Islam, the Religion of peace

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  • #46
I'm sorry. Was any of this factually incorect?

Your posts reek of suppport for W. If you cannot see that you need serious help.

As a matter of fact yes it was ALL 'factually Incorrect', show me in the Holy Bible where Jesus directed his followers to convert by the sword. You Can't wise guy because its not there! Why don't you try educating yourself before spewing off your liberal hate filled trash you might just have more credibility.

Your post reek of Stupidity, refer to post #45 addressed to KC it applies to you as well!
Never mentioned the bible. You did. The bible seems to say what ever some twisted mind interprets it to say. Look at 700 if you don’t believe me. As I recall, there are parts in there that condone the beating of a child for misbehaving, the stoning of adulterers. Prohibit women from being near a man during her period…. Etc. Yea, those are some real enlightened concepts.

Christians did burn women at the stake and christians did kill the natives of this country because they did not believe in your god. Christian hands are stained with the blood of innocents as well.
Never mentioned the bible. You did. The bible seems to say what ever some twisted mind interprets it to say. Look at 700 if you don’t believe me. As I recall, there are parts in there that condone the beating of a child for misbehaving, the stoning of adulterers. Prohibit women from being near a man during her period…. Etc. Yea, those are some real enlightened concepts.

Christians did burn women at the stake and christians did kill the natives of this country because they did not believe in your god. Christian hands are stained with the blood of innocents as well.
Is this Jesus you‘re talking about, or mere humans???????????????????????????

Turning your back tuning the page ignoring reality will be your destruction, totally and absolute.

So it is written. . . . . .
You are a vile and pathetic excuse for a human being. You are a bigot who is filled with hatred and arrogance. You use religion to justify your hate and existence. I do not know what happens after I die nor do I really care. I do know that if hell is the price to pay for being as far away from the likes of you, then sign me up right now. My peace of mind comes from the knowledge that if there were a god, Hitler, Stalin and people like you would have been aborted at conception. Your existence is proof enough to me that we are alone.
I'm sorry. Was any of this factually incorect?I'm sure you meant to type 'incorrect'... anywho's. Let's all take a breath and have a look at this. No Prez, Bush Sr. or Jr., Carter, Clinton etc would have a positive effect on the Left Wing, Right Wing, any damn thing you want to mention, no matter what they did. This isn't a political gamble, it's a War on Terrorism, PERIOD. Do you not see the insurgents acting like Terrorists? Do you not comprehend what will happen if we call it off and let them have their own way? Do you truly understand their thinking? They do not think, they re-act... with violence in mind. This mess has been going on for centuries but when it gets close to my Back yard, Katie Bar the door. So many want to blame all of this on W. Did he fly a plane into the WTC? Did he fly a plane into the Pentagon? Did he Dust crop a field in PA? Hell no, but he had the cajones to make a stand against those types of actions and where they start.... and if you can't see that, I'll loan you my AARP card for psychological treatment. Yes this is a mess we are in and can we win????? I don't know. I don't think there will ever be a winner in this fight until either the fanatics wake the 'F' up or they are all killed off. That would be sad for I think it best for man-kind to live in harmony without war. That will happen right after I hit the Lottery. In closing, it is easy to point blame on who you wish, but is it acceptable to be against the one who leads your Country? If you agree, I suggest you leave. Come back when the 'Tides' favor your thinking....

.This isn't a political gamble, it's a War on Terrorism, PERIOD.

War on terroism? No, I don’t agree. Iraq committed no terrorist acts against the US. In my opinion this was a diversion from his pathetic domestic policies. It was an act of revenge on behalf of his father. It was a chance to establish a beach head in the middle head. Had he wanted to go after terrorists, he would have continued to fight in Afghanistan and perhaps gone after Syria (last I checked they openly support terrorists). Then again, the people who hijacked the 4 airplanes were Saudi and Egyptian.

