Ms Tree said:Oh, and since when do oil companies making about 10% returns need government assistance?
Ms Tree said:And let me guess. I bet you were against the auto bail outs to save those jobs right?
Sorry but Im going to need some proof on the Fed making money off of the oil companies.usa1 said:BIG GOVERNMENT makes more off of BIG OIL than big oil makes off itself? That's why they get it.
Our government is out to make money anyway it can, to support it's big spending. Remember when government was fine with BIG Tobacco, until emphysema started costing them more in healthcare than they could collected in cigarette taxes. All of a sudden big brother started carrying about your health, but only after THEY stared losing money on it?
Nope. I dont believe jack from either party. What I do know is that you are inconsistent. Some bails outs for corporate welfare are OK but assistence for individuals is not. OH I forgot Corporations are people too.usa1 said:Nope ..... bailout was a good thing. See, that's the difference in you and I. You buy into anything you favorite party says. Think for yourself. Use some common sense.
Maybe we can get Lucy and Surf Rat together for a moochers convention in LAS one day soon! Of course on the tax payers dine! 😉 Exxon Mobil’s tax rate is “lower than the average American’s,” Daniel Weiss, an energy expert at CAP, countered in an analysis that put the company’s U.S. federal income tax rate in 2010 at just 17.2 percent.
Last year ExxonMobil announced a net income of $41 billion, Chevron a net income of $27 billion, and ConocoPhillips $12.4 billion. They were Americas three largest profit makers, and hugely helped by the high oil prices. Obama has a point when he states that they don’t need the tax breaks, “it’s not like these are companies that can’t stand on their own.”
so why is it solely Bushes fault so much money was spent in Irag?700UW said:Its simply amazing how you and others dont know how the government works.
Do you realize Congress authorizes and spends the money, not the President?
just like the other thread you don't have to say it, but your actions speafor themselves.700UW said:Did I say that?
He started a war, and Congress had to fund it.
But it is his fault about the no bid contracts making Dick Cheney's portfolio richer from Haliburton.
that doesn't change the fact he lied and bribed his way into getting it passed700UW said:So your saying the Supreme Court's head Justice Roberts is an idiot for ruling the way he did?
Gee who appointed him.
And glad you keep deflecting and change the subject at hand.
The Congress passed it, the Supreme Court upheld it and yet the right controlled house has spent over $30 million of our tax money to keep trying to defund it, now who are the idiots?
Glenn Quagmire said:If you are going to test welfare recipients because they receive government assistance, you will have to test all who get government assistance using "your money".
The list is kind of long:
People with Disabilities
Business Owners
Family and Housing Assistance
Disaster Assistance for Victims
Home Loans Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Loans
Mortgage Assistance Programs
Renter's Assistance
Weatherization Assistance
Welfare (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)
Health and Nutrition Assistance
Food Stamps and Other Nutrition Assistance Programs
Health Insurance for Children
School Lunch and Breakfast
Social Security
Job and Unemployment Assistance
Earned Income Tax Credit
Employment and Training Assistance
Government Jobs
Laid-Off and Dislocated Worker Assistance
Social Security
Unemployment Insurance
Education Assistance
Student Loans
School Lunch and Breakfast
Agricultural and Rural Assistance
Crop and Livestock Insurance
Farm Loans
There will have to be a new DTEA "Drug Testing and Enforcement Administration" set up. I am sure loads of money will be saved.
Not a fan of no bids but Halburton was the only company large enough to take it on. I am more concerned with the lack of punishment that they incurred for building shoddy showers which killed several soldiers.700UW said:Did I say that?
He started a war, and Congress had to fund it.
But it is his fault about the no bid contracts making Dick Cheney's portfolio richer from Haliburton.