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If someone offered you a million dollars would you take it!

Ms Tree said:

Nice in theory but do you think testing all aid recipients is cost effective given the cost of the testing? 
Do you think "means testing" us is a cost effective way of finding out how much money they can steal from you, to buy lucy's  vote. How much money has the government spent keeping up with you?  
I agree with means testing. Not sure what the rest of your statement pertains to or means. What does means tesfing have to do with testing for tobacco or drug use or the cost benifit aspect of it?
Ms Tree said:
I agree with means testing. Not sure what the rest of your statement pertains to or means. What does means tesfing have to do with testing for tobacco or drug use or the cost benifit aspect of it?
[SIZE=10.5pt]If you cut someone off from welfare that spends welfare money to buy drugs you just saved money. If they can afford drugs they can afford to pay their own bills.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]I think he was referring to means testing as a way for the government to find out how much they can tax people on the welfare precipitants behalf and the cost to keep up with everyone finances. If that is not what he meant then I am as lost as you are.[/SIZE]
This person obviously has a different idea of what means testing would be used for.
[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]What do you know, we finally agreed on something.[/SIZE]
Dog Wonder said:
They spent all that money in the first two weeks of 2014?
Yes dog..... that is exactly what happened (rolls eyes).
Keep playing stupid. You are good at it.
Ms Tree said:
Are you saying you agree that it was scripted or that you do not think it was scripted?  I think with the WoW reference you are agreeing that it was scripted.
IMHO, it was scripted. Well thought out and 'play acting'. It very well may be that this is a crumb of second hand information from a disgruntled family member whom has to work to make a living. I don't know. As the caller failed to identify herself,  we will never know.
For people to jump on something like this as 'THE TRUTH' is disingenuous without fact base reporting.
Are there people gaming the system? Absolutely!
The problem as I see it is that we created a 'welfare class'. People that are 2nd/3rd generation welfare dependent.
It would be nice to say, 'get a job' but that's the easy answer.
Our system is broken.
B) xUT
100% agree that its broken

One idea I have been toying with is community service in exchenage for aid. Our infrusrltucture is crap. There is a lot of work that neexs to be done. Everthing from road repair to food delivery for home bound. I think training for these jobs in exchange for aid and a future in a vocation might work. Start up cost would be high but the return on the dollar I think would be well spent.
Ms Tree said:
100% agree that its broken

One idea I have been toying with is community service in exchenage for aid. Our infrusrltucture is crap. There is a lot of work that neexs to be done. Everthing from road repair to food delivery for home bound. I think training for these jobs in exchange for aid and a future in a vocation might work. Start up cost would be high but the return on the dollar I think would be well spent.
I would have never thought it possible. I totally agree with you. I need to go outside and see if the sky is falling.
Give government complete control of everyone's life and money if those people benefit from the government.
So fe la la lattio got the sarcasm in this post. Please share it.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I think he was referring to means testing as a way for the government to find out how much they can tax people on the welfare precipitants behalf and the cost to keep up with everyone finances. If that is not what he meant then I am as lost as you are.
Sorry, I guess I wasn't clear. Yes, that is was what I meant. The IRS spends Billions on agents and computer systems to keep up with your income, 401K. home equity etc and Ms Tree worries about wasting a little money drug testing the welfare recipients that get our money.
If you're a responsible saver you will soon be "means tested" and your Social Security benefits and medicare benefits will be cut. Because the Demarcates have decided to spend your money to create a lazy government dependent voter base. 
usa1 said:
Sorry, I guess I wasn't clear. Yes, that is was what I meant. The IRS spends Billions on agents and computer systems to keep up with your income, 401K. home equity etc and Ms Tree worries about wasting a little money drug testing the welfare recipients that get our money.
If you're a reasonable saver you will soon be "means tested" and your Social Security benefits and medicare benefits will be cut. Because the Demarcates have decided to spend your money to create a lazy government dependent voter base.
So since we waste money on other stuff it's ok to waste more money? Spending $1,000 to save $100 does not make sense in most circles. If you can show that the US would be saving more money than it is spending in order to catch the small percentage of people who are abusing the system, have at it. So far I not seen anything to support that notion.
Test a few and thousands will quickly opt out. Make them report somewhere daily to pick up trash along the highway to receive their check and they'll find a job within a week. 

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