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IBEW update

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First and Foremost, About this ''letter'', it has been talked about for a couple of weeks. If you don't believe me you can look in other closed threads. The IBEW delayed its' release. The IAM has been requesting for the past 3+weeks for the letter. As I said in previous posts the letter is being put out to keep the IAM off the AFL-CIO and IBEW's back. The letter also keeps the IBEW from being served fines
for attempting to ''raid'' a fellow member of the AFL-CIO. If your wondering why the IBT was originally getting cards signed without this fear of fines, thats' because the IBT is not a member of the AFL-CIO.

Second, the IBEW is making plans to continue the card signing this week and weekend.The IBEW is still going forward with this due to the fact the workforce has already shown interest by signing over 3,000
cards already and each day that figure is going up not stopping.

Finally, Today in Phl, after the letter was put out the IAM like a sinking ship had the rats swimming about. The Phl AGC and the Phl chair were out and about. To tell you the truth the Phl chair has no backing in Phl and that will change at the next meeting when nominations are taking place and we will nominate someone new to take his place. Now for the AGC, he should really get together with the chair because in seperate break rooms they were saying completely different things....oh and thier still talking about the TA that was voted down in Phl by an almost 8 to one margin..When they spoke of the letter they were asked '' If the cards mean nothing, would you be willing to sign one ?'' needless to say, no cards were signed by them as they danced around the subject. Also when they were asked ,''what had the IAM done in the past 13 years?'' they made comments as to ....you just seem angry. When asked about the AGC's and VP" recieving 23%wage increases while the workforce was subjected to pay cuts and slash's in benifits ? They had no answer. So basically I sat in a room and got told how good this past TA was by a represenitive, representing me, but making 3X my wages (and I'm topped out)...and looking at another wage increase soon. YEAH !!! I'm sure thier pulling for me.............These people are not my brothers' they are the opposite of a brother, they are strangers' to me.

Item 1:
Hate to break it to you perseverance but the PIT local chairman was voted out. But Canale still appointed him to AGC even though Pit voted him out. Now, Canale just put him back in PIT to serve those who voted him out.

Item 2: IBEW letter has went over well. It has showed people that so many cards are now being signed that the IAM had to do something. You mention over 3,000? I didn't have the latest totals but I knew it was close. Great job Fleet service! 30 days....3,000 cards!!! Like I originally said, I think 60 days is all that is needed. That's only 30 more!

Item 3: FWIW: the 23% increase in AGC pay was accompanied with an exact 23% decrease in members pay.

They call me RedMan @ PHL. I can never hide.


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Can we piece this together for once. We want to replace IAM with IBEW. We have Tom Brickner, Coordinate for All IAM contracts telling us, they have the only means and experience to give anything towards West and also East. Give them time!
Then, we have almost enough cards to override IAM and force a vote for/against IBEW. O.K. Now we have ALL the Cards!
So! Now we wait! For What?
Can we piece this together for once. We want to replace IAM with IBEW. We have Tom Brickner, Coordinate for All IAM contracts telling us, they have the only means and experience to give anything towards West and also East. Give them time!
Then, we have almost enough cards to override IAM and force a vote for/against IBEW. O.K. Now we have ALL the Cards!
So! Now we wait! For What?

Now? We move ahead with IAM. IBEW has walked away, no interest in US. That was the letter Tim was talking about.
Station Update: The card drive is picking up steam bigtime.

SAN: 39 cards signed so far or about 60% already.

CLT is picking up steam.

Can we piece this together for once. We want to replace IAM with IBEW. We have Tom Brickner, Coordinate for All IAM contracts telling us, they have the only means and experience to give anything towards West and also East. Give them time!
Then, we have almost enough cards to override IAM and force a vote for/against IBEW. O.K. Now we have ALL the Cards!
So! Now we wait! For What?

You wait another couple of years for the IBEW to get you anything. Nothing is guaranteed. You can lose something. Some on this board continually say that you will lose nothing, check your facts, there is a lot to lose. The T/A is far far far far far far from perfect, but you need to be a man and stand up to the IAM, and not cut off your nose to spite your face. Go ahead vote out the IAM, and see how long it takes you to get a contract, also see the so-called leadership of the IBEW load up on their 6 figure deals.
It has been stated, ''That nothing is guaranteed''. I agree 100%, but I can see ,and what I see is a union who has had over 13 years to show some substance for the dues that they have and are currently recieving. It has to end. There are no guarantees' in this world but your first and last breath, its what we do in between that make up the life. 13 years is a lifetime to some and we have the opportunity to change what we are accomplishing.....nothing, absolutely nothing. The disparity between the have's and the have not's is wrong and we need to correct this and it will not happen if we keep the Canale's of the
world. It would be so easy to kiss my coworkers good bye and sell out...Thats' not what the majority of the workforce wants. I truely believe that many AGC's and VP's went in full of desire to represent thier membership but that belief is easily swayed when they and thier families grow accustom to $100,000++
salariers and become dependent on the money. You end up selling out on your values to keep your house in order. Look at your own fleet service group who have become dependent on working more than a 40hr. work week, to make ends meet. The difference being when we cash our checks every other week,we pay our bills and start all over. We sign up for OT and seek out shifts or extensions to meet what we require to make it another 2 weeks. The AGC's need it to keep up the $400,000 mortgage, keep thier families in the luxury they've grown accustom to and laugh it up at conventions and meetings that lead nowhere all at our expense.
Yep, there are no guarantees' but I can guarantee I signed a card for the IBEW and I can guarantee I will continue to seek change.........So, I take that back..I agree 99%, because I can guarantee what I have done........
You wait another couple of years for the IBEW to get you anything. Nothing is guaranteed. You can lose something. Some on this board continually say that you will lose nothing, check your facts, there is a lot to lose. The T/A is far far far far far far from perfect, but you need to be a man and stand up to the IAM, and not cut off your nose to spite your face. Go ahead vote out the IAM, and see how long it takes you to get a contract, also see the so-called leadership of the IBEW load up on their 6 figure deals.

