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DL cuts W11 Flights

Parking planes for construction is unheard of, I been in the industry for over 20 years, your just an arm chair airline ceo wannabe.

Planes on the ground cost the company money and do not generate revenue, no passengers, no cargo, yet you still have to pay the lease and ownership costs, plus if they ferry them to a storage facility, that costs money too.

Planes are overhauled on time and cycles.
if the market doesn't support them, it doesn't really matter whether the plane is flying or sitting on the ground.. they are still going to lose money.
Getting unwanted flights out of the way at JFK can alleviate operational problems... but the market still dictates that JFK-Europe flying is very low yielding during the winter and many markets will very likely will not be viable on a year round basis at $3/gal again... the strength of a joint venture is being able to preserve market position via other hubs when it doesn't make sense to fly at certain times of the year.
With all due respect, the industry has never seen $3/gal jet fuel and for much of the history of the industry, it has lost money on TATL flights during the winter. You'll remember that part of PA's problem was that they didn't have enough alternative revenue streams during the winter - so they continued to fly planes throughout the winter that lost horrific amounts of money.
The highly seasonal nature of DL's southern Europe operations reflects this economic reality - the current level of fuel prices will push it to another level.
DL also pushes its fleet very hard during the summer and does as much maintenance starting as soon as September... given that nearly every int'l aircraft is getting mods over a 4-5 year period means DL's needs to pull planes out of service is even greater than ever....
we can check back when earnings reports come out for the 1st quarter of 2012 in mid-April but I feel pretty certain that 20 years after DL acquired the Pan Am TATL routes, they have a pretty good idea about when to cut and when to fly... and we can compare that to the rest of the industry to see that for a fact.
You apparently are out of the loop ... this was announced months ago by Skyteam as a coordinated effort to reduce TATL capacity. Not all of the cuts from all of the Skyteam members have been released but the list is pretty close to being finalized.
You might also want to know - if facts matter to you - that the percent of DL cuts at JFK and CO cuts at EWR are very similar. The difference is that CO flies many routes wiht double daily flights during the winter so they can downgrade a market without exiting it. JFK during the winter to Europe is a very low yielding market which is why DL is keeping many of those markets that have service to ATL operating.
Yields via ATL are high enough and there are enough connecting opportunities that DL can afford to operate many of the flights given the higher fuel prices.
You also failed to note in your copy and paste from airlineroute that other airlines are doing much of the same cutting.
And you also failed to copy the restart of many of these same flights beginning in the spring.. some of them as early as March 1... and until then, you might want to look for the additional flights which are being - and will be added - to non-European destinations during the winter.
oh, and DL has another year of aggressive cabin refurbishment coming up this year.... I believe the 744 and part of the 763 fleet is supposed to be upgraded this winter.
Sounds to me like DL has every intention of sitting out the weak revenue environment and come back ready to make money when it makes sense to do so....
and in the next few weeks there will be several new routes announced for next summer. 🙂
If this was WN, I'd bet you would have a different view! Because it is Delta, well this is only a restructuring.
Pot have you met the Kettle 😛
Except that you are incapable of seeing anything as a simple business transaction and instead turn into a contest about personalities... perhaps because you are incapable of either understanding the business for what it is or because you would rather just pick any fight regardless of whether it makes sense or not.

Given that you engage in some of the same endless shouting matches w/ other people on other subjects, I think there is a fair amount of the latter.
If you understood DL's cuts as part of the broader industry trend to cut capacity - both domestic and int'l - in light of high fuel prices and where that capacity cannot be profitably filled, then you would post what other carriers are doing on balance and you would also note that much of the capacity cuts are seasonal.
When you decide that you want to rationally discuss the topic, we can have a decent conversation... but I doubt that is what you are really interested in.... you are simply trying to throw mud and can't stand that there are rational, impersonal explanations for actions which you want to try to paint as partisan and signs of impending doom.
For those that may not be familiar, the site at the link below does a very good job of tracking schedule changes throughout the industry.
it doesn't take scrolling down very far to find similar winter service changes for other carriers similar to what 700 posted for DL, including significant changes to TATL and intra-Europe, esp. northern Europe, schedules regardless of the nationality of the carrier.... as well as continued changes within Asia as a result of the continued recovery from the Japan disasters.
Keep fiddling because Delta good Others bad 😛
tip -
if individuals want to engage in dialogue, then they don't come bringing one sided facts in an attempt to try to win a personal shoving match.
Dialogue starts with two people who are willing to rationally discuss information and positions respectful of each other....
when one person sets the tone of the conversation, I will carry it where they have taken it and discuss it on that basis... if they wish to recognize their initial bias and return to a position of dialogue, I will follow.
It also doesn't change the fact this news is several months old and airlineroute reports cumulative route changes for all carriers.. thus, it is absolutely fair to say that the party is either out of the loop or isn't really interested in dialogue.

f he started with "I just saw this list of cuts/route modifications - (note that his list are not all cuts), have I missed these announcements and the discussions about what is DL going to do with all of those planes and people that won't be flying", then there is the basis for a dialogue. And if he were really interested in a dialogue, he would say, "I saw the same post about UA and US just a few days before, some involving European and Asian carriers.... apparently the skies are going to be a lot less crowded this winter..." and there would be the basis for a dialogue.

But it's doubtful the party in question wanted a dialogue - so the rest of us don't have to worry about it.

I personally have little tolerance for people who use their emotions instead of intelligence to argue.
There is not a subject on this forum that can't be rationally discussed... ditching whatever facts apply to a subject and resorting to childish opinions will result in the appropriate response.

OTOH, I have all the respect in the world for people who can debate a point quite different from mine and who are not afraid to present their side of the discussion - without
resorting to childish actions. I have close friends that I have made via the internet and with whom I have vastly different perspectives, yet I have huge amounts of respect for them and for their positions because of the manner and intelligence with which they discuss very important subjects.
One sided facts...tsk tsk You truly have exposed yourself, Delta boy 😛
Wow, pot meet kettle, you are the most one sided Delta Cheerleader on this board, this board is slow so you post on AA and US and constantly talk about Delta on threads of other airlines that have nothing to do with Delta.

Take your own advice bub.

In the world according to WT, Delta is God and every other airline, its management and employees are the scum of the earth.

And I bet there are plenty of posters like me who can point out your M.O. all the time.

Wow! Apparently everything that needs to be said is in this statement!
Carry-on. And of course the last word goes to the Delta fool 😛
I think it will be burden for the people as they will loose 11 flights.I suggests that airport officers & government should see the flow & demand of the people/passengers for a certain places.So,they should give the flight for that place or extent some flights to that destinations.

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