Do you not comprehend what will happen if we call it off and let them have their own way? Do you truly understand their thinking? They do not think, they re-act... with violence in mind. This mess has been going on for centuries but when it gets close to my Back yard, Katie Bar the door.

Yes, Iraq will have a civil war.

So many want to blame all of this on W. Did he fly a plane into the WTC? Did he fly a plane into the Pentagon? Did he Dust crop a field in PA? Hell no, but he had the cajones to make a stand against those types of actions and where they start.... and if you can't see that, I'll loan you my AARP card for psychological treatment.

See above. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. We blame him for putting the US in a non-winnable situation with no way out.

Yes this is a mess we are in and can we win????? I don't know. I don't think there will ever be a winner in this fight until either the fanatics wake the 'F' up or they are all killed off.

My opinion is that it is not winnable. Terrorism is a world wide issue. It is not isolated to a single nation. Iraq does not want democracy. It is not their culture. The second we with draw, (and we will with draw) a civil war will erupt so unless you plan on staying there for the rest of eternity, I suggest you come up with a back upplan to fight the next terrorist attack that will happen (an it will).

So many want to blame all of this on W. Did he fly a plane into the WTC? Did he fly a plane into the Pentagon? Did he Dust crop a field in PA?

No W did not. According to what I have read, that was Reagans fault. He befriended OBL as the enemy of my enemy (Russia) and when that we south the US left OBL high and dry. My understanding is that he has been pissed off ever since. Bush may not have flown the planes, but according to the study by all the spy agencies, We are less safe now than before.

In closing, it is easy to point blame on who you wish, but is it acceptable to be against the one who leads your Country? If you agree, I suggest you leave. Come back when the 'Tides' favor your thinking...

Ahh, the best for last.

This country was founded on rebellion. The constitution guarantees me the right (I would argue that it demands it) to stand up and yell from the highest mountain that W is a hammer head and that I disagree in the strongest possible way with his policies. Your statement smacks of the same thing that Goering (sp) said in the quote. Label anyone who stands against the president as being against the country and as being unpatriotic. Consider this. W is a civil servant hired by the people to do a job. He is not a monarch. According to pretty much any poll you look at, he has failed. A majority of the people in this country seem to want a change (the truth of that assumption will be tested in few weeks). Assuming the polls are correct, you are in the minority. It would appear that the tides have already changed.

There are more people such as my self who see the fruitlessness of having men and women killed in a country that has no interest in what we are selling. They want us out.
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  • #51
Never mentioned the bible. You did. The bible seems to say what ever some twisted mind interprets it to say. Look at 700 if you don’t believe me. As I recall, there are parts in there that condone the beating of a child for misbehaving, the stoning of adulterers. Prohibit women from being near a man during her period…. Etc. Yea, those are some real enlightened concepts.

Christians did burn women at the stake and christians did kill the natives of this country because they did not believe in your god. Christian hands are stained with the blood of innocents as well.

When you bring Christians into the mix, then you have also brought The Holy Bible in to the the Scene. Christians were given an example by 'Christ' on how to live. He did not teach any of the things you attribute to him, Those teachings were given before the Advent of Jesus for a specific people, purpose, place , and time. You really should delve into the scriptures and see what was transpiring when those laws were written in the Torah for a different age. You no longer see those practices because when Jesus came he fulfilled prophecy and the old was passed away.

The things you like to lay at Christ feet were not accomplished by true christians, he did not teach those and if you had ever read the Bible you would know that. Your taking things that happened in the old testament and attributing them to Christ's teachings of the 'New' this clearly shows your Ignorance.

You like to compare the religion of Islam to that Of christianity and that is the same as comparing Day to Night. Muhammad the self proclaimed prophet took and twisted Judaism and Christianity to create his own teachings and made a counterfit Religion, one based own conversion by the sword. He was a mad man, a pedophile, a rapist, a thief, a murderer who went about destroying anyone who opposed his teachings.

