Islam, the Religion of peace

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A RELIGIOUS feud between a Muslim father and his teenage daughter may have sparked a bloody domestic dispute on the Gold Coast which left the man's wife dead and him fighting for life in hospital.

Police are investigating suggestions the violence erupted after the 17-year-old girl told her father she wanted to opt out of the Islamic faith and convert to Christianity. The girl's mother is believed to have stepped in to protect her daughter, only to be fatally stabbed with a kitchen knife.

In an horrific incident of Christian persecution on September 1, some unidentified militants slew two children of a missionary couple who is working with At Any Cost Jesus Mission, a underground ministry evangelizing to the Muslim nations.

"You have to get well prepared by starting with exercise, and then you have to learn how to use technology until you are capable of nuclear weapons," he said.
local 12...Are you implying that all Muslims are terrorists? How is this link you posted any different from similar materials distrubuted by Aryan Nations, which supposedly holds "Christian" values? Do we judge all Christians based on that group?
Generally speaking ...Christians denounce all acts of violence and hate done by other so-called Christians( the ones that don't are real wack-jobs). In the Muslim community I find mostly silence about those committing terrorism. Can you interprate this silence as support? Maybe. If not, what is it? Are they afraid to help? Those Muslims in the US enjoying our freedoms, would they like to see our freedoms lost because of terrorism and turn our country into a mirror image of the Middle East? It would be nice if the Muslims would rise up and denounce terrorism and police their own communities. It is hard for the free world to catch all terrorists but it would be encouraging to see the Muslim community step up to the plate and help.
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local 12...Are you implying that all Muslims are terrorists? How is this link you posted any different from similar materials distrubuted by Aryan Nations, which supposedly holds "Christian" values? Do we judge all Christians based on that group?

Islamic Terrorists

Have carried out more than


Deadly Terror Attacks

Since 9/11

I would'nt say all Muslims are Terrorist, But I would say 99.9 percent of all Terrorist are Muslim.

See any trends here KC?
Islamic Terrorists

Have carried out more than


Deadly Terror Attacks

Since 9/11

I would'nt say all Muslims are Terrorist, But I would say 99.9 percent of all Terrorist are Muslim.

See any trends here KC?
I just know my two neighbors are not terrorists. Don't you find it ironic that there have been MORE terror attacks since Bush declared war on terror (2003) than there was in the entire 8 years of Clintons presidency?
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I just know my two neighbors are not terrorists. Don't you find it ironic that there have been MORE terror attacks since Bush declared war on terror (2003) than there was in the entire 8 years of Clintons presidency?

KC how do you know your neighbors are'nt possible sleeper terrorist waiting to carry out their Jihad (Holy War)?

Go research the 9/11 hijackers and read how they assimlated into our society in order to conceal their true motives. Do you really think your neighbors would devulge to you that they have an agenda? Im not saying they are Terrorist, but to claim to be Muslim and Ignore the Koran (Qu'ran) Places them in a group that does'nt read nor interpret the true teachings of that vile religion.

I challenge you to Research it and read it for yourself, don't take my word for it, It will boggle your mind how people could be so naieve to except the words of a known pedophile, butcherer, thief, as the word of God.

9/11 occurred 8 months into "W's" watch, to blame his policies for what has happened is pure Ignorance on your part. We had numerous attacks on American Interest when clinton was in Command. Its an Ideaolgy that has been around since the birth of Islam, many parts of the world are being attacked by Radical Islam where we have no Interest or presence. Do your own research and quit blindly following the Liberal media and those who would allow OWR country to become another Eurabia.

Here is what your Islamic friends have in store for us Infidels:

Warning extremely gruesome and graphic

The Slaughter of Nick Berg
I just know my two neighbors are not terrorists. Don't you find it ironic that there have been MORE terror attacks since Bush declared war on terror (2003) than there was in the entire 8 years of Clintons presidency?
get yer hedd out the sand dude......thats why they're called sleepers and they move in next to lib's because they'll never suspect them.... ;)

9/11 boys trained in the US probably paid for by some clinton grant program.....
TWA 800?
WTC 1?
USS Cole?
Missed op on osama?

Jewish dudes eat Hebrew National....
get yer hedd out the sand dude......thats why they're called sleepers and they move in next to lib's because they'll never suspect them.... ;)

9/11 boys trained in the US probably paid for by some clinton grant program.....
TWA 800?
WTC 1?
USS Cole?
Missed op on osama?

Jewish dudes eat Hebrew National....
I didn't realize TWA 800 was a terrorist attack. I thought it was due to a fuel tank.

You combine WTC 1 and USS Cole and you still don't have the same number of terrorist attacks and casualties as there have been since the March 2003 "war on terror". I do believe Bush had a "missed op on osama" when he cut and ran from Afghanistan to take care of bidness in Iraq.
I didn't realize TWA 800 was a terrorist attack. I thought it was due to a fuel tank.

CDR. William S. Donaldson, USN (ret.), challenged the official NTSB position on the cause of the crash of TWA Flight 800 in a series of letters to James Hall, Chairman of the NTSB between April 1997 and December 2000. During those four years, CDR. Donaldson worked with other Retired Aviation Professionals, including some previous crash investigators as well as persons inside the NTSB investigation itself. CDR. Donaldson has extensive experience as a Naval crash investigator and he and others concluded that the NTSB's explanation of the Center Wing Tank explosion was not credible. With the help of these other concerned aviation professionals, CDR. Donaldson produced an extensive report on the cause of the crash. The initial Interim Report was delivered to the House Aviation Subcommittee on July 16th, 1998. Since that time a great deal of new information has surfaced.

Information uncovered in early 1999 now shows that TWA Flight 800 could have been shot down by one or more shoulder-fired missiles. The FBI was briefed by military missile experts in the Fall of 1996 that Flight 800 was well within the range of a shoulder fired missile. The FBI conducted a covert dredging operation for stinger missile parts between November 1996 and April 1997.R. Donaldson brought this new evidence to the House Aviation Subcommittee in testimony on May 6, 1999. Unfortunately, the major media and the Congress are content to swallow the official line without question.

Interesting reading