Is USAirways hostile takeover Of AA for Real?

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Not correct TPG was the first DIP, then RSA stepped in and bid more, all the first chapter 11.
Pitbull, I understand your hate and mistrust for management and agree!!! I don't understand why you are throwing the people you served under the bus. Consolidation is the only way to right size this industry. Being a mega carrier is the first step, then the battle with management begins. I wish your were still here to help with that battle.
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Not correct TPG was the first DIP, then RSA stepped in and bid more, all the first chapter 11.

Thanks 700. Thanks for coming on this Board. You remember as well, being that you were at the table with your union. Many times we met in the hall way with so much frustration with our individual union neogtiations.

I know that TPG was involved, cause they were involved with Dave Siegal, Glass and McKeen. I do remember TPG being the DIP for 2002 BK, and just can't remember when RSA stepped in and became in charge.The Bankruptcies seemed to overlap one another, and we awere continually in restructuring mode for 5 years, post 9/11.

From what I've read AMR is financing their own BK, which is quite different than U's BK. We had all this outside intervention with folks who had no idea what Labor was about and their dedication to the company. They destroyed that relationship.
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Pitbull, I understand your hate and mistrust for management and agree!!! I don't understand why you are throwing the people you served under the bus. Consolidation is the only way to right size this industry. Being a mega carrier is the first step, then the battle with management begins. I wish your were still here to help with that battle.

I would never hurt our group...ever. I am emotionally commited to them. I hear from the group all the time from every base.

I am on here because USAirways f/as don't need another possible merger to distrupt their own negotiations for a new T/A. They have been waiting for a decade sitting in concessionary agreements.

This to me is a thought up clever ruse by USAirways managment to hammer the f/as into rushing into another contract with scare, and intimidation tactics. Just as they did with us in every single bankruptcy...."hurry up and sign". And I believe AMR f/as are smart. Their union needs USAirways managment in the equation too, as their leverage to reach a compromise with AAFA. What other leverage do they have??? When I look at all the variables, a merger of this magnitude seems impossible. Seems to be that with all these different unions representing the groups, it will be tied up in litigation for many, many years. Not good for anyone. the airlines labor contracts,operate differently. A merger at this time will create much needless animosity and friction among labor...again not good for the airline, workers, or passengers.

I say this again, America West and USAirways East still, and after 6 years with the NLR Board mediator, can't settle the differences with managment and they are from the same f/a union.

Just plain craziness.
Thanks 700. Thanks for coming on this Board. You remember as well, being that you were at the table with your union. Many times we met in the hall way with so much frustration with our individual union neogtiations.

It was always a pleasure to see you and chat with you, I wish we could have been under better circumstances and I always and still consider you a friend, our hallway chats to keep us appraised and updated on what was going on, especially when PH tried to undercut utility and you stopped that during BKI. Even when we were at the airport in DC and when you came to CLT, I was enjoyed your company and knowledge and you were the only labor leader that Glass feared.

What MF did to you to grab power only hurt the FAs and I dont think any of them to this day realized that.
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It was always a pleasure to see you and chat with you, I wish we could have been under better circumstances and I always and still consider you a friend, our hallway chats to keep us appraised and updated on what was going on, especially when PH tried to undercut utility and you stopped that during BKI. Even when we were at the airport in DC and when you came to CLT, I was enjoyed your company and knowledge and you were the only labor leader that Glass feared.

What MF did to you to grab power only hurt the FAs and I dont think any of them to this day realized that.

What an experience 700; we will forever remember. You were great to, protecting your group as much as you could to save the work; with much passion, focus and energy.

Now, here we sit, still worried about the group. Hoping they can get even some of the improvements that were lost. As I said, I still hear from so many of them. F/as I don't even remember, some I never heard from when I was there.
I still get calls from people asking how to do this, how to do that, and what would you do, its funny.

Thanks for the kind words, I just wanted to do what I felt was right and stand up to the corporate tyranny and some of my fellow negotiating committee members who were willing to throw so many under the bus.
I would never hurt our group...ever. I am emotionally commited to them. I hear from the group all the time from every base.

I am on here because USAirways f/as don't need another possible merger to distrupt their own negotiations for a new T/A. They have been waiting for a decade sitting in concessionary agreements.

This to me is a thought up clever ruse by USAirways managment to hammer the f/as into rushing into another contract with scare, and intimidation tactics. Just as they did with us in every single bankruptcy...."hurry up and sign". And I believe AMR f/as are smart. Their union needs USAirways managment in the equation to as their leverage to reach a compromise with AAFA. What other leverage do they have??? When I look at all the variables, a merger of this magnitude seems impossible. Seems to be that with all these different unions representing the groups, it will be tied up in litigation for many, many years. Not good for anyone. the airlines labor contracts,operate differently. A merger at this time will create much needless animosity and friction among labor...again not good for the airline, workers, or passengers.

I say this again, America West and USAirways East still, and after 6 years with the NLR Board mediator, can't settle the differences with managment and they are from the same f/a union.

Just plain craziness.

Understood, but Afa will be gone and we will be apafa and USAPA will begone. Parker will put no more cash into a new TA . He does not need one to merge. Look at the new UA and DL. They now have much larger market share. This merger will leapfrog them in terms of size and market share in certain regions. We need a bridge agreement to a new contract if and when we merger. When one certificate is reached we have 60 day, then the GAMES begin or go to final arbitration!
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  • #86
Excerpt from APFA Communications:

[sup]APFA has received a few questions about possible hurdles regarding a merger with US Airways. The following should help clarify some of those issues.
Q. What is the status of the US Airways flight attendant pension fund and how will that impact our pensions?

