Decision 2004 said:
What about Craft Unionsim the Union Constitution and Majority Rule?
You are some big union man aren't you Raptor?
I all read is it's about you and "You've got Yours Brother".
You are where you need to be now.
Everyone restructured their lives, but that doesn't make it OK now. Through this process, we found that Jim Little is liar and there is nothing we can do to get him out of Office. We found out that according to a Federal Judge, we are NOT guaranteed a vote on changes or amendments to our Labor Agreement. And Chuck and Bob were removed from elected Office without the input of their own membership.
And you think everything is OK because you "restructured" your personal finances and Bob can move if he wants?
You make me ill. And you certaninly don't have a grasp on what this movement is really about.
Actually I have never claimed to be a big Union Man or a good Union Man you must have me confused with someone else, barely a Union Man would probably be more accurate I am ok with that.
I did not choose to join a Union it was required to work at AA after being in one for a few years I kind of like Unions and given a choice I would probably choose to be in one now but I have never fully developed the Union mentality and probably never will, I really only care about the pay and benefits brrrr is it cold in here or what B)
I have no idea what this means it must be a Union thing or something :huh:
I all read is it's about you and "You've got Yours Brother".
Yes I am where I need to be, living at least, I would love to have more money but wouldn't we all.
I did not say everything is OK, what I said was everyone in the Aviation industry is in a bad situation right now, all we can do is deal with it as best we can, and if one cannot live in a high cost of living area then he will have to move, cause I don't think there will be any money coming from AA for quite some time.
As far as what the movement is all about I thought I made it clear that I don't care what the movement is all about, nor do I care about AMFA or the TWU, I care about me and my family and I will do whatever is best to take care of those needs, I supported AMFA cause I thought they could get me more money and benefits on the next contract nothing more than that, I am not an Aviation enthusiast nor am I a humanitarian, I am a father trying to raise my boy and be as happy as one can in this crummy Industry.
I am not like many people claiming to be something they are not, the truth is if I had enough money I would retire and never think about the Aviation Industry or anyone in Aviation ever again but I don't so I will be at AA for another 14 years if you think I sound cold then put a jacket on if you ever pass by my way cause this is about as warm as it gets
The TWU supporters say the AMFA guys are only looking out for themselves well I don't speak for anyone but me but in my case it is true, I am looking out for me and my boy and that is how I vote so deal with it man.
If I ever do something that appears to be something a good Union man would do you can bet there is something in it for me or I would not be doing it, going on strike with everyone else to get more money would be an example of that, I am all for commradery, strenght in numbers, making the Aircraft Mechanic profession look better etc. if it means more money and benefits for me and my family.
I am sure I have pissed some people off but hey get over it, I neve promised you a rose garden, at least I am honest and that is all I can be.