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If the Oregon militiamen were Muslim or black, they'd probably be dead by now

townpete said:
sedition (noun)  se·di·tion  \si-ˈdi-shən\

the crime of saying, writing, or doing something that encourages people to disobey their government
Strange how you openly encourage Occutards and BLM idiots to do the same, yet have a problem when others?
Would you expect anything less from a Liberal?
townpete said:

sedition (noun)  se·di·tion  \si-ˈdi-shən\

the crime of saying, writing, or doing something that encourages people to disobey their government
Strange how you openly encourage Occutards and BLM idiots to do the same, yet have a problem when others?
I'm sure Southwind appreciates the vocabulary lesson. You're a helper!
Kev3188 said:
Oh, look; here's another that probably sees these Teabillies as "patriots."
Well at least we agree Libtards are definitely not Patriots!
The United States Department of Justice also announced it is investigating a group of “elite” FBI agents for partaking in a coverup of the shooting, according to the Oregonian.
It turns out, one FBI agent shot his gun twice, but claimed he never fired his gun.
The USDOJ said those bullets did not strike the Arizona rancher, who had been part of a group of activists occupying the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge throughout January.
Finicum, instead, was shot three times in the back by Oregon state police officers, including one bullet that pierced his heart.
Kev3188 said:
If only he'd just listened to the officers, right?
Don't you just hate when another one of your narratives goes up in smoke?
You would think you would be used to it by now.
Kev3188 said:
If only he'd just listened to the officers, right?
I saw this spectacle developing and thought for the people occupying federal property was a rather stupid move that only had one outcome, which would be incarceration, depending on the occupiers goals.
And then the Fed pretty much bent over backwards to avoid a 'social media conflict'.
This would be the ultimate disrespect of Fed authority since Ruby Ridge or Waco.
Feds and State/Locals continually train for the 'big dance'.....Fed moreover than anyone else.
This ended up as a blasphemy to the rule of law and Federal control.
Any inkling as to how this flushes with career Feds and their dedication to upholding the law?
The Lavoy in car video appears to show unwarranted shots directed at their vehicle at this point in time.
They were seeking a meeting with a sheriff who represented their area .
A Sheriff is the ultimate legal authority for his area with powers to disavow Federal overreach.
Feds are fully aware of this.
Feds and OSP were most likely at their limits for a group blatantly disregarding the 'rule of law'.
Fed, State and Local Police are all bound legally by ROE's .
I seriously think in this case, with knowledge they were attempting to seek help from their local Sheriff,  escalated overreaction by state and feds.
What those people did in occupying fed property was wrong, but if it comes out they were ambushed and killed by overzealous feds and OSP......God help us all.
So cops attempting to arrest someone with a warrant, in the public domain, is now an "ambush?"
Glenn Quagmire said:
So cops attempting to arrest someone with a warrant, in the public domain, is now an "ambush?"
White Lives Don't Matter!

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