A. In 2004, US Airways - prior to the merger with America West Airlines - was in bankruptcy. During the Chapter 11 process in 2004, the pension plan for US Airways flight attendants and other applicable union employee groups was terminated and the pension plan was moved to the jurisdiction of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC).

This doesn’t have any bearing on American Airlines’ pensions because the PBGC will continue to oversee the former US Airways’ flight attendant pensions as they do today. AA flight attendants' pensions are frozen and therefore are not handled by the PBGC. They are separate from US Airways with or without a merger. Bottom line, the merger has no impact on either group’s pensions.

[sup]Well I'll be damn.....the AAFA President has an inclination that USAirways unions are going to SUPPORT a frozen pension plan, she is wayyyyyyyyyyyy too NUTS!!![/sup]

[sup]There is a difference between a frozen pension and a terminated pension. A frozen pension just means there are no more accrual of service credits.. new hires aren't a part of the defined frozen pension plan. BUT, THE EXISTING FROZEN PENSION STILL HAS TO BE FUNDED!!!!!![/sup]

[sup]And by WHOM, pray tell???????????? In AAFA arrogance, do they really, really, really, really, think THEY are going to be the prevailing union???????????[/sup]

[sup]If you guys think that AA unions will be the prevailing unions at USAirways, you're drinking way too much koolaide from USAiways Tempe fountain. I'm sure with Doug Parker's history, it maybe even spiked with some booze.[/sup]

[sup]Doug Parker WILL NOT be accepting your frozen pensions, my friend. Their own employees at America West didn't have them. He will wait for YOUR pensions to get terminated in BK.That will be the terms of whatever they may work out with American management. If AA unions go against their own management, kiss the frozen pensions goodbye, and WELCOME to OUR world.[/sup]

[sup]PBGC, here YOU come.[/sup]
This Deutsche Bank analysis is from May 28[sup]th[/sup], the most comprehensive publicly available analysis I’ve seen with regards to a possible AMR/LCC merger.

This financial research is hosted by TWU…
(page 44 is where it begins to focus on the merger)

The small print on the last page of the article is a disclosure from Deutsche Bank and I have quoted it here…

“The information and opinions in this report were prepared by Deutsche Bank AG or one of its affiliates (collectively "Deutsche Bank"). The information herein is believed to be reliable and has been obtained from public sources believed to be reliable. Deutsche Bank makes no representation as to the accuracy or completeness of such information.

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Excerpt from APFA Communications:

[sup]APFA has received a few questions about possible hurdles regarding a merger with US Airways. The following should help clarify some of those issues.
Q. What is the status of the US Airways flight attendant pension fund and how will that impact our pensions?

A. In 2004, US Airways - prior to the merger with America West Airlines - was in bankruptcy. During the Chapter 11 process in 2004, the pension plan for US Airways flight attendants and other applicable union employee groups was terminated and the pension plan was moved to the jurisdiction of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC).

This doesn’t have any bearing on American Airlines’ pensions because the PBGC will continue to oversee the former US Airways’ flight attendant pensions as they do today. AA flight attendants' pensions are frozen and therefore are not handled by the PBGC. They are separate from US Airways with or without a merger. Bottom line, the merger has no impact on either group’s pensions.

[sup]Well I'll be damn.....the AAFA President has an inclination that USAirways unions are going to SUPPORT a frozen pension plan, she is wayyyyyyyyyyyy too NUTS!!![/sup]

[sup]There is a difference between a frozen pension and a terminated pension. A frozen pension just means there are no more accrual of service credits.. new hires aren't a part of the defined frozen pension plan. BUT, THE EXISTING FROZEN PENSION STILL HAS TO BE FUNDED!!!!!![/sup]

[sup]And by WHOM, pray tell???????????? In AAFA arrogance, do they really, really, really, really, think THEY are going to be the prevailing union???????????[/sup]

[sup]If you guys think that AA unions will be the prevailing unions at USAirways, you're drinking way too much koolaide from USAiways Tempe fountain. I'm sure with Doug Parker's history, it maybe even spiked with some booze.[/sup]

[sup]Doug Parker WILL NOT be accepting your frozen pensions, my friend. Their own employees at America West didn't have them. He will wait for YOUR pensions to get terminated in BK.That will be the terms of whatever they may work out with American management. If AA unions go against their own management, kiss the frozen pensions goodbye, and WELCOME to OUR world.[/sup]

[sup]PBGC, here YOU come.[/sup]

Dug sounds like a car salesman. He'll tell you anything you want to hear so that you can drive that lemon off his lot. I told ya the merger kool ade is strong, and they even got AA drinking it.

Too bad when the kool ade wears off, you can't convince them that we told em so!
Dug sounds like a car salesman. He'll tell you anything you want to hear so that you can drive that lemon off his lot. I told ya the merger kool ade is strong, and they even got AA drinking it.

Too bad when the kool ade wears off, you can't convince them that we told em so!
IIRC, The Jim Jones Koolaide was terminal.
B) xUT
Dug sounds like a car salesman. He'll tell you anything you want to hear so that you can drive that lemon off his lot. I told ya the merger kool ade is strong, and they even got AA drinking it.

... snip

I'm not yet convinced a US/AA merger wasn't the intent at the outset.

AA's workers have been conditioned over time to believe anything the company doesn't want is good for them, hence the supposed "aversion" to the idea of a merger with US and the fast acceptance of Dougie's "terms" by the three AA unions. All get what they want and save face in the process leaving the workers, as usual, holding the bag.
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