ARE YOU SERIOUS? I can always tell when a poster is drinking the kool-aid. You are still talking about the TA. Hey, if that was good enough for you I am sorry. Luckily you were in the minority on that one. Also, the IAM is not even negotiating with the company, your waiting right now. how can you write that we would wait if the IBEW was voted in. Come on man. BTW we have stood up to the IAM, they know how we feel. They just don't care. One more thing i would take the IBEW leadership over the IAM in a new York minute. You would have to be nuts not to
I'm sure many would like to have been offered the choice of 20k after taxes. It's called respect as opposed to the IAM language which collars them with the drop dead '60 day layoff language'. Unfortunately, the painful thing is that with the IAM, you are a non-represented employee. FWIW: the IAM at United or Boeing isn't half bad. But at US AIRWAYS fleet, it is awful. US AIRWAYS fleet is the red headed step child.

Are you not able to comprehend what happened?

Judge Mitchell ABROGATED your F/S CBA, you had no CBA, the company gave fleet a final offer as no agreement was reached, it contained the 60 day language it was in the information given to EVERY Fleet Agent and yet you still ratified it.

Blame the Judge, the Company and Fleet, Judge Abrogated, Company gave the final offer and Fleet ratified it containing the language.

Since you were not in CCY nor in the courtroom, but yet you keep spreading lies.

I know who you are in PHL . You talk brave on here, but you hide at work and say nothing :unsure: . Speak up at work!!!
Are you not able to comprehend what happened?

Judge Mitchell ABROGATED your F/S CBA, you had no CBA, the company gave fleet a final offer as no agreement was reached, it contained the 60 day language it was in the information given to EVERY Fleet Agent and yet you still ratified it.

Blame the Judge, the Company and Fleet, Judge Abrogated, Company gave the final offer and Fleet ratified it containing the language.

Since you were not in CCY nor in the courtroom, but yet you keep spreading lies.
OK, 700, let's stick with your famous 'Can't blame the IAM since you were in Bankruptcy" lines.

Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't United in Bankruptcy also? What about Delta? Please explain to me how the drop dead '60 day layoff' language appeared in fleet's contract only. Do you think the Judge thought that one up?

I think the IAM does United alot better. I also think the IAM does M & R better than fleet. Fleet has always been told "What do you expect, you've only been union for 8 years!" Explain to me what that has anything to do with bankrupcty?

Unfortunately the facts are overwhelming. Each contract was not only pushed by the company but also pushed by the IAM with lies.

First contract said "1113 letters would prohibit the company from seeking further concession" That was a lie

Second contract promised MDA and 'jets for jobs' That was a lie

Third contract was the famous "The concession stand is closed" That was a lie

And the last go around, the IAM said the COC was not on the table. That was a lie.

Everytime they move their lips they are lying. And then when the masses need important information, the IAM sez, "Can't tell ya". I hate wasting my time getting the COC facts, contract facts to workers, it should be the IAM's job to tell workers the COC breakdowns.

700, it isn't that the IAM can't be a good union, it isn't half bad at Boeing or United. It's just that it can't be a good union for fleet service, the red headed step child. Fleet deserves better.

You've made three posts' already on this topic thread and none of them are
on topic. You won't move on, so say your peace and rest. You average nine posts'
a day and your all over the place. It seems your just on a witch hunt for Nelson and
anyone against the IAM.
Your on pilot threads, Flight attendant threads, Retiree's, and fleet....I'm sure your
not as well versed as you may think...This thread topic is ''IBEW update''. I am only
pointing out the obvious.
Please keep on topic...........IBEW

I agree ''perserverance'', stay on topic :

This was just put out in May :

''W. Douglas Parker, chief executive of US Airways, was given cash bonuses and stock grants worth about $4.8 million last year, according to SEC filings.''

Highest Paid District Lodge 141 Leaders & Staff Name Title Total Compensation
Stephen Canale Pdgc $ 140,425
Albert Faung Agc $ 131,867
Anthony Armideo Agc $ 122,518
Paul Kempinski Agc $ 122,412
Ira Levy Agc $ 119,762
Pat Flynn Agc $ 119,693
William Chandlee Agc $ 118,359
Nelson Davis Agc $ 117,657
Thaddeus Trynock Agc $ 115,908
Rachel Davis Agc $ 114,592

We need to wake up....It's all there. This is the IAM.
WE NEED THE IBEW more than they need us........
Just curious, did anyone make this last year ??? I didn't
The lowest guy on this page is close to 4x my 2005 W-2., and I worked OT.

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