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I'm Coming Out

Well Goodluck SegmentKing. I remember you posting and asking how much the position paid. Sounds like they got you on the lower end of the pay scale.

I still lurk around here from time to time...okay...well almost everyday B) but my post have gone from 3 a day to a couple a week...and I imagine as time goes by the posts will continue to decrease. It's hard when you loved your job and the people around you to go cold turkey. Just a thought...it may be too late...but heck why not stick it out till the profit sharing is dished out?

I think that's what a lot of people are waiting for before they jump ship. Look for a lot of positions to be open in late March/April :lol:
That's the thing.. I didn't take the job with America West in the end... I'm at the "other airline everyone loves to bash" based in PHX (hence the "coming out" thread)... they offered me about 10K more than HP.

And the article in the New York Times about my CEO is very VERY true... even I'd get calls from folks asking if he's in a good mood... (including myself tip-toeing by his office, although my cube is 20 feet in front of it!)
That's the thing.. I didn't take the job with America West in the end... I'm at the "other airline everyone loves to bash" based in PHX (hence the "coming out" thread)... they offered me about 10K more than HP.

And the article in the New York Times about my CEO is very VERY true... even I'd get calls from folks asking if he's in a good mood... (including myself tip-toeing by his office, although my cube is 20 feet in front of it!)

I swung by your holiday party at Axis/Radius on Saturday because a couple people I was with knew some people there. I'll have to say that it was about 200 times better than any holiday event we got a US!