tip -
if individuals want to engage in dialogue, then they don't come bringing one sided facts in an attempt to try to win a personal shoving match.
Dialogue starts with two people who are willing to rationally discuss information and positions respectful of each other....
when one person sets the tone of the conversation, I will carry it where they have taken it and discuss it on that basis... if they wish to recognize their initial bias and return to a position of dialogue, I will follow.
It also doesn't change the fact this news is several months old and airlineroute reports cumulative route changes for all carriers.. thus, it is absolutely fair to say that the party is either out of the loop or isn't really interested in dialogue.
f he started with "I just saw this list of cuts/route modifications - (note that his list are not all cuts), have I missed these announcements and the discussions about what is DL going to do with all of those planes and people that won't be flying", then there is the basis for a dialogue. And if he were really interested in a dialogue, he would say, "I saw the same post about UA and US just a few days before, some involving European and Asian carriers.... apparently the skies are going to be a lot less crowded this winter..." and there would be the basis for a dialogue.
But it's doubtful the party in question wanted a dialogue - so the rest of us don't have to worry about it.
I personally have little tolerance for people who use their emotions instead of intelligence to argue.
There is not a subject on this forum that can't be rationally discussed... ditching whatever facts apply to a subject and resorting to childish opinions will result in the appropriate response.
OTOH, I have all the respect in the world for people who can debate a point quite different from mine and who are not afraid to present their side of the discussion - without
resorting to childish actions. I have close friends that I have made via the internet and with whom I have vastly different perspectives, yet I have huge amounts of respect for them and for their positions because of the manner and intelligence with which they discuss very important subjects.