HSH, I thought that it was important to publicize the amfa attitude to losing this round. Now in all fairness I have spoken to some of the amfa supporters in Tulsa who do not feel this way and when told the WHOLE story have turned in their amfa badges and stepped over "into the light" and have inquired on documentation to become correctly informed. I would hope that the conscience of these particular men who wish to destroy what we have will get the better of them. This fight is not just about them but all in the craft and class!!
I look forward to "starting over" if you will with some new, fresh, diligent, dedicated men and women at Local 514. We have made it through hard times and I know that with the right folks in office we can prevail and be stronger than ever.
And to the amfa folks who wish to bring down 514, I would like to say this. . . .and take this how you will. . . but we need to come together as a union and put away our differences and work on getting back what we deserve. Regardless of our ideologies we are no good divided. I will not continue to boast or brag about this fight any longer. I will defend as necessary. Life is way to short to waste it on fighting about differences of opinion. This round is over. Let's get on with the business at hand and make our union the best that it can be.
So as not to be biased in my request I would like to encourage the other TWU supporters to do the same. Some will be harder to tame than others!!!!!! Let's take this bit of "down-time" and do what's best for the union.
How about a "cyber-shake"????? I'll go first. . .
I look forward to "starting over" if you will with some new, fresh, diligent, dedicated men and women at Local 514. We have made it through hard times and I know that with the right folks in office we can prevail and be stronger than ever.
And to the amfa folks who wish to bring down 514, I would like to say this. . . .and take this how you will. . . but we need to come together as a union and put away our differences and work on getting back what we deserve. Regardless of our ideologies we are no good divided. I will not continue to boast or brag about this fight any longer. I will defend as necessary. Life is way to short to waste it on fighting about differences of opinion. This round is over. Let's get on with the business at hand and make our union the best that it can be.
So as not to be biased in my request I would like to encourage the other TWU supporters to do the same. Some will be harder to tame than others!!!!!! Let's take this bit of "down-time" and do what's best for the union.
How about a "cyber-shake"????? I'll go first. . .