Jimntx and Bigjets, I'm a F/A, and very pleased with the TA, I'm also working the fact rep table, The stuff coming in boggles the mind. There upset with the most innocuous things, or if they find one thing that will pay them less, there voting No, even though its off set and more in an item that occurs more.
I'm beginning to come to the conclusion, that the most vocal and contentious who are still hanging on to 2003, have serious personal
trust issues.
We have a few who are leading the confused down their personal agendas. One call it the underground railroad. Its unconscionable.
This a good TA, the new flexible scheduling, we've never seen before, a reserve system that will help mitigate the uncertainty of reserve, kept AA duty rigs, and AA's keep there 401k.
The misinformation highway is at full speed, and not a one of the speeder's are willing to slow down and get directions, its the autobahn to
to disaster and they couldn't be more pleased with themselves.
From pervious votes we have about 2,300-2,500 that say no to everything, so I'm hoping it keeps at that.
If you handed them a gold brick they would say "But its heavy".
I'm beginning to come to the conclusion, that the most vocal and contentious who are still hanging on to 2003, have serious personal
trust issues.
We have a few who are leading the confused down their personal agendas. One call it the underground railroad. Its unconscionable.
This a good TA, the new flexible scheduling, we've never seen before, a reserve system that will help mitigate the uncertainty of reserve, kept AA duty rigs, and AA's keep there 401k.
The misinformation highway is at full speed, and not a one of the speeder's are willing to slow down and get directions, its the autobahn to
to disaster and they couldn't be more pleased with themselves.
From pervious votes we have about 2,300-2,500 that say no to everything, so I'm hoping it keeps at that.
If you handed them a gold brick they would say "But its heavy".