To compare the Teachings of Christ To the Teachings Of Muhammad makes you look like a complete fool, you have lost all credibility in my book.
This isn't a political gamble, it's a War on Terrorism, PERIOD. Afghanistan was the war on terror. Remember that quagmire? That is going just as badly, if not worse than Iraq so the admin has completely railroaded the media and I would venture to say that the average American would have to think hard when you asked if we were actually still in Afghanistan. Iraq was not the war on terror even though many are trying to re-invent it as such. Iraq was invaded b/c Bush's admin exaggerated intelligence of WMDs and seeing as they were the only ones privvy to ALL of the intel, who else were we to believe? Since it became obvious that the public was so mislead and that the UN inspections WERE actually achieving their goal...without a single death, Bush/Rummy/Rice started calling Iraq the "war on terror". Luckily I just reminded you what Iraq really was before history was re-written. Terrorism is up 100 fold since we invaded and have continued to occupy 20% of the Middle East. Funny how when a region is being occupied that terrorism goes up. Just like our revolutionaries in the USA in the 1770's were considered terrorists by England.

In closing, it is easy to point blame on who you wish, but is it acceptable to be against the one who leads your Country? If you agree, I suggest you leave. Come back when the 'Tides' favor your thinking....

WOW. YOU are what is inherently wrong with this country these days. It is NOT acceptable to disagree with the president? Thomas Jefferson is spinning in his grave and I am vomiting right now. With quotes like these from posters here, I think it's funny that the same people complain when historical figures (who just happen to be Nazi) are quoted here saying essentially the same thing. Your idea of democracy is warped at best and I think rather than people with differing views vacating the country, maybe your form of "democracy" may serve you better in Cuba or N. Korea. Perhaps you should leave and relocate to a place where dissention is quelled if you disagree with it. I at least have respect for the others here...including Dell and local 12 b/c they disagree with me but don't tell me that I need to move b/c it's not right to disagree with the president. Perhaps you can take 700 with you when you start your new colony?

And is going to be awfully lonely in Heaven since you are going to be the only one there. I think we should call you St. Peter since you seem to sit at the gates judging all. But then again...w/o you, I would have never known that God was a neo-con and actually hated the majority of people. Thanks for opening my eyes.
War on terroism? No, I don’t agree. Iraq committed no terrorist acts against the US. In my opinion this was a diversion from his pathetic domestic policies. It was an act of revenge on behalf of his father. It was a chance to establish a beach head in the middle head. Had he wanted to go after terrorists, he would have continued to fight in Afghanistan and perhaps gone after Syria (last I checked they openly support terrorists). Then again, the people who hijacked the 4 airplanes were Saudi and Egyptian.
Yes, Iraq will have a civil war.
See above. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. We blame him for putting the US in a non-winnable situation with no way out.
My opinion is that it is not winnable. Terrorism is a world wide issue. It is not isolated to a single nation. Iraq does not want democracy. It is not their culture. The second we with draw, (and we will with draw) a civil war will erupt so unless you plan on staying there for the rest of eternity, I suggest you come up with a back upplan to fight the next terrorist attack that will happen (an it will).
No W did not. According to what I have read, that was Reagans fault. He befriended OBL as the enemy of my enemy (Russia) and when that we south the US left OBL high and dry. My understanding is that he has been pissed off ever since. Bush may not have flown the planes, but according to the study by all the spy agencies, We are less safe now than before.
Ahh, the best for last.

This country was founded on rebellion. The constitution guarantees me the right (I would argue that it demands it) to stand up and yell from the highest mountain that W is a hammer head and that I disagree in the strongest possible way with his policies. Your statement smacks of the same thing that Goering (sp) said in the quote. Label anyone who stands against the president as being against the country and as being unpatriotic. Consider this. W is a civil servant hired by the people to do a job. He is not a monarch. According to pretty much any poll you look at, he has failed. A majority of the people in this country seem to want a change (the truth of that assumption will be tested in few weeks). Assuming the polls are correct, you are in the minority. It would appear that the tides have already changed.

