Islam, the Religion of peace

Yet we spent the better part of the 19th and 20th centuries doing just that...spreading Christianity through fear and death (the sword) to the Americas, Asia, Africa, and the Pacific Isles.

Yes but those were not real christians, just wannabe fake christians. And the pope who help nazi war criminals escape to S. America was not a real pope, just a fake wannabe pope. lol

religion ... gotta love it.
Yet we spent the better part of the 19th and 20th centuries doing just that...spreading Christianity through fear and death (the sword) to the Americas, Asia, Africa, and the Pacific Isles.

Care to elaborate? I know there are some real nut-jobs in every religion but as a whole Christianity scripturally is not to be taught by the "sword".
Care to elaborate? I know there are some real nut-jobs in every religion but as a whole Christianity scripturally is not to be taught by the "sword".

Galileo (some foolishness about the earth not being the center of the universe lol) Good thing the church saved us from that foolishness.

Spanish Inquisition

Witch trials.

Manifest destiny

The treatment of the native Americans. (they were forbidden to practice their faith, speak their native tongue, ...etc)

And the list goes on.

Galileo (some foolishness about the earth not being the center of the universe lol) Good thing the church saved us from that foolishness.

Spanish Inquisition

Witch trials.

Manifest destiny

The treatment of the native Americans. (they were forbidden to practice their faith, speak their native tongue, ...etc)
And the list goes on.

and specifically, the natives of....

N. America
Easter Island

That tactics of missionaries vs. the natives were...shall we say...less-than-ethical.
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  • #65
Iv'e never once said 'Christianity' did'nt have some dark times, in fact attrocities were committed by many self proclaimed 'christians' but it was'nt based on the teachings of Christ this much we know to be fact.

My arguement is and has been that Islam teaches conversion by the sword, It has been that way since its invention, it is written through out the qu'ran and its associated un-holy books, it is taught in the mosques even still today.

Those self proclaimed 'christians' who committed attrocities acted not on the teachings of Jesus Christ so it can be said they were 'Bad christians' though the Term 'Christian' has no place in front of their name.
Likewise the only 'Good Muslims' are the ones who practice the teachings of Muhammad from his counterfit Religion, therefore OBL and his band of Murderer's are in fact 'Good Muslims' because they follow it to a 'T'. The ones who choose to disregard the teachings and pick and choose what they wish to practice are in fact 'Bad Muslims' because the have Ignored their prophet.

Jesus taught Salvation, Muhammad taught submission!
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  • #66
Yes but those were not real christians, just wannabe fake christians. And the pope who help nazi war criminals escape to S. America was not a real pope, just a fake wannabe pope. lol

religion ... gotta love it.

By Golly Garfield, I think you may be finally getting the hang of it! :up:

Here in the US we won't kill gays but we will limit all of their rights...limiting them to second-class citizen status. And we're even trying to amend our Constitution...the very fabric of our gov' exclusively point out gays and set permanent law against them. Nah...we hold them on a pedestal. What other group are we trying to get their name put into the Constitution? None...gays are so special to the US.

They tried to tell me
my religion was wrong.

They tried to tell me
to follow Islam.

They said their "Prophet"
was a righteous dude,

But I found out
none of their words were true.

I read the Qur'an
and I read the Hadith,

And the sickness of Mohammed
was apparent to me.

He justified perversion
in the name of Allah,

When he married a girl
too young for a bra.

She was playing with dolls
when the "Prophet" came.

Her childhood was stolen
in Allah's name.

Aisha was nine
when he took her to bed.

Don’t tell me that fool's
not sick in the head.

I ain’'t gonna follow no child molester, sex offender, Prophet pretender.
I ain’'t gonna follow no child molester! Islam's not for me!
Islam's not for me!
The sickness of
the Islamic mind,
Has caused some mullas
to be blind.

To justify their "Prophet"
they will justify sin,

So the sins of the "Prophet"
are repeated again.

All over the world
in Islamic states,

Nine year old girls
suffer cruel fate,

Sold into marriage
to twisted men,

And Aisha’s sad story
is repeated again.

I ain’'t gonna follow no child molester, sex offender, Prophet pretender.
I ain’'t gonna follow no child molester! Islam's not for me!
Islam's not for me!
Do you care about women
all over the world?
Do you care about those
little girls?

Better stand up and fight
for human rights,

Speak out against
the laws of Islam!

I ain’'t gonna follow no child molester, sex offender, Prophet pretender.
I ain’'t gonna follow no child molester! Islam's not for me!
Islam's not for me!
Islam's not for me!

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  • #75
The Logic of Islam

"If Non Muslim is principals of a school and if he wants to select a math teacher will he select a teacher who says 2 + 2 = 3 or the one who says 2 + 2 = 4 or the one who says 2 + 2 = 6? He would select the candidate who said 2 + 2 = 4, because the others don't have a correct knowledge of Mathematics similarly the other religions are wrong, and only Muslims have a right knowledge regarding religion. And when their religion and worship is wrong how can Islamic nations allow them to preach their (wrong) religion & build their places of worship?" and he substantiated this reasoning by quoting Q 3:85

:lol: :lol: :up: