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Yellow Gate Valet Tags

Interesting response.

The company unilaterally ( I presume) changed your job description (by cutting out cabin bag storage) as a ramper and you appeal to your fellow employees to "help you out"?

There are many ways to tell Tempe to stick it. Helping them out with their patently bad decisions is one way to guarantee eventual failure. Do it right and I bet you could have a lot of different employee groups helping you out.

Ohhhh Sharktooth. If you are a FA, you have no business lecutring ANY of us about helping out. Just keep reading that People magazine at -29 on an oversold flight. Don't worry, gate agents can just cattle prod passengers on faster. :down:
Ohhhh Sharktooth. If you are a FA, you have no business lecutring ANY of us about helping out. Just keep reading that People magazine at -29 on an oversold flight. Don't worry, gate agents can just cattle prod passengers on faster. :down:

No lecture.

Just pointing out where the employees can work together.

BTW, what is a -29?
Haha! Right? :up:

Too bad that note about the "choice in airlines" that was supposed to go into Doug Parkers bag didn't make it. Maybe we should have a few more copies on hand just in case he makes o ne of his un-announced trips through again. :lol:

whenever he passes thru philadelphia we know.
a while ago, he went to rome (and supposedly sat in the back rows of the reconfigured a330 and told us it was comfortable) there were 4 agents and a manager there to escort his bags only in a special tug and a royal gold plated bag cart. (ok i'm exaggerating, but his bags did get an over the top special escort service.)
Lol nice. He flew in the BACK of the 330? Wtf kind of backwards guy is this?

He came thru PHX a few times to go to DCA with John Kyl and a host of other prominent people. this was around the DL failure. He snuck up the back of the jetway and slithered like a snake into his seat. When that plane came back first class was a frikin DISASTER! Newspapers all over, food wrappers, blankets pillows. It looked like a girls sleepover... I would know what girls sleepovers are like. Only one week into college and I'm already outside of windows on ladders huffing up the glass.


Noo... In all seriousness, they are used to just throwing things around because they have butlers and mexican maids to clean up after them.
Oh really... since I am a flight attendant we don't have no access to the ramp.
So how are we to retrieve our bags...? We are told the ramp will bring up the bags to the jetway.

Sorry 700UW
find a F/O or Capt

The key word here is "Dead heading" people!!! This procedure is the most abused by crew members I have ever seen. These tags are for dead heading Crews only, not commuting crews, or non-rev crews. And WTC the next time you or any other crew member decides to stick a Valet tag on your bag when your not DEAD HEADING, you will have to answer for it as well, I will make sure of it. I did not hire on to this company to be your personal BELL-HOP .

Sharktooth is a pilot, not a flight attendant. I can assure you that the LAST thing he would be reading is a People magazine......... :unsure:
Actually, it does apply to commuting f/a's in uniform.
Actually what is a commuting f/a's in uniform
If you show up in a uniform you are automatically a commuter
I have seen f/a’s take their uniform dress off/change with non-rev clothes underneath just to get by with the drink/3OZ or less and the possible TSA hassle of going to the front of the line
Do you think it is going to be any different with the green tag?
When IAM fleet sits down and bargains for head count per flight the policy of all commuters/dead headers can have there bags check planeside rules needs to be addressed
-29 .... 29 minutes until push time. Or in FA time: Bottom of the latte haha!
Are you aware that flight attendants don't get paid until the doors are closed and we push? Why in hell wouldn't we want the door closed? I love it. The agent will use a cattle prod to get them moving? And the f/a can do WHAT to make it go better? You can make announcements until the cows come home. All that being said......we work TOGETHER on 99.9 of flights I work.

The key word here is "Dead heading" people!!! This procedure is the most abused by crew members I have ever seen. These tags are for dead heading Crews only, not commuting crews, or non-rev crews. I am a Lead on the ramp in CLT and I have seen this procedure abused first hand many times by flight attendants and pilots. The other day a pilot and his son, who were clearly non-reving (the pilot was in civilian clothes) were on the jet-way waiting to get on. The pilot reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out a Valet tag and proceeded to put it on his and his son's bag. This tag is only intended for specific uses. In fact they are written on the tags themselves, if anyone has ever bothered to look. Non-reving is not one of them, whether you're a crew member or not. If they are for all employees who are non-reving, then I will happily be asking for one myself the next time I fly.

I make it a point to be on the jet-way before departure time and make sure that all the bags that have the Valet tag on them are indeed suppose to. If not they are going to get a white handwritten tag just like every other non first class paying passenger and non-rev employees. And WTC the next time you or any other crew member decides to stick a Valet tag on your bag when your not DEAD HEADING, you will have to answer for it as well, I will make sure of it. I did not hire on to this company to be your personal BELL-HOP .

Okay bird chill the he!! out! I agree with you, non-rev's should not be allowed to gate valet there bags. Maybe you should talk to the gate agents working the flight. As far as a commuter, they are going to work, and you better believe I will take care of them. Most the times the capt will allow the commuter's bags to be put in the cockpit, otherwise I will request a gate valet for there bags. You decided to become a ramper, not me. Your main job description is a baggage handler, in your case the "lead".
Furthermore, I appeciatte all the hard work you guys do down there, please understand I always try to follow procedure. And if you happen to be on any of my flights non-reving, you better believe I will take care of you to!! :up:
NO, you don't go on the clock when the main cabin door is closed. All doors (cargo) must be closed and the IRS/GPS must sence a change of position. This "sence" can happen in several ways, which I'm not going to get into.
Are you aware that flight attendants don't get paid until the doors are closed and we push? Why in hell wouldn't we want the door closed? I love it. The agent will use a cattle prod to get them moving? And the f/a can do WHAT to make it go better? You can make announcements until the cows come home. All that being said......we work TOGETHER on 99.9 of flights I work.

I'm sure you're an Eastie. But, honey, from a year of experience, these westies are huge procastinators. One guy was even DEFIANT in letting us board, he was mocking us.
NO, you don't go on the clock when the main cabin door is closed. All doors (cargo) must be closed and the IRS/GPS must sence a change of position. This "sence" can happen in several ways, which I'm not going to get into.

It is actually different for each type of aircraft, depending.

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