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Is This Poor "sportsmanship". . .

HSH, I thought that it was important to publicize the amfa attitude to losing this round. Now in all fairness I have spoken to some of the amfa supporters in Tulsa who do not feel this way and when told the WHOLE story have turned in their amfa badges and stepped over "into the light" and have inquired on documentation to become correctly informed. I would hope that the conscience of these particular men who wish to destroy what we have will get the better of them. This fight is not just about them but all in the craft and class!!

I look forward to "starting over" if you will with some new, fresh, diligent, dedicated men and women at Local 514. We have made it through hard times and I know that with the right folks in office we can prevail and be stronger than ever.

And to the amfa folks who wish to bring down 514, I would like to say this. . . .and take this how you will. . . but we need to come together as a union and put away our differences and work on getting back what we deserve. Regardless of our ideologies we are no good divided. I will not continue to boast or brag about this fight any longer. I will defend as necessary. Life is way to short to waste it on fighting about differences of opinion. This round is over. Let's get on with the business at hand and make our union the best that it can be.

So as not to be biased in my request I would like to encourage the other TWU supporters to do the same. Some will be harder to tame than others!!!!!! Let's take this bit of "down-time" and do what's best for the union.

How about a "cyber-shake"????? I'll go first. . .


  • hand_shake.webp
    13.7 KB · Views: 109
The TWU created the problem and only the TWU can fix it. Why do you want to include the membership this late in the game?
OK, Lets start with the removal of Jim Little from office! Only then will I see the twu taking the position of pulling together and trying to make a change.
Remove Sonny Hall also. The great TWU ATD it's puppet locals removed Carty did'nt they?

Talk about Shared Sacrifice!
Buck said:
The TWU created the problem and only the TWU can fix it. Why do you want to include the membership this late in the game?
What do you mean Buck? We have been including the membership. You (& amfa) are the one who didn't want them included!!!
Thrustfuljet said:
OK, Lets start with the removal of Jim Little from office! Only then will I see the twu taking the position of pulling together and trying to make a change.
Maybe if AMFA removed Delle and Kevin, "the it's better in Bankruptcy" boosters, and if AMFA would disclaim their right wing ideologues, and become what they claim to be, a politically neutral organization, they may even get my vote.
twuer said:
What do you mean Buck? We have been including the membership. You (& amfa) are the one who didn't want them included!!!
The only thing you have included the membership in is concessions.

Divide and conquer: The TWU International and the company.
twuer said:
It's the divide and conquer tactic!!! No wonder they want nothing to do with others in their craft and class.

And Bus. . . .it figures!!!!
The twu has written the book on divide and conquer, look at the division between line and overhaul, or the division just in the overhaul, I havn't heard one person ever run on the platform of bringing line and overhaul together at 514. If the line should ever get a bigger voting block than overhaul your going to see a big shift in how contracts are negotiated. I'm thinking regional pay for high cost areas will be top priority with the money coming from Tulsa right off the bat. It wouldn't suprise me if this isn't already on the agenda for 2006 just to try and squelch the AMFA support at the line stations. All these sheep in Tulsa better grease up for 2006 because the twu is gonna be gunning for you.
scorpion said:
The twu has written the book on divide and conquer, look at the division between line and overhaul, or the division just in the overhaul, I havn't heard one person ever run on the platform of bringing line and overhaul together at 514. If the line should ever get a bigger voting block than overhaul your going to see a big shift in how contracts are negotiated. I'm thinking regional pay for high cost areas will be top priority with the money coming from Tulsa right off the bat. It wouldn't suprise me if this isn't already on the agenda for 2006 just to try and squelch the AMFA support at the line stations. All these sheep in Tulsa better grease up for 2006 because the twu is gonna be gunning for you.
The company will do what ever it has to do to keep Tulsa as a leverage point but, if you look around the system you will see the company/twu has replaced some of the strong leaders in the twu. There is already talk of closing a few station in 2004. Don't let them fool you they are at it as we speak. Just better hope Randy will be a bigger man about it next time around if the twu was to stay on under the table. Crap still floats downhill and if our face is in the creek we are gonna get chit on it!!!
Okay, I'll "cyber-shake"! ................

AND THEN, KISS MY..................


  • donkey.webp
    7.9 KB · Views: 118
j7915 said:
Maybe if AMFA removed Delle and Kevin, "the it's better in Bankruptcy" boosters, and if AMFA would disclaim their right wing ideologues, and become what they claim to be, a politically neutral organization, they may even get my vote.
Are you saying that the right wing ideologues should not be entitled to express their opinion?

I support AMFA but I hardly consider myself a "right wing ideologue".

Show me anything that is officially from "AMFA" that appears to be the views of a "right wing ideologue".

So if AMFA did not have Delle and Kevin then you would vote for AMFA? Well it does not seem that your loyalty to Little and Hall is that strong. Whats the matter have you reflected on your own posts about how the TWU is structured like a corporation and experienced an epiphany?
Bill said:
Okay, I'll "cyber-shake"! ................

AND THEN, KISS MY..................
Your right bill..............you twu wannabes will always be the enemy!!!!!!!!!!!

twu pukes, look forward to the next round. You can bet I'll step it up a notch if thats what it will take to get rid of you commies!!!!!!

Keep the Faith........AMFA NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want to know where you twscrew Nazi's get off putting a ballet in the mail to me and than criticizing me for picking the person you consider to be just fodder in your election. Randy is the only one of you weasels running for President or Vice President who still says he did what he had to. Every one else running is saying he had no right to bring that contract back. That's not what you people were saying 12 months ago “Liersâ€￾. Rick that stuff about no disrespect to Randy is funny after the he's an idiot statement. Every one else running is in it for them selves. $140,000 a year I’m in. :up: Please let me correct my self I would like to make love my vice. She is the only one running for Vice President who has not refer to Randy as an idiot that I know of. None of the lame ducks running stand a chance of changing the Twscrew. AMFA is coming to take all your worries away R.D. Rick. 😛
Stop the Bus..I Want Off! said:
Your right bill..............you twu wannabes will always be the enemy!!!!!!!!!!!

twu pukes, look forward to the next round. You can bet I'll step it up a notch if thats what it will take to get rid of you commies!!!!!!

Keep the Faith........AMFA NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Commies? Man you really need to take about a 2 week hiatus from all this. TEAMTWU will be awaiting for your next round of uselessness, remember loser Delle stating he has been trying for 42 years. You'd think even he would get a clue sooner or later.


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