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Industry-leading TA reached!

Jimntx and Bigjets, I'm a F/A, and very pleased with the TA, I'm also working the fact rep table, The stuff coming in boggles the mind. There upset with the most innocuous things, or if they find one thing that will pay them less, there voting No, even though its off set and more in an item that occurs more.
I'm beginning to come to the conclusion, that the most vocal and contentious who are still hanging on to 2003, have serious personal
trust issues.
We have a few who are  leading  the confused down their personal agendas. One call it the underground railroad. Its unconscionable.
This a good TA, the new flexible scheduling, we've never seen before, a reserve system that will help mitigate the uncertainty of reserve, kept AA duty rigs, and AA's keep there 401k.
The misinformation highway is at full speed, and not a one of the speeder's are willing to slow down and get directions, its the autobahn to
to disaster and they couldn't be more pleased with themselves.
From pervious votes we have about 2,300-2,500 that say no to everything, so I'm hoping it keeps at that.
If you handed them a gold brick they would say "But its heavy".
boston said:
Jimntx and Bigjets, I'm a F/A, and very pleased with the TA, I'm also working the fact rep table, The stuff coming in boggles the mind. There upset with the most innocuous things, or if they find one thing that will pay them less, there voting No, even though its off set and more in an item that occurs more.
I'm beginning to come to the conclusion, that the most vocal and contentious who are still hanging on to 2003, have serious personal
trust issues.
We have a few who are  leading  the confused down their personal agendas. One call it the underground railroad. Its unconscionable.
This a good TA, the new flexible scheduling, we've never seen before, a reserve system that will help mitigate the uncertainty of reserve, kept AA duty rigs, and AA's keep there 401k.
The misinformation highway is at full speed, and not a one of the speeder's are willing to slow down and get directions, its the autobahn to
to disaster and they couldn't be more pleased with themselves.
From pervious votes we have about 2,300-2,500 that say no to everything, so I'm hoping it keeps at that.
If you handed them a gold brick they would say "But its heavy".
Unfortunately it's the weak minded, that listen to the small minded.
bigjets said:
Unfortunately it's the weak minded, that listen to the small minded.
I agree, I would love to work 3 trips a month and make 100K a year, but this job is still pretty cushy especially when you max out (on the pay scale) and get off reserve. If you like to travel a lot (for pleasure)than its even better. Ive met 25 year fas who have never been to Europe. How many people can fly to London in FC on short notice? Rich folks and airline employees! You gotta look at the good side!
silverbird007 said:
I agree, I would love to work 3 trips a month and make 100K a year, but this job is still pretty cushy especially when you max out (on the pay scale) and get off reserve. If you like to travel a lot (for pleasure)than its even better. Ive met 25 year fas who have never been to Europe. How many people can fly to London in FC on short notice? Rich folks and airline employees! You gotta look at the good side!
I agree too. Plus there is a segment of our workgroup that has been flying so long, they have become totally out-of-touch with the reality of our job. I mean, think about it. We are so replaceable. Unlike pilots and mechanics, there are a million talented yet unskilled people who would just love to have our jobs. Let's keep that in mind as we vote.
AdAstraPerAspera said:
I agree too. Plus there is a segment of our workgroup that has been flying so long, they have become totally out-of-touch with the reality of our job. I mean, think about it. We are so replaceable. Unlike pilots and mechanics, there are a million talented yet unskilled people who would just love to have our jobs. Let's keep that in mind as we vote.
APFA...."This is as good as it gets"
It's absolutely crazy the misinformation that is going around. I honestly have no clue what is going to happen. If this fails, we have a bunch of morons working amongst us! You really can't fix stupid.
I don't doubt that there will be some "no" votes, but even if every US flight attendant votes it down and they're able to get a couple thousand nAAtive FAs to join them, I see this TA ratified by a healthy majority.

Good points on getting everyone to look at the overall picture instead of focusing on their favorite provision that may have been changed. Quite clearly, Parker and Kirby had a wish list of items they wanted to see changed in the new agreement. They didn't push for them in the 2012-13 negotiations with the legacy US FAs, figuring that the right time would be after the inevitable merger. To their credit, they were willing to pay for them (the almost $200 million total improvement).

During the bankruptcy, after the APA rejected the LBFO and renegotiated, the APA president supported the TA and told his membership that although the contract wasn't as rich as they would like, it was the best they were going to get, and persuaded his members to ratify it. This APFA TA isn't as rich as people would like, but it's a big improvement in wages for the legacy US FAs and a decent bump for the legacy AA FAs.
Just worked a 2 day trip, the #1 was ranting about the contract and how horrible it was. I asked him what he thought were the worst things in the TA? He told me that we would be cleaning all flights under 1000 miles, and that we would be staying at Motel 6! I just said "wow I didn't realize that" and walked away. Just an example of galley gossip!
Just checked the TA concerning cleaning duties. It states flight attendants "may" be required to clean flights under 1000 miles. So that looks like its correct. It states US Airways flight attendants will continue cleaning duties. I guess we will be cleaning the shorter domestic flights. It also states we will be provided gloves and cleaning supplies equivalent to what the contract cleaners use. It states "may" which probably means "will". I found the info on page 37-2 on the TA. Interesting. We used to clean (tidy up) the shorter thru flights a few years back so I guess thats coming back. As far as the hotels are concerned, the TA states hotel/motel. And there is no mention of downtown hotels at all. Does anyone know if US Airways gets downtown layovers or not? If not than we may lose our downtown layovers too. I do like our downtown layovers. I thought that was one of the things the APFA got from Parker back when they were first meeting with US Airways.
It's hotels the apfa has already said that was a typo mistake.
Well, if the TA doesn't pass he will not only still be cleaning aircraft, put for a lower wage than in the TA. Hopeful
those who took the time to get the "Facts" will prevail. Still time to vote or change a vote.
I'm optimistic, however it's stupid comments like these that make me nervous. I hope to wake up tomorrow to the news that it passed and that I don't work with a bunch of morons! I just worked with a girl that is voting no, "just because". No reason given.
The thing that seems to get lost in the noise is that, in a negotiation, you never get everything you want.  Those holding out for the "perfect" agreement with everything they want included have a very, very long wait ahead of them.
silverbird007 said:
Just worked a 2 day trip, the #1 was ranting about the contract and how horrible it was. I asked him what he thought were the worst things in the TA? He told me that we would be cleaning all flights under 1000 miles, and that we would be staying at Motel 6! I just said "wow I didn't realize that" and walked away. Just an example of galley gossip!
Maybe the Waldorf Astoria is not always available!

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