There are more people such as my self who see the fruitlessness of having men and women killed in a country that has no interest in what we are selling. They want us out.
I can agree with some of your points. Iraq may have not been the 'Hot-bed' for Terrorists then but it's not a pretty sight now. My point was not that W is by all means perfect, but he is our Commander-in-Chief and his lack of support by Americans only 'Feeds the Fire" of the insurgents/terrorists.. They must love this. You can scream all you want and disagree but what message does this send to the enemy? They are right? Forget the argument about 9/11 vs. this battle. It's past that now. This kind of reminds me of when we sold out Ho Che Minh (sp) back in pre-Viet Nam days to back up the French, and we know how supportive (French) they have been of late. Here we go again. I don't care if Dem's sweep the entire Congress and get the next Prez Term. I can quit my job and go on Welfare b/c they 'do the right thing'! Give it all away. JMHO. They may not like having a Democratic society in Iraq but neither did the Russians and they came around. It's not perfect but it beats Cold/Hot War. Change takes time, Lot's of it. This will be the continuation of the "Test of Time" for Mankind in dealing with the Muslim Koran and the people who interpret violence on every page as a means to religion. How we as a Human Race move forward will be interesting. Yes, this Country did rebel against England and look at how it has transpired from then till today. We have made alot of progress but sometimes, I wonder if we are not fading back. I say Have a good weekend, I'm going on vacation.... to a Third World Country... Afghanistan was the war on terror. Remember that quagmire? That is going just as badly, if not worse than Iraq so the admin has completely railroaded the media and I would venture to say that the average American would have to think hard when you asked if we were actually still in Afghanistan. Iraq was not the war on terror even though many are trying to re-invent it as such. Iraq was invaded b/c Bush's admin exaggerated intelligence of WMDs and seeing as they were the only ones privvy to ALL of the intel, who else were we to believe? Since it became obvious that the public was so mislead and that the UN inspections WERE actually achieving their goal...without a single death, Bush/Rummy/Rice started calling Iraq the "war on terror". Luckily I just reminded you what Iraq really was before history was re-written. Terrorism is up 100 fold since we invaded and have continued to occupy 20% of the Middle East. Funny how when a region is being occupied that terrorism goes up. Just like our revolutionaries in the USA in the 1770's were considered terrorists by England.
WOW. YOU are what is inherently wrong with this country these days. It is NOT acceptable to disagree with the president? Thomas Jefferson is spinning in his grave and I am vomiting right now. With quotes like these from posters here, I think it's funny that the same people complain when historical figures (who just happen to be Nazi) are quoted here saying essentially the same thing. Your idea of democracy is warped at best and I think rather than people with differing views vacating the country, maybe your form of "democracy" may serve you better in Cuba or N. Korea. Perhaps you should leave and relocate to a place where dissention is quelled if you disagree with it. I at least have respect for the others here...including Dell and local 12 b/c they disagree with me but don't tell me that I need to move b/c it's not right to disagree with the president. Perhaps you can take 700 with you when you start your new colony?

And is going to be awfully lonely in Heaven since you are going to be the only one there. I think we should call you St. Peter since you seem to sit at the gates judging all. But then again...w/o you, I would have never known that God was a neo-con and actually hated the majority of people. Thanks for opening my eyes.
WOW. YOU are what is inherently wrong with this country these days. It is NOT acceptable to disagree with the president?I said 'Be against, not disagree. There is a difference. I disagree with some of the things that has happened but I don't call for his head. As far as moving to NK, too cold there in the Winter. Cuba would be cool.... Chap 12, I am an American and can respect your views, you are intitled to them just as I am entitled to mine. My point was, if you don't like the way this Country is being run, you do have the option of moving along. If you disagree, yell all you like and show the Terrorists how RIGHT they are. Not to worry, soon the Dems will win it all and I can sit back and watch the next show. BTW, I hope you didn't choke. Off on Vacation.... Niterz all
When you bring Christians into the mix, then you have also brought The Holy Bible in to the the Scene. Christians were given an example by 'Christ' on how to live. He did not teach any of the things you attribute to him, Those teachings were given before the Advent of Jesus for a specific people, purpose, place , and time. You really should delve into the scriptures and see what was transpiring when those laws were written in the Torah for a different age. You no longer see those practices because when Jesus came he fulfilled prophecy and the old was passed away.

