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If the Oregon militiamen were Muslim or black, they'd probably be dead by now

Kev3188 said:
That's because there's not a whole lot of parallels to be drawn.
Yeah, compared to the lawlessness promoted and supported by the left.
I don't see a list of party smacks standing in line to support the Oregon protest, just a handful of small like minded.
Yeah, but there are a lot of parallels when you strip away the partisan blinders, Kev.

These were individuals taking over public property (be it parks, sidewalks, etc. or a little known wildwife refuge) in somewhat peaceful protest.

The OWS folks (and their ilk in other cities) were defacing public and private property. Haven't seen any evidence that the Oregon occupiers were defacing anything at the refuge, and I suspect they cleaned up after themselves a lot better than the OWS folks did.

Where the parallels end is with political support and media coverage.

Which politicians were publicly supporting Oregon?

How many politicians praised the OWS crowd or showed up for photo ops?
eolesen said:
Yeah, but there are a lot of parallels when you strip away the partisan blinders, Kev.

These were individuals taking over public property (be it parks, sidewalks, etc. or a little known wildwife refuge) in somewhat peaceful protest.

The OWS folks (and their ilk in other cities) were defacing public and private property. Haven't seen any evidence that the Oregon occupiers were defacing anything at the refuge, and I suspect they cleaned up after themselves a lot better than the OWS folks did.
No they just broke into Federal Buildings and stole vehicles owned by the Federal Government.

Oregon standoff: Bundy occupation leaves scars behind
His group damaged the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, taken over Jan. 2. The headquarters compound will be a crime scene for a week or more once all the protesters are gone. Then, displaced federal workers will return, going building by building, room by room, to assess the damage.

Miichele Fiore is in the mix as I type this.

I'm not sure what the threshold for "defacing" is on here, but the people who took over the wildlife refuge have absolutely been damaging the site and property on it...

As for OWS? I didn't see any specific support for anything if things you & Dell have noted.
700UW said:
No they just broke into Federal Buildings and stole vehicles owned by the Federal Government.
Oregon standoff: Bundy occupation leaves scars behind
You seem confused again.
Federal government is funded by the taxpayer, so the argument could be made that they don't "own" anything.
Kev3188 said:
They just stormed it, and stopped the rest of us owners from accessing it...
In essence they owned it too...
So there's that.
There names arent on the deed, the title, nor the vehicles they stole.
So do they own Aircraft Carriers, tanks, etc that the military uses?
700UW said:
No they just broke into Federal Buildings and stole vehicles owned by the Federal Government.
Oregon standoff: Bundy occupation leaves scars behind
And what of your party's Occupy sanctioned actions in DC, Chicago, New York, SFO, and the rest of the country. What was the cost to tax payers and public property there? Not even considering the cost of global carnage from your radical leftist socialist movement.

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