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Is someone assigned to the lavs during inflight ?



Never what?
Tidy up the lav inflight?

Most of the time when I go back well into the flight, the lav looks like cr@p with trash all over the floor. I know people are slobs, but I think some attention needs to be given and some minor pick up done inflight at a minimum.

That being said, I have no doubt that some of are cockpit brethren are also responsible and would have no problem with a call to the front telling a slob to come back and clean up their mess.

We are in a service business.
Never what?
Tidy up the lav inflight?

Most of the time when I go back well into the flight, the lav looks like cr@p with trash all over the floor. I know people are slobs, but I think some attention needs to be given and some minor pick up done inflight at a minimum.

That being said, I have no doubt that some of are cockpit brethren are also responsible and would have no problem with a call to the front telling a slob to come back and clean up their mess.

We are in a service business.
Well being that there are two of you up there, along with a couple of autopilots, feel free to go back mid flight, when there isn't much going on and tidy up! Me, I clean up after myself, just common courtesy.
Does your contract language...............SPECIFICALLY say, F/A's........." " " Are SUPPOSED " " ".- to check the Lavs ??


You know damn well that the CBA does not spell out all of the employees' duties, and that it shouldn't.

Work rules, terms of employment, hours of service, pay, benefits, grievance procedures, scheduling, bidding, etc...


The duties not negotiated are in the company manuals and directives. Always been that way. My CBA does not say that I have to preflight the aircraft, for example. Or check the weather, or accomplish checklists, or update my pubs.

I would not bet my job, or your life, on the spin you put on this

Hardly a mgmt wannabe, or company man, but reality is what it is
I've seen F/As pick up lavs and use scented spray in them. Kudos to you and thank you. As just a non Rev flying employee it made an impression on me.
Me, I clean up after myself, just common courtesy.

Me too.

As for the rest of your post, I don't change tires or clear EICAS messages. I let the others do their jobs. Ask the FAA about requirements for leaving the cockpit.
Never what?
Tidy up the lav inflight?
Read my post again and you'll see what I said "Never" to. In a previous post in this thread I said I always tidy up lavs and restock tissue and towels if we have it, even to the point of checking another lav if the one I'm in doesn' have these items. I'll even take a clean towel and use it to pick up towels and tissues on the floor, which is way more than most do.

But I would never agree to assigning these chores to the junior FA, especially since that's often me. If you're concerned, tidy them up while nonrevving. After all, passengers pay all our salaries, right?

Non revs have responsibilities as well. We are supposed to keep our area clean when we get off. "Sprucing" up the lav you use, shouldn't be out of possibility either. One of the other rules, which never happens is to also sit in the seat you are given. Not rearrange the whole cabin so you can sit with your family. I know it sucks, but if you want to sit together, buy a ticket. There are draw backs to non revving. It is a particular problem when it happens in first and business. It really screws it up for people who pay for tickets and it really slows down boarding.
Wait a minute... aren't non-rev's supposed to keep the lav's clean as part of getting a free ride?
I have two samples of living proof that people can be taught to clean up the sink etc after they use at about age three

How hard is it to wipe up your mess and throw your towel in the trash?

I meqn, really...

Sometimes, people really deserve to ve treated the way they act
[sup]I often wonder if the passengers' homes look the way they leave our aircraft. Not just the lavs are mess. By the end of a 3 hour flight, the passengers--particularly the ones with children--are sitting in squalor conditions with all the crap they have dropped/thrown on the cabin floor. The other day I was walking down the aisle, trash bag in hand. I asked a parent if there was some of the trash on the family tray tables I could take away for them. The mother answered, NO, in a "How could you call this trash" manner. I came back up the aisle in less than 5 minutes. Most of it--including banana peels NOT put into one of the myriad food bags--was on the floor.[/sup]

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