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If the Oregon militiamen were Muslim or black, they'd probably be dead by now

delldude said:
Is that what actually happened?
Calling ahead to serve a warrant on someone who has already said they would have to be killed to be taken is not something good, experienced cops do.
Glenn Quagmire said:
Calling ahead to serve a warrant on someone who has already said they would have to be killed to be taken is not something good, experienced cops do.
With that said, then its ok for experienced cops to gun down people who may have expressed  misgivings regarding being taken alive who did not show violent intentions?
As I previously pointed out, where did Lavoy engage the LEO's ?
Easy Dell....don't you know it's OK to take the officers word of events, when a Caucassion victim is involved!
Think someone called it a "Justified Shooting".
delldude said:
With that said, then its ok for experienced cops to gun down people who may have expressed  misgivings regarding being taken alive who did not show violent intentions?
As I previously pointed out, where did Lavoy engage the LEO's ?

On the shoulder of OR 395...

...After he'd ran from a previous stop...

After he'd announced he wouldn't be taken alive...but also announced they were headed to John Day...

...and knowing there's only ONE way to get there from the refuge...

Like I said before, he may not have planned to die that day, but he absolutely knew what he was doing...
Kev3188 said:
On the shoulder of OR 395...
...After he'd ran from a previous stop...
After he'd announced he wouldn't be taken alive...but also announced they were headed to John Day...
...and knowing there's only ONE way to get there from the refuge...
Like I said before, he may not have planned to die that day, but he absolutely knew what he was doing...
When's the last time you so vehemently justified an officer's actions when a African American was the victim.....thought so.
Kev3188 said:
On the shoulder of OR 395...
...After he'd ran from a previous stop...
After he'd announced he wouldn't be taken alive...but also announced they were headed to John Day...
...and knowing there's only ONE way to get there from the refuge...
Like I said before, he may not have planned to die that day, but he absolutely knew what he was doing...
So you play an amateur CSI on the interwebs?

That's cute.
townpete said:
So you play a an amateur CSI on the interwebs?
That's cute.
The alternative is to believe that he was so ignorant that the idea of a confrontation never occurred to him.

I'm just giving him the benefit of the doubt here...
Kev3188 said:
On the shoulder of OR 395...

...After he'd ran from a previous stop...

After he'd announced he wouldn't be taken alive...but also announced they were headed to John Day...

...and knowing there's only ONE way to get there from the refuge...

Like I said before, he may not have planned to die that day, but he absolutely knew what he was doing...
Announcing you'll never be taken alive isn't justification to use lethal force, neither is fleeing...in fact, during that video from Lavoy's car, you can hear bullet pings off the vehicle several times. Is that justified?
It appeared he was trying to go around the roadblock, there it significantly got out of hand for sure. You can't discern much of anything from the aerial video from 200+ yds. Some say Lavoy reached for a sidearm, did he? Or was he shot in the gut and reacting to that? How about the mindset of Leo's? Tell me they weren't jacked from the get go. I bet the WH had a lot to do with the pussy footing from the start.
And this venture to the Sheriff? You aware of the fact that the Sheriff is the ultimate authority and law enforcement power in his jurisdiction? Leo's would have been hep to this and Lavoy getting to the Sheriff could have complicated things for the Leo's even further....like PT Barnum time. So there would be an impetus to prevent that.
So until the inquest or inquiry to what transpired that day is made public, and it will, it's all speculation to this point.
It’s too much to say, at this point, that the actual shooting of LaVoy Finicum, who participated in the “occupation” of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in January, might be deemed criminal.
But forensic work done by the sheriff’s department of Deschutes County, Oregon suggests that some or all of the FBI agents involved in that 26 January incident were less than truthful in giving their account of events afterward.
Les Zaitz at the Oregonian has the story:

Investigators from the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office could account for bullet holes in the left front hood, the driver’s side mirror and the front grille. They came from the automatic weapon of a state trooper who had fired three times at the truck as Finicum raced at 70 mph toward a police roadblock on Jan. 26.
The angle of a fourth bullet hole didn’t match the others.
An elaborate computer analysis, a review of the FBI aerial video of the shooting scene and a video from a passenger in Finicum’s pickup produced a result that startled the team poring over evidence into Finicum’s fatal shooting that day.
The fourth round, police concluded, was fired by an FBI agent who subsequently twice denied to investigators ever firing his gun. As the investigation proceeded, detectives determined he also fired a second time, but didn’t hit anything at the scene.

$6.5 Million in clean up fees, and the EPA has to get involved.
700UW said:
$6.5 Million in clean up fees, and the EPA has to get involved.
Drop in the bucket for what it costs the taxpayers to fly a 757 and 747 on the Nobammy family commie appology tour. $20 million plus to take the kids on vacation.

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