And you have yet to prove that DL or any other airline could serve these JFK/LAX/ORD. And telling me that NW serves DTWLGW doesn't prove anything because no US airline serves LHR from there. what's hauntingly obvious is that you are as hell bent on proving me wrong as I am that you are wrong and you simply cannot provide the evidence to prove your point.
Well, right back at ya! You can't prove your point either without a copy of the actual bilateral agreement, which apparently is not available on the Internet.
You're trying to argue that the absence of Delta's JFK-LGW service proves that it is prohibited, which you can't support with any documentation. But you're forgetting the almost certain lack of profitability for such LGW flights in markets with large numbers of LHR flights, like JFK and ORD, given that premium passengers usually prefer LHR when they have a clear choice. You also conveniently ignore unquestionable instances where LGW services have been provided by U.S. carriers at airports also receiving U.S. carrier service to LHR
at the same time, such as at EWR and BOS a few years ago. It turns logic on its head for you to suggest that the bilateral agreement allows for LGW services in smaller, less competitive U.S.-LHR markets but not in three of the largest and more competitive ones. And I'm not sure that LAX is even one of the top three U.S.-LHR markets -- IAD-LHR is almost certainly larger, and BOS-LHR might be as well.
But I apparently can't convince you with my arguments, and you certainly haven't convinced me with yours, so we'll just have to agree to disagree about this until we can see the actual wording of the bilateral agreement.
What's apparent is that you and your buds are simply trying to protect a system that restrains trade and solely benefits your company and its friends.
You know nothing about me beyond what I've posted on this site. You have no idea how far off-base you really are with comments such as these. The facts are: (1) I don't work for United (or any other airline); and (2) I believe that the Bermuda 2 agreement is an abomination that the U.S. never should have signed in the first place back in the mid-1970s and, despite that, should have been junked years ago. Indeed, if the E.U. convinces any of its member states that they should abrogate their Open Skies bilateral agreement with the U.S., I believe the U.S. should immediately abrogate the U.S.-U.K. agreement in retaliation (although I understand that, in both cases, a year's notice is required).
And BTW, who are these "buds" of mine that you keep referring to?
It should also be apparent that Bermuda 2 is on its last leg or British aviation will become very isolated. Bermuda 2 is no longer defensible.... every document that has been produced about it says that. The EU wants more of the US than the status quo and everyone except the British have long since recognized that the restraining trade only harms economies. So, regardless of the history or what can or cannot be done at LHR or LGW now, London's airports will be viably opened to new airlines or the British airlines will pay the very high price of being isolated from their continental counterparts.
Would it surprise you to learn that I agree with your comments directly above? In the future, it would be better if you didn't simply "create" other people's positions on various issues when you don't really know where they stand.