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If someone offered you a million dollars would you take it!

cltrat said:
that doesn't change the fact he lied and bribed his way into getting it passed
Congress had the bill so if they did not read it that's on them so no lies. Did he lie the the public about it? Yep. Dumb SOB should have stuck with single payer as originally planed and gone with it. We would have been much better off.

Who was bribed? If your talking favors well that's how government runs. Bribes are a legal issue and that's a whole different can of worms.
700UW said:
But it is his fault about the no bid contracts making Dick Cheney's portfolio richer from Haliburton.
How do you feel about the no bid contract to CGI. The Obama administration gave the no-bid Obamacare website contract to a company whose former top analytic researcher developed the complex voter-tracking computer strategies that led Obama to victory in 2012. CGI Federal still holds five major tech contracts with CMS that are valid for at least another year.

Do you know when CGI was approved as a contractor for no bid contractor? Bet the answer will surprise you.
700UW said:
So your saying the Supreme Court's head Justice Roberts is an idiot for ruling the way he did?
Gee who appointed him.
And glad you keep deflecting and change the subject at hand.
The Congress passed it, the Supreme Court upheld it and yet the right controlled house has spent over $30 million of our tax money to keep trying to defund it, now who are the idiots?
The 30 million is a drop in the bucket to what this failed program is, has and will cost the American taxpayer.
People who drink the progressive koolaid......that's who.
Ms Tree said:
Do you know when CGI was approved as a contractor for no bid contractor? Bet the answer will surprise you.
Don't mention the fact that Bush preapproved 15 other equally suited companies at the same time.....think you got some kind of CT here Woody?
Federal officials considered only one firm to design the Obamacare health insurance exchange website that has performed abysmally since its Oct. 1 debut.
Rather than open the contracting process to a competitive public solicitation with multiple bidders, officials in the Department of Health and Human Services' Centers for Medicare and Medicaid accepted a sole bidder, CGI Federal, the U.S. subsidiary of a Canadian company with an uneven record of IT pricing and contract performance.
CMS officials are tight-lipped about why CGI was chosen or how it happened. They also refuse to say if other firms competed with CGI, or if there was ever a public solicitation for building Healthcare.gov, the backbone of Obamacare’s problem-plagued web portal.
Instead, it appears they used what amounts to a federal procurement system loophole to award the work to the Canadian firm.
CGI was one of 16 companies that had been qualified by HHS during President George W. Bush's second term to deliver, without public competition, a variety of hardware, software and communication products and services.
… (in 2007) CGI became eligible for multiple awards without public notice and in circumvention of the normal competitive bidding procurement process.
The multiple awards were in the form of “task orders” for projects of widely varying size. Over the life of the CGI contract — which expires in 2017 — the IT firm can receive awards worth anywhere from the “$1,000 to $4 billion,” according to a contracting document provided by CGI to the Washington Examiner.
This is apparently the route chosen by CMS officials in awarding the Obamacare Healthcare.gov website design contract to CGI.

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/tom-blumer/2013/10/23/unlike-halliburton-bush-43-era-no-bid-nature-cgi-contract-media-kept-sec#ixzz2qzaxadmJ
700UW said:
So your saying the Supreme Court's head Justice Roberts is an idiot for ruling the way he did?
Gee who appointed him.
And glad you keep deflecting and change the subject at hand.
The Congress passed it, the Supreme Court upheld it and yet the right controlled house has spent over $30 million of our tax money to keep trying to defund it, now who are the idiots?
Supreme Court indeed passed this piece of crap...does that make it right?
Then you must agree with past Supreme Court decisions too.
How about Dred Scott vs Sanford?
Or Korematsu vs US ?
Or Plessy vs Furguson ?
delldude said:
Supreme Court indeed passed this piece of crap...does that make it right?
Then you must agree with past Supreme Court decisions too.
How about Dred Scott vs Sanford?
Or Korematsu vs US ?
Or Plessy vs Furguson ?
Those were the bad decisions, now they are all good... 😛 😛
(If it meets the lefty narrative)
In the end we all end up with Obamacare. Medicare and Obamacare will merge. All of It will be "means tested", meaning those that work hard will pay three times as much as those that don't, for the same coverage. The IRS is collecting and connecting your financial data to the system now. If you have equity in your home, a 401k get ready to lose it. If you have any kind of saving you will be disqualify from subsidies. Get ready to take out a reverse mortgage and contribute most of your 401k to retirement healthcare. If there's any left over when you die the the fine print on the Obamacare plans says it goes into the system.  
You can see it all coming together!
When do you think they will start charging higher premiums for 'risky' venues such as owning guns, riding motorcycles,sky diving,skiing and whatever else they decide to 'tax'?

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