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If someone offered you a million dollars would you take it!

usa1 said:
Test a few and thousands will quickly opt out. Make them report somewhere daily to pick up trash along the highway to receive their check and they'll find a job within a week.
You want them to self test? A government entity would need to be set up. Staff hired and trained. Data base set up for tracking. Locations would need to be set up or contracted to conduct the testing. Procedures would need to be established all to save what? How much? If its random testing people will play the lottery. Look at industries that have random testing and you will find that there are still folks who get busted on a regular basis.

Bottom kine is until you figure out how much is being lost (and it would need to be a butt load) talking about investing hundreds of millions to stop the abuse is silly.
Hey if a Congressman can do drugs, go to "rehab" still remain in office and earn six figures, why pick on the Welfare recipient?
Maybe we should test every Senator and House member and if they test positive kick them out of office.
700UW said:
Hey if a Congressman can do drugs, go to "rehab" still remain in office and earn six figures, why pick on the Welfare recipient?
Maybe we should test every Senator and House member and if they test positive kick them out of office.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
The Senator or the welfare voter? 
No opinion that it is ok for a Congressman to get arrested for drugs, go to rehab and still remain in office with a six figure salary?
:blink: You're on to something 700! Keep enough welfare voters in your district and you can get away with anything. This stuff is common sense fella's. 😀     
If you are going to test welfare recipients because they receive government assistance, you will have to test all who get government assistance using "your money".

The list is kind of long:

People with Disabilities
Business Owners
Family and Housing Assistance
Disaster Assistance for Victims
Home Loans Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Loans
Mortgage Assistance Programs
Renter's Assistance
Weatherization Assistance
Welfare (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)
Health and Nutrition Assistance
Food Stamps and Other Nutrition Assistance Programs
Health Insurance for Children
School Lunch and Breakfast
Social Security
Job and Unemployment Assistance
Earned Income Tax Credit
Employment and Training Assistance
Government Jobs
Laid-Off and Dislocated Worker Assistance
Social Security
Unemployment Insurance
Education Assistance
Student Loans
School Lunch and Breakfast
Agricultural and Rural Assistance
Crop and Livestock Insurance
Farm Loans

There will have to be a new DTEA "Drug Testing and Enforcement Administration" set up. I am sure loads of money will be saved.
Bill Clinton cut welfare and balanced the budget. What the hell has happen to your party.    😀
usa1 said:
Bill Clinton cut welfare and balanced the budget. What the hell has happen to your party.    😀
Two wars on the credit card, a big tax cut, and a Medicare drug benefit program not paid for had a lot to do with killing that balanced budget.
usa1 said:
Make them report somewhere daily to pick up trash along the highway to receive their check and they'll find a job within a week.
They should do that with the disabled. That will show those freeloaders.
Glenn Quagmire said:
Two wars on the credit card, a big tax cut, and a Medicare drug benefit program not paid for had a lot to do with killing that balanced budget.
"If someone offered you a million dollars for doing nothing would you take it."   I'll put you in the yes column! With Lucy!   
Only wish it wasn't coming out of my pocket.
700UW said:
Hey if a Congressman can do drugs, go to "rehab" still remain in office and earn six figures, why pick on the Welfare recipient?
Maybe we should test every Senator and House member and if they test positive kick them out of office.
I understand the sentiment but there is a distinction. One is salary for "work" performed the otherIis assistance. Standards are different.
700UW said:
No opinion that it is ok for a Congressman to get arrested for drugs, go to rehab and still remain in office with a six figure salary?
Is there a didferent standard for other citizens with their jobs?
Glenn Quagmire said:
If you are going to test welfare recipients because they receive government assistance, you will have to test all who get government assistance using "your money".
The list is kind of long:
People with Disabilities
Business Owners
Family and Housing Assistance
Disaster Assistance for Victims
Home Loans Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Loans
Mortgage Assistance Programs
Renter's Assistance
Weatherization Assistance
Welfare (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)
Health and Nutrition Assistance
Food Stamps and Other Nutrition Assistance Programs
Health Insurance for Children
School Lunch and Breakfast
Social Security
Job and Unemployment Assistance
Earned Income Tax Credit
Employment and Training Assistance
Government Jobs
Laid-Off and Dislocated Worker Assistance
Social Security
Unemployment Insurance
Education Assistance
Student Loans
School Lunch and Breakfast
Agricultural and Rural Assistance
Crop and Livestock Insurance
Farm Loans
There will have to be a new DTEA "Drug Testing and Enforcement Administration" set up. I am sure loads of money will be saved.
Agree 100%. This is where the cost out weighing the benifit comes into play.

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