Islam, the Religion of peace

Don't you find it ironic that there have been MORE terror attacks since Bush declared war on terror (2003) than there was in the entire 8 years of Clintons presidency?

Are you saying that it's Bush's fault that there are terrorists? Was 9/11 his fault as well? Should we have just sat back with our hands in our pockets and hope that there was never another 9/11?

Besides, I think that Bush declared war on terror before 2003. 2003 was when we entered Iraq. Neither Bush nor the war have "created" terrorists. They were there already. IMO we should keep fighting until there are no more terrorist and much fewer potential terrorists.
Are you saying that it's Bush's fault that there are terrorists? Was 9/11 his fault as well? Should we have just sat back with our hands in our pockets and hope that there was never another 9/11?

Besides, I think that Bush declared war on terror before 2003. 2003 was when we entered Iraq. Neither Bush nor the war have "created" terrorists. They were there already. IMO we should keep fighting until there are no more terrorist and much fewer potential terrorists.
Leto...I am responding to the bolded and large font proclamations made by local 12 about the number of terrorist attacks since 9/11. You all are quick to bash Clinton, (a man I never voted for, BTW), but local 12 is pointing out the terrorist attacks. I merely pointed out that there were a lot fewer prior to the "war on terror".

And I have no problem with the war on terror...I just wish we would have completed the first know, the one against the guy who actually DID organize and order the attack on the WTC...instead of opening up a whole new front in a country whose involvement in any attack on the US was and is suspect at best.
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Leto...I am responding to the bolded and large font proclamations made by local 12 about the number of terrorist attacks since 9/11. You all are quick to bash Clinton, (a man I never voted for, BTW), but local 12 is pointing out the terrorist attacks. I merely pointed out that there were a lot fewer prior to the "war on terror"
Why do you consistently post false hoods? do your own research and quit listening to the anti-semetic Liberal Left who will not show you this kind of Information.

Millions of Muslims killed (by Muslims) since 1948

A Homemade Genocide

The Arab world is subject to genocide, it is true. It's just that it's mostly self-inflicted, and Israel has nothing to do with any of it.

We have no exact numbers of how many were Terrorized By Saddam before his fall but it is estimated to be in the millions.

Keep Reaching KC!
Why do you consistently post false hoods? do your own research and quit listening to the anti-semetic Liberal Left who will not show you this kind of Information.

Millions of Muslims killed (by Muslims) since 1948

We have no exact numbers of how many were Terrorized By Saddam before his fall but it is estimated to be in the millions.

Keep Reaching KC!
Saddam was sort of a "lapsed Muslim"....he was a secular leader - the religious zealots despised him about as much as they despise us.
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Saddam was sort of a "lapsed Muslim"....he was a secular leader - the religious zealots despised him about as much as they despise us.
He was/is a Muslim who never fell into apostasy, and he certainly was a Terrorist. :ph34r:

...and your point was?
but local 12 is pointing out the terrorist attacks. I merely pointed out that there were a lot fewer prior to the "war on terror".
Just a little side note. Before the declaration of war against Japan in 1941 there were no kamikaze attacks. After declaration there was was a bunch. Wars tend to breed nationalism which results in more recruits. I don't think we should be afraid of making our enemy mad, that just comes with declaring war on them.
Just a little side note. Before the declaration of war against Japan in 1941 there were no kamikaze attacks. After declaration there was was a bunch. Wars tend to breed nationalism which results in more recruits. I don't think we should be afraid of making our enemy mad, that just comes with declaring war on them.
I'm not worried about making our enemies mad or hurting their feelings. Damn, I wish we wouldn't have cut and run in the hunt for bin laden (remember him...organized the plot to take down the WTC?). Had him cornered and then...lord o'mercy...SADDAM'S the real threat. I wonder what message we would have sent to the terrorists if we stayed focused on bin laden. Personally, I think they would rethink messing with the US. As it is, they'll see that they'll get you to the brink...then find another target and let you to recruit even more terrorists to belly bomb our soldiers.
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2nd warning for Muslims to leave U.S. before attack
'Because Allah's punishment would fall on America in the month of Ramadan'

Abu Dawood told Hamid Mir, a reporter who has covered al-Qaida and met with Osama bin Laden, the attack is being coordinated by Adnan el-Shukrijumah and suggests it may involve some form of weapon of mass destruction smuggled across the Mexican border.

