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If the Oregon militiamen were Muslim or black, they'd probably be dead by now

delldude said:
Armed takeover of an empty building?
Many weren't that fortunate.
Like I said, no armed takeover where I live.

As for "walking right in," if I wanted to head out to the refuge, could I have "walked right in" at any point over the last several weeks? I own it, so you'd think I could've, right?
Kev3188 said:
Like I said, no armed takeover where I live.

As for "walking right in," if I wanted to head out to the refuge, could I have "walked right in" at any point over the last several weeks? I own it, so you'd think I could've, right?
Be a little hike today, 'eh Buddy?
The documents state that teams responsible for securing the refuge reported "significant amounts of human feces in and around an outdoor camping area," which "is adjacent to or on a particularly sensitive cultural site that may require extensive processing."

"Occupiers appear to have excavated two large trenches and an improvised road on or adjacent to grounds containing sensitive artifacts. At least one of these trenches contains human feces," the documents read.

The news drew swift condemnation from members of the Burns Paiute tribe, which considers the refuge sacred ground.

"Of course I have anger," said tribal council member Jarvis Kennedy. "It would be like someone going out to Arlington National Cemetery and doing the same thing. That's how we see it."

Kev3188 said:
Good 'ol Pete; still trying to rationalize sedition...

sedition (noun)  se·di·tion  \si-ˈdi-shən\

the crime of saying, writing, or doing something that encourages people to disobey their government
Strange how you openly encourage Occutards and BLM idiots to do the same, yet have a problem when others?


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