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I really can't answer that you would have to ask him. The reputation points in my opinion are geared toward teenagers or maybe a PC Mod site where you can share process and finished product pictures of a rig you have built like one I'm doing in a Stereo Tuner so it can fit undetectably in my multimedia cabinet. Like I said the reputation system here is more for entertainment I would venture to say. I am pretty sure you and a handful of others here actually try to gauge someones credibility with points. It really doesn't mean anything to most.


you joined this board on june24; you have 105 posts total.

How would you know that the points have no credibility with most? (you have been a member for 1 month and six days)

If most of the people here are AMFA supporters it would seem that they value the point system.

Especially if they can give minuses to those who are obnoxious or out of line.
Not here to promote either TWU or the IBT. I prefer the IBT, but I am not their spokesperson.

I am here to dispel and add some reality to some of the larger than life myths spoken by the AMFA supporters. They failed miserably at UA. While these guys opened their tirade with claims that the change AWAY from AMFA was brought about by lies, I can tell you that the situation at UA under AMFA had become so ridicules I think we would have voted for the Circus Clown Union had they attempted to get us away from AMFA. We RAN from AMFA.

More than all else, this TRUTH, is what these few do not want you to read. The proof is in the numbers voting for the IBT. Still don't believe it? Where then is AMFA at UA? If the IBT was doing as bad as these guys say, and the "truth" has been leaned, why then are we still IBT? Why is there close to ZERO AMFA presence at UA? We expect these guys to come back, but for now, they have been shut down here. Finally, we have some peace. I wish the same for you all at AA.

Myths about AMFA? Why is there an AMFA drive
at AA in the first place? It's because of the structure
of the twu. The twu does not allow for the membership
to elect everyone in office. AMFA is based on Democracy
where everyone is elected. Not so with the twu or teamsters.
That is fact not myth.

Now try and spin that into a lie.


you joined this board on june24; you have 105 posts total.

How would you know that the points have no credibility with most? (you have been a member for 1 month and six days)

If most of the people here are AMFA supporters it would seem that they value the point system.

Especially if they can give minuses to those who are obnoxious or out of line.

Ok I am totally wrong about how others feel about the points. Myself and a couple others I have seen mention (forget who they were) it don't care about the points. I did see mention of a competition to see who could go the furthest negative. Truly you win.
Another find on the AMFA attorneys.

(note; there was some court activity on this due to the fact that the poster pretended to be another person associated with the firm. With that, it seems some of the complaints may be over reaching. However, I find it readable strictly on an entertainment value. It was found on the web at http://compasscorrec...oy-your-lawfirm)
More than all else, this TRUTH, is what these few do not want you to read.

So is the above your version of the "Truth"?

You are not here to converse the TRUTH,

you are here to be entertained.

In your own words
So is the above your version of the "Truth"?

You are not here to converse the TRUTH,

you are here to be entertained.

In your own words

Seriously? Your still stuck on this?

I'll repeat by earlier post then.

Lighten up Francis. 🙄 🙄 🙄

YES! I will forever be stuck on the fact that you post lies and distortions here while claiming you are here to provide the truth.

I find your actions disturbing and your attempted deflections from this will not go anymore unnoticed than the deed itself.

Post all the Videos you want, will not change the real TRUTH, which obvioulsy is that you are not anything close to what you profess to be.

Sorry, but I find your hypocrite way intolerable and worth pointing out.

Of course you want me to lighten up on this issue, any other liar would also.
Oh get over yourself, Francis!

Lets break down what you said.....

"Your continued copy and paste of personal attacks while we are in the middle of a ratification vote brought back by the most docile union in the industry is laughable."

PAAAALEEEZE. Are you effin kidding me?

This is right out of the AMFA play book. In fact, YOU, the TWU member with the tag line There is only one Mechanic's Union = A.M.F.A., can honestly sit at your keyboard and tell me I AM THE ONE who is interrupting your ratification vote? Come on.....?

Out of respect for those many other on this board who are more reasonable, I have limited my AMFA comments primarily to this thread. Other than a limited few posts, I have largely stayed out of what I KNOW is a very personal issue to each of you. I have been there too.

"What matters is two things, The Governing Constitution of the Union and Majority Rule without being the Minority.
Fix those two issues, and these perceived personal problems will take care of themselves

We thought the same thing at UA. At the end of the day, we learned that there were many more things that mattered much more. You will figure it out too. The AMFA constitution we discovered was a fluid document subject to change at the whim of a few. I will direct you to one of my latest posts in which 31 amendments were created by 18% of the total membership. Again there is no oversite with the association. We were subjected to more problems than we ever realized with the AMFA leadership and their Governing Constitution of the Union mentality.

"Very few will buy into your personal attacks regarding Lawyers or Advisors of the past.
Why? Because if need be, under the AMFA Constitution, those failing us will be replaced."

