That's because there's not a whole lot of parallels to be drawn.
Kev3188 said:That's because there's not a whole lot of parallels to be drawn.
No they just broke into Federal Buildings and stole vehicles owned by the Federal Government.eolesen said:Yeah, but there are a lot of parallels when you strip away the partisan blinders, Kev.
These were individuals taking over public property (be it parks, sidewalks, etc. or a little known wildwife refuge) in somewhat peaceful protest.
The OWS folks (and their ilk in other cities) were defacing public and private property. Haven't seen any evidence that the Oregon occupiers were defacing anything at the refuge, and I suspect they cleaned up after themselves a lot better than the OWS folks did.
His group damaged the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, taken over Jan. 2. The headquarters compound will be a crime scene for a week or more once all the protesters are gone. Then, displaced federal workers will return, going building by building, room by room, to assess the damage.
700UW said:
No they just broke into Federal Buildings and stole vehicles owned by the Federal Government.
Oregon standoff: Bundy occupation leaves scars behind
Kev3188 said:They just stormed it, and stopped the rest of us owners from accessing it...
700UW said:
No they just broke into Federal Buildings and stole vehicles owned by the Federal Government.
Oregon standoff: Bundy occupation leaves scars behind
Nope, we own it. All of us.townpete said:
In essence they owned it too...
So there's that.
Kev3188 said:They just stormed it, and stopped the rest of us owners from accessing it...
Kev3188 said:No armed takeover of anything by Occupy in my city...