Dell,I guarantee the union membership that voted in Frank in PIT was most likely under 150 voting.
The members from other airlines...well I remember voting for some dude from Hawaii who I knew jack about but he had a cool name.![]()
Just like when you got to the polls here and some quack smack is on the ballot in some position you never heard or knew about....guess you pull the lever?
is it right? BTSOOM.....Thats the way they been going it for some time.
As far as what went on in PIT vs our good friends in CLT...was it right or wrong?? I see it as a reaction against a company violating the CBA and Frank and Bill meeting that wrong with wildcat threat that probably was doable.
CLT moaned about secret phone calls and such....maybe CLT shoulda been up and running too...don't know...don't really care anymore...its history .
After all CLT usually was very staunch in unionistic actions during contract neg's...why they seemed to cave against this affront...I don't know.its over....for me at least. 😉
This union needs to "pull their head out" and make elected officials accountable to the membership.
I can see why you don't care anymore, sounds like you were'nt laid off out of seniority for very long, [a few days ?]
Yeah, I know, "Thats the way they been doing it for some time"..
Do you at least agree that both locals should of got off their collective azzes and made a Joint decision ?