Islam, the Religion of peace

Presidential Approval Ratings, Since 1950
Below are the highest and lowest approval ratings ever received by a president in a national opinion poll throughout his presidency.

President Highest Rating Lowest Rating
Harry Truman 87% 23%
Dwight Eisenhower 79% 48%
John F. Kennedy 83% 56%
Lyndon Johnson 79% 35%
Richard Nixon 67% 24%
Gerald Ford 71% 37%
Jimmy Carter 75% 28%
Ronald Reagan 68% 35%
George H.W. Bush 89% 29%
Bill Clinton 73% 37%
George W. Bush 90% 29%

Source: Can West News Service; CNN; "The Ups and Downs of Presidential Popularity," Ron Faucheux, Campaigns and Elections magazine.
See...he's already done it. But once he's gone, history will show that he was absolutely the WORST president this country has ever known. IT will be driven home when the children of the "patriots" are drafted and sent to Iraq to fight Bush's war.
I find it ironic that the 2 presidents who had the highest ratings (bosth bush's) had to have a war to get it. Once the war was over (bush I) or going badly (bush II) the rating went south. To me, that indicates a failure of leadership. But what do I know, I'm just a satan worshiping liberal lol.
See...he's already done it. But once he's gone, history will show that he was absolutely the WORST president this country has ever known. IT will be driven home when the children of the "patriots" are drafted and sent to Iraq to fight Bush's war.

For crying out loud...will you get off it already?

what I saw don't look like he be the worst....

looks like Nukem' Harry sucked it worse... :lol:
For crying out loud...will you get off it already?

what I saw don't look like he be the worst....

looks like Nukem' Harry sucked it worse... :lol:
And today....America could use Truman. As I said...when he's gone - history will show that NIXON was more admired that W. I'm not talking about approval ratings while IN office...I'm talking about how history will view him. Truman is viewed pretty good these days.
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With any luck the muslims will out grow this just as you christians did. I'm you guys are not burning witches any more right? Right? Oh my bad. Everyone knows witches are not real.

Something about stones and glass ... ring any bells?

Oh yea, almost forgot the christians and the savage indians thing in the 18th and 19th century. You know the story. They did not believe in your god so they were heathens and savages who deserved to be killed or 'saved' from them selves.

Hopefully they will out grow their ignorance and hatred as we are gradually doing.
Keep reaching , They've been brainwashed like you! :shock:
If anyone's been brainwashed - it's you. By your wunnerful president, George W Bush...leader of the free world and kicker of Iraqi ass.

You know I respect your posts for their content and you for your political views regarding iraq and other issues including our soldiers and such...but with bush..I think you and too many like you are still hung on the "hanging chad" wouldn't know a bad prez if you trippped over one.... ;)
I'm sorry. Was any of this factually incorect?

Your posts reek of suppport for W. If you cannot see that you need serious help.
I'm sorry. Was any of this factually incorect?I'm sure you meant to type 'incorrect'... anywho's. Let's all take a breath and have a look at this. No Prez, Bush Sr. or Jr., Carter, Clinton etc would have a positive effect on the Left Wing, Right Wing, any damn thing you want to mention, no matter what they did. This isn't a political gamble, it's a War on Terrorism, PERIOD. Do you not see the insurgents acting like Terrorists? Do you not comprehend what will happen if we call it off and let them have their own way? Do you truly understand their thinking? They do not think, they re-act... with violence in mind. This mess has been going on for centuries but when it gets close to my Back yard, Katie Bar the door. So many want to blame all of this on W. Did he fly a plane into the WTC? Did he fly a plane into the Pentagon? Did he Dust crop a field in PA? Hell no, but he had the cajones to make a stand against those types of actions and where they start.... and if you can't see that, I'll loan you my AARP card for psychological treatment. Yes this is a mess we are in and can we win????? I don't know. I don't think there will ever be a winner in this fight until either the fanatics wake the 'F' up or they are all killed off. That would be sad for I think it best for man-kind to live in harmony without war. That will happen right after I hit the Lottery. In closing, it is easy to point blame on who you wish, but is it acceptable to be against the one who leads your Country? If you agree, I suggest you leave. Come back when the 'Tides' favor your thinking....
Celebrating the end of Ramadan in the traditional way. This year the Religion of Peace racked up well over 1500 dead bodies and 289 deadly terror attacks in 17 countries across the globe during its holiest month.


Ahh... Here is the peaceful love of mohead that we have been missing.......
You know I respect your posts for their content and you for your political views regarding iraq and other issues including our soldiers and such...but with bush..I think you and too many like you are still hung on the "hanging chad" wouldn't know a bad prez if you trippped over one.... ;)
YOu know how Bush relies on his "gut feeling"? IT's my "gut feeling" that says that this man will go down in history as the man who was responsible for World War 3.

This isn't a political gamble, it's a War on Terrorism, PERIOD. Do you not see the insurgents acting like Terrorists?
Actually, we didn't see many insurgents at all when Saddam was in power...
So many want to blame all of this on W. Did he fly a plane into the WTC? Did he fly a plane into the Pentagon? Did he Dust crop a field in PA?
And here's the part you don't get...did the Iraqis do any of those? Did Saddam order those attacks? No. So why did we cut and run in our search for the guy who DID order and finance it so that we could depose Saddam? Why not take care of the terrorists who did attack us before opening a terrorist recruiting office in Iraq?
In closing, it is easy to point blame on who you wish, but is it acceptable to be against the one who leads your Country? If you agree, I suggest you leave. Come back when the 'Tides' favor your thinking....
YOU BET it's acceptable to be against the one who leads my country, especially when he listens to just a handful of advisors and his "gut". My God...this country was FOUNDED by men who were against the one who led their country. The constitution was written to protect this country from becoming like their country, although this president has trampled over that document like no other before him. I seemed pretty acceptable to those on the right to be against the one who leads our country when Bill Clinton was president...what changed to make it a BAD thing to be against the leader of our country today?
I'm just a satan worshiping liberal

We finally agree on something.

Funny part is, you are and don't even know it you’re so lost confused and deceived.

Satan is indeed in control of this world. Only a true believer can understand that fact living their life accordingly not falling for his lies, mostly delivered by leftist freaks who think they are doing what’s right.

Leftist don’t see Satan standing over them injecting depraved thoughts into their minds creating leftist vermin like the ACLU and individuals who think they have it all figured out posting their satanic values on these boards.

This is how Satan works, he uses the lost to push forward his agenda. Think it’s a joke, think I am crazy, well I am because it makes me crazy that unbelievers are so blinded and in effect become Satan’s zombie solders writing posts like we read on here!
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YOu apparently support his war effort...or do you just like seeing a lot of dead Arabs?
I support the AMERICAN FIGHTING FORCES so YES I support the War effort. Do I like what Iraq has become? NO Do I like seeing alot of dead arabs? YES If their intentions are to cause harm to our troops, civilians, or Country. I've stated my stance on the Iraq issue, Bush, Terrorism and a host of other issues, problem is they don't jive with liberalism so in your mind that makes me a staunch Bush supporter, Im a supporter of The United States of America.

You don't like it?

Tough Sh!t!