The God does not think he is a pilot ?joke?.....Almost my entire education came from Catholics schools, including a Catholic university, but I am not a very religious man. However, some time ago I had an epiphany into the nature of God's identity. It is actually very deep, and really cannot be expresed on this board, but it goes something like this. God is actually every human ever. God is the entire culmination of human experience in all space time, one person at a time. You see a rock star, you see God, you see a starving child, you see God, you see a pilot, you see God.
Perhaps it is like you said and it is just my extreme pilot ego thinking I am God, but living with this belief, I also see God in every individual I encounter.
Are you going to trust your own mind to come to the knowledge of the truth about the existence of God; the origins of time, space, matter and energy; and the eternal consequences that come from what we know and believe about God? Did you learn about any other facts by just having a personal epiphany? Did you learn about aeronautical principles and the safe operation of a jet aircraft by just coming to the conclusion on your own of how these things should be, or did you rely on trusted and proven resources grounded in facts and reasoning to bring you to a point of having a true knowledge of your profession? Did you learn English or mathematics by just thinking about how language and numbers ought to work? Real truth is discovered not invented.
We have a trusted and proven resource to know about God - the Bible (your Catholic Bible will work less the Apocryphal books). He is the Author who caused to be written and to be preserved so that all will have an opportunity to know Him. For thousands of years hard-hearted mankind has tried to completely destroy God’s word or to prove it to be of fallible earthly origins, but every attempt at doing so has utterly failed. The Bible stands strong and unscathed from every attack that has been directed towards it, even today as the baseless attacks continue. And yet, the more that man learns about cosmology, biology, geology, astronomy, anatomy, genealogy, archeology, and every other field and discipline of study, the more we realize just how accurate, perfect and correct God’s word is and has been, unmodified for two thousand years or more for the Old Testament.
Today it is not the Christians who are pinned against the wall by the truth; it is rather the atheistic scientists who have to continually revise their findings, hypothesis, and publications to maintain the facade that science can ever somehow explain the truths about God and His creation away by using infinitesimally small probabilities and utter logical absurdities to fool the uninformed and naive into thinking that life can exist absent a Creator and Sustainer of the universe.
I know about that position because I spent more than half my life in an unbelieving state. I opposed God at every turn and felt that I was justified because “science was on my side”. That all changed when I set out to prove (at least to myself) that the Bible was wrong and that there really was no God. The truth I discovered (not invented or imagined, but real, verifiable truth), was that God Is and that He has proven Himself to be Faithful and True - nothing like what my mind would have imagined Him to be.
I hope you will seek to know for absolute certain in your life whether God is the One as I have described Him to be or the one you decided upon after your personal epiphany experience.