"Our brothers are ready to attack inside America. We will breach their security again," he is quoted as saying. "There is no timeframe for our attack inside America; we can do it any time."
The issue is that the Muslim faith is not specifically targeting Christians and Jews. Anyone whom is ‘not’ Muslim is a target. The Palestine situation is most commonly used by them to ‘somehow’ prove Jewish oppression over the Islamic people but they do not have the tenacity to either take in their ‘brothers and sisters’ or band together to wage an all out war. Instead, they use them as a crutch for their politics.

A funny thing about Zealots, you never know where they will attack next. If left alone in their own corner of the world the Islamic factions would be more than willing to fight amongst themselves than to deal with us Infidels. After the slaughter to determine which sect reflects the ‘true’ Islam they will murder each other by tribal order.

They have been doing this very thing for thousands of years (with the exception of the rise in power that led to the Crusades, and we know how that turned out :p ) and if we did not give them money for their oil, they would still be Bedouins, roaming the deserts and screwing camels.

Everyones guilty here

10 Blunders That Gave Rise to Radical Islam, Terrorist Regimes,
And the Threat of an American Hiroshima

The war on terror has become a household subject since the attacks on September 11, 2001. In reality, the jihad against America did not happen overnight. It has been coming for quite some time. "The Dunces of Doomsday" documents 10 blunders that resulted in an invigorated radical Islam, terrorism worldwide, and the coming "American Hiroshima."

The blunders documented include:

The Peanut Farmer and the Ayatollah — How the worst president in America's history permitted and invigorated the rise of radical Islam

The Great Offense Against Islam — How the invasion of Iraq under President George H. W. Bush and the installation of U.S. military bases between Islam's holy cities of Mecca and Medina sparked the holy war and the plan for the American Hiroshima

The Poppy Fields Remain in Bloom — How the war on terror could have been averted by fire-bombing the poppy fields of Afghanistan

The Clinton Follies: From the Mullahs to Monica — How the Clinton administration, which largely ignored international problems, failed to address the growing threat of Al-Qaeda after the attack on the U.S. embassies, the counterresistance in Somalia, and the attacks on the USS The Sullivans and the USS Cole

W Uses the Wrong Word — How President George W. Bush's message that Islam means peace obscured the reality that Islam means submission to Allah.
"The Dunces of Doomsday" chronicles the mistakes that have been made and provides a guide for preventing radical Islam and terrorism's dream of carrying out the "American Hiroshima."
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Looks like the peanut farmer will be passing the "worst president in America's history" baton over to W long about 2009.
Presidential Approval Ratings, Since 1950
Below are the highest and lowest approval ratings ever received by a president in a national opinion poll throughout his presidency.

President Highest Rating Lowest Rating
Harry Truman 87% 23%
Dwight Eisenhower 79% 48%
John F. Kennedy 83% 56%
Lyndon Johnson 79% 35%
Richard Nixon 67% 24%
Gerald Ford 71% 37%
Jimmy Carter 75% 28%
Ronald Reagan 68% 35%
George H.W. Bush 89% 29%
Bill Clinton 73% 37%
George W. Bush 90% 29%

Source: Can West News Service; CNN; "The Ups and Downs of Presidential Popularity," Ron Faucheux, Campaigns and Elections magazine.
More love evidenced from The Religion Of Peace. :down:;idelement=4574

With any luck the muslims will out grow this just as you christians did. I'm you guys are not burning witches any more right? Right? Oh my bad. Everyone knows witches are not real.

Something about stones and glass ... ring any bells?

Oh yea, almost forgot the christians and the savage indians thing in the 18th and 19th century. You know the story. They did not believe in your god so they were heathens and savages who deserved to be killed or 'saved' from them selves.

Hopefully they will out grow their ignorance and hatred as we are gradually doing.