstacle or challenge to the turnaround is the state of labor relations at the airline and the fact that you can't combine the operations of America West and US Airways until there are single union contracts?

A: I have no chance for success without enthused and very engaged employees. I just don't.
Rest of the Interview

That variable is Dougweiser & Scooter.

Well that sums it up...Isom is destined for utter failure because there will NEVER be enthused and engaged employees in this outfit. US Airways is BEYOND help and our enthusiasm is unrecoverable :down:

Isom doesn't "get it". I am sure he is just another "master of spin" like everyone else in the Tempe Tower. I give it a month before you have him rated right alongside DoUgIe and Scooter.
From the same article PineyBob provided:

Q: What is your first priority at US Airways?

A: I think we have to spend some time defining, at a basic level, what it is we're trying to provide in terms of a customer travel experience. My first attempts will really be to prioritize on a handful of things that we have to be really good at. Certainly you have to be on time. You can't cancel flights. You've got to deliver bags. When things don't go right, you have to be good recovering from those irregular operations.

In my opinion, Mr. Isom has been hired to do something that should have been first on Parker and Kirby's respective lists after the merger.

Unwillingness or inability to do so by those two is what has brought US to where it is today.

I would suggest Mr. Isom wade into the water where it is safest (i.e. PIT) for two reasons:

1) Collective seniority. Agents at mainline and express in PIT have seen a lot in their respective times,

2) Collective restraint. PIT tends to accept the new and acclimate them if they are willing to listen and adapt.

I can't speak for the rest of the employees, but if Mr. Isom wants to accept an offer to come and visit the station, minus the stupid and inefffective town hall meetings (hanging out in the break room would be fine with me), then by all means do so. He should bring a pad of paper and a new pen, because he'll have a lot of stuff to write down, good ideas and bad.

I give this offer a 40% chance of being accepted.
Mr Isom may actually "Get it" folks.

Isom is nothing but Parker's biotch. Do you think Dougie would bring on someone that didn't carry his bags. Nothing more than the AWA/US Airways shuffle, cash in, cash out.

The Man says,"Business as usual."
40% is outrageously high.

Who is the highest ranking officer you have seen in a ramp breakroom since Colodny?

I know it's high. I'm an optimist, believe it or not.

And I'll concede that the highest rank I've ever seen in a breakroom is a regional manager for PSA.

I give everyone a chance. Parker and Kirby already blew theirs, so I'll give Mr. Isom one as well. Maybe he'll surprise everyone.
A chance? How's it go, fool me once, shame on you, fool me 50 times, I don't buy it anymore.

The Man say,"Show me something first."
I know it's high. I'm an optimist, believe it or not.

And I'll concede that the highest rank I've ever seen in a breakroom is a regional manager for PSA.

I give everyone a chance. Parker and Kirby already blew theirs, so I'll give Mr. Isom one as well. Maybe he'll surprise everyone.

Come to think of it Bugsy Siegal visited the PHL ramp.

I think some one threw a rat at him.
And another of his bright moments . . . promoting Sherry Shamblin! That enough is reason for "retirement"
I wonder whether SHE is aware she was appointed VP of Inflight? Haven't seen any tangible evidence of HER Contribution to Running The Airline. As for Mule, I was told start singing "Happy Days are Here Again!" :lol: