Well, us on the west side have given quite a bit of time to the IAM to get us our new contract and weve seen nothing. All they keep talking about it their furloughs and the 22 idiots in PHL. The west is still making wages placed on them in 2000 and the IAM is sitting on the pot. Well get off of it and get us our money. Im here to say that if the west side is left out of the year end bonus based on profit there will be alot of people not working the few days following. The IAM needs to get us our contract and needs to get it soon. Especially the money they plastered everywhere that we would recieve if the IAM took over. They should also be doing something about how the PHX ramp is now starting off at $9 and hour and all the FS and LAS is still making $7.50. They need to do something and do it soon. maybe get with the pilots about this cost neutral ####. They told TWU cost neutral and they said F off. So Im asking the IAM when are you gonna do something for us but throw our grievances down the toilet, especially the ones that were set for arbitration before the IAM took over.