The things you like to lay at Christ feet were not accomplished by true christians, he did not teach those and if you had ever read the Bible you would know that. Your taking things that happened in the old testament and attributing them to Christ's teachings of the 'New' this clearly shows your Ignorance.

You like to compare the religion of Islam to that Of christianity and that is the same as comparing Day to Night. Muhammad the self proclaimed prophet took and twisted Judaism and Christianity to create his own teachings and made a counterfit Religion, one based own conversion by the sword. He was a mad man, a pedophile, a rapist, a thief, a murderer who went about destroying anyone who opposed his teachings.

To compare the Teachings of Christ To the Teachings Of Muhammad makes you look like a complete fool, you have lost all credibility in my book.

Excellent Post! :up:

Take Care,
When you bring Christians into the mix, then you have also brought The Holy Bible in to the the Scene. Christians were given an example by 'Christ' on how to live.
Didn't I recall reading somewhere where this guy named Jesus said that if someone slapped you on the cheek, turn and offer him your other cheek? I can't recall reading anywhere where Jesus said "kill the bastards", although "an eye for an eye" is in the old testament...the one before Jesus came on the scene.

My point was not that W is by all means perfect, but he is our Commander-in-Chief and his lack of support by Americans only 'Feeds the Fire" of the insurgents/terrorists..
I wonder how history would have turned out if more Germans decided not to support Hitler back in the late 30's. I mean, you're would only have "fed the fire" of those opposed to him.'s better not to criticize your leader - especially in a time of war...whether the war is "right" or not.
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  • #57
Didn't I recall reading somewhere where this guy named Jesus said that if someone slapped you on the cheek, turn and offer him your other cheek? I can't recall reading anywhere where Jesus said "kill the bastards", although "an eye for an eye" is in the old testament...the one before Jesus came on the scene.

That 'guy' named Jesus was none other than God manifested in the flesh, not some self proclaimed prophet nut job like Muhammad.

"...God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached to the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory..."
--1 Timothy 3:16, (emphasis added)

Jesus did tell his deciples 'to turn the other cheek' but it was a lesson on humility not passivity as you suppose. if you would care to understand what he meant, rather than take his word out of context then go here:
That 'guy' named Jesus was none other than God manifested in the flesh, not some self proclaimed prophet nut job like Muhammad.
Jesus did tell his deciples 'to turn the other cheek' but it was a lesson on humility not passivity as you suppose. if you would care to understand what he meant, rather than take his word out of context then go here:
Would be so kind as to cite in the new testament where he preached "kill the bastards"?
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  • #59
Would be so kind as to cite in the new testament where he preached "kill the bastards"?

Sorry KC you wont find that commandement from Christ in the New Testament, first of all he did'nt use that kind of Language, and second he did'nt teach conversion by the sword.

He also did'nt teach Pacifism with the intention of not defending ourselves, you have taken a verse out of context and tried to use it in a way that many believers/unbelievers alike have tried to justify not going to war. Rather than twist his words and meaning why dont you read the book with an open mind.

Want to know what is said about defending ones self, family, property, country? Then go here:
Sorry KC you wont find that commandement from Christ in the New Testament, first of all he did'nt use that kind of Language, and second he did'nt teach conversion by the sword.

Yet we spent the better part of the 19th and 20th centuries doing just that...spreading Christianity through fear and death (the sword) to the Americas, Asia, Africa, and the Pacific Isles.