Yea.... We can recall those who have done IRREVERSIBLE damage to our futures, then what??? How bout those AMFA leaders who took NWA mechanics out on strike completely unprepared and without their final input? How about those AMFA leaders who removed language involving exercising seniority during a furlough for UAL? Or Kevin McCormick who designed the idea that AMFA should enter into interest based bargaining for the mechanics at Alaska, a system that eliminates the members right to vote and instead leaves it to a neutral to decide every open article of the contract? Or how about a law firm who so badly losses a case then decides to appeal to a higher court dooming forever every new contract employees with absolute defined precedence?? Sure you can recall all these people, but look how much damage they can do.... You want that?

"Every issue that you believe makes your negative reasoning sound sane in your mind actually sounds a child crying over spoiled milk and nothing more and therefore qualifies as insanity."

I would not exactly call this AMFA issue or the futures of your fellow mechanics spoiled milk. It is of course much more serious than that. AMFA has ruined the lives of thousands of families many times over at too many airlines to count. Insanity is expecting them to do better at AA.

Think about it.

If half of what you say was true AMFA would be out of business years ago there are at least 4 or 5 guys who worked for NWA on this board none of them say anything negative about AMFA. The seniority intergration at SWA just concluded and the Teamsters could not get the 200 or so cards needed to call a dispute at SWA. There is still a large group of guys at UAL that want AMFA back and the Teamsters out. You claim this is all about Dell &Kevin McCormick and they both have been gone for years.Finally besides Tulsa you have little or no support at AA all you are doing is getting in the way of the TWU being replaced. You guys know you cannot get the needed cards so tell your supporters the truth and move on.
Not here to promote either TWU or the IBT. I prefer the IBT, but I am not their spokesperson.

I am here to dispel and add some reality to some of the larger than life myths spoken by the AMFA supporters. They failed miserably at UA. While these guys opened their tirade with claims that the change AWAY from AMFA was brought about by lies, I can tell you that the situation at UA under AMFA had become so ridicules I think we would have voted for the Circus Clown Union had they attempted to get us away from AMFA. We RAN from AMFA.

More than all else, this TRUTH, is what these few do not want you to read. The proof is in the numbers voting for the IBT. Still don't believe it? Where then is AMFA at UA? If the IBT was doing as bad as these guys say, and the "truth" has been leaned, why then are we still IBT? Why is there close to ZERO AMFA presence at UA? We expect these guys to come back, but for now, they have been shut down here. Finally, we have some peace. I wish the same for you all at AA.

If things were as bad as you say why did it take two years to get the cards. Because you went door to door at all the laid off guys houses promising them their job back and a pension and delivered nothing. guys ask yourself if you were laid off and someone came to your door in some cases four or five times would you sign a card if they promised to get your job back that is what happened.The funny thing is you said you would have voted for the Circus clowns union it appears to me that is what you did it is called the Teamsters best bunch of clowns company money can buy.
If things were as bad as you say why did it take two years to get the cards. Because you went door to door at all the laid off guys houses promising them their job back and a pension and delivered nothing. guys ask yourself if you were laid off and someone came to your door in some cases four or five times would you sign a card if they promised to get your job back that is what happened.The funny thing is you said you would have voted for the Circus clowns union it appears to me that is what you did it is called the Teamsters best bunch of clowns company money can buy.

That statement is a grievious insult to professional clowns.

The teamsters (and the twu) are nothing but amateur clowns.

I may have just insulted amateur clowns!
That statement is a grievious insult to professional clowns.

The teamsters (and the twu) are nothing but amateur clowns.

I may have just insulted amateur clowns!

My humble apologies to Clowns everywhere, I simply meant that if Clowns needed a Union the Teamsters would be that union Because if you read their Constitution they seem ready to represent anyone, they even represent the Medical Marijuana growers in Californiia. Interestingly enough though they do not want to represent our Stock Clerks I cannot figure this one out, I have ask and ask but no one will explain it to me why the Teamsters dislike our stock clerks.
NWA had already voted no to an agreement, and yes to strike. The LBO was worse than the agreement voted down, and would've called for the furlough of over half the mechanics. Are you truly that naive to honestly believe you can make any sort of point by claiming AMFA denied the majority of NWA mechanics the right to vote themselves out of a job? Good luck with that!

1) The majority is sometimes wrong?? Typical industrial mentality. We are smarter than you, we know what is best for you. The majority is NEVER wrong, if it is the majorities wish to jump off the George Washington bridge, that is the correct choice. There is obviously a reason for it that the majority sees and people with blinders on like you do not. The unions job is to do what their employers ( the majority) want, plain and simple!!!!!!

According to whoop whoop, the one who started this thread, allowing the majority to vote themselves out of a job is exactly what should have been done. You two need to get on the same bridge.

.........err, I meant page.
My humble apologies to Clowns everywhere, I simply meant that if Clowns needed a Union the Teamsters would be that union Because if you read their Constitution they seem ready to represent anyone, they even represent the Medical Marijuana growers in Californiia. Interestingly enough though they do not want to represent our Stock Clerks I cannot figure this one out, I have ask and ask but no one will explain it to me why the Teamsters dislike our stock clerks.
The Teamsters do not dislike our Stock Clerks, they just do not want them. The Stock Clerks have been promised, as well the Fleet Service to the TWU in exchange for the AA Mechanics. Anything to keep AMFA off the property at AA.
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