Not yet, The rumor is the letter is in the mail. The pres. is being charged with
''job abandonment'', when he walked out of last months' meeting. The power's that
be_________(insert names here) are supposedly sending the 1776 pres a letter
informing him of the charges and calling for him to step down. WAKE THE &*!* UP !!
They are not bringing it before the members that he represents, thier doing this
completely on thier own, without the memberships' consent. The IAM is stating he
should have remained in the hall when the 200+ members walked out. He followed
and led the membership, now he's kicked to the curb because they do not like his
tactics. Well, what were his tatics.....he listened to the membership and demanded
they be heard and now Canale, Brickner and others say, ''silence'' how dare you
question us !!! Phl needs to step up...screw the IAM, now they've made this personal.
They told Phl listen to us...We do not need to listen to you. Our pres. spoke up against
this TA and has always listened to his membership and not the ''power's that be''.
Sign a card for change...Phl sign a card for the one guy at the IAM that listened to you
and now is asked to leave.
7th post...and counting...off topic. keep up your average....