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insp89 speaks the truth regarding AGC elections.

You'll be better off wanting one to step out in front of a bus rather than voting them out.

FWIW, station managers laid fleet workers off out of order, it was properly grieved, strung out, and flushed during BK1.

Junior part-time employees were retained, and senior full-time employees were sent home.
insp89 speaks the truth regarding AGC elections.

You'll be better off wanting one to step out in front of a bus rather than voting them out.

FWIW, station managers laid fleet workers off out of order, it was properly grieved, strung out, and flushed during BK1.

Junior part-time employees were retained, and senior full-time employees were sent home.
Thanks for the information..
The FM disaster was caused by Frank and Bill.

Frank and Bill took it upon themselved to violate the contract and layoff mechs and call mechs back.

They disregarded seniority and assigned senior guys laid-off to third shift heavy when they were shop mechanics.

Tony and Tommy strickly adhered to the CBA and would not devate from it.

The whole problem was caused by a VP who paniced, I cant remember his name, but he was over the Engine and some Component Shops and had no clue on what to do.

I for one would prefer the CBA adhered to then two renegade reps take it upon themselves to violate the CBA they took an oath to protect.

And at the time of 9/11 Tommy was not assigned to CLT but would assist Tony.
During the whole Airbus debacle, from day one that was a U versus Pit issue! According to "I wish I could vote no" Frank he made the comments numerous times that work ain't going to Mobile, Charlotte or Tampa it is going to be done here or we will strike I heard it and everyone else who worked there heard him say it! Frank and Bill would sell out their own mother if they thought it would help their cause in PIT, you keep saying the membership is the union, how many bubba deals have been worked with Bill and Frank over the years to benefit PIT and screw other stations without the members approval. Everybody knows that PIT dictates what happens at least it has in the past! And since the NMB has ruled in favor of the IAM when can we expect all the bids for the 100's of mechanics and utility to be posted! And why haven't we seen any U West 737 or Airbus scheduled for heavy check!
Because a transition agreement has not been negotiated yet.
Hopefully the good people out in PHX will fair better than TPA!
Workingman and 700UW: At this stage of the game, IMO, most of the people reading your posts are not interested in your personal arguments. Try keeping on the subject at hand, which is communication, not putting up more barriers. People can be informed of past actions without the finger pointing, name calling and other BS. This is a printed forum. You can only print and read; any insults perceived are only what you make of what you read from a one dimensional media format.
All the US(West) cares about is how and what the IAM has to say and when things will affect us. We will make our own decisions on whether the information is good, bad, lies or believeable. We have our reservations because of (1) what we have heard, (2) what former members have said, and (3) what we have read. We are going to be open minded, but not gullible.

While 700 always posts: Don't let the facts get in your way. He must remember that we do not always possess ALL the facts, and there is a vast difference between experience (real or perceived) and factual information. Just because it is printed in this forum doesn't mean it is accepted as a fact.

That is my 2 cents worth. If the shoe fits, wear it; if not, then who cares?
MOST EXCELLANT POST Thank You Very Much For the Inteligent way Presenting the REAL DEAL & issue's we should be Looking At Not the Personal Attack's that We have All Witnessed & Are SICK & TIRED OF. MWW
Fan & Beenthere

Two excellent posts! Dead on center.

There is so much politics in the IAM it reeks. I knew personally some of the higher ranking EX IAM officials in Pit. Worked with them and got to know them very well, armed with that knowledge and what is obvious to everyone, well that is why I just looked on in astonishment when the IAM was again given the green light over hard working airline employees, and to what end? Look at their batting average, look at the politics, the blatant arrogance that is the IAM leadership. People worked their entire lives, they paid a life time of dues only to see their pensions evaporate with unions officials telling them they MUST accept this, that they must also accept reduced everything, they even considered reducing seniority at one time. 700 gets on here printing lies and falsehoods via of his spins supporting this crap.

Like a professional sports team that has a losing record, what happens? Do they let the same losers run the show for life like the IAM does? No, they keep replacing them until they find a winning team. The IAM team is filled with losers. It's recorded history and yet they still exists. This shows just how apt the IAM is at exploiting the down trodden to their own personal advantage. It's shameless.

Back in 1977 I was a IAM member and we were forced to sign a concessionary contract because like that now dead and buried union official said, unions are not what they once were. That was in 1977, what are they like now? We all know the answer, useless.

It got to the point I actually loathe unions because of what they have become, self serving political corrupt men supporting everything from abortion to sex changes trying to convince the membership they need democrats to save them. PAC my ###, UNIONS my ###, you can shove them deep where the sun don't shine.

If you need to depend on another entity for your well being, IMO you are not living right but that is exactly where the unions have their all “believingâ€￾ membership.
700 gets on here printing lies and falsehoods via of his spins supporting this crap.
You are obsessed and you are the one who constantly lies, here you go:

Don't worry 700, I will not respond to your nonsense nor ever read these boards any longer, it’s over for me, just a damn shame the IAM is still there. I just wanted to point out some very real facts to balance your insanity called posts.
Now run along.
One thing I would offer up as a word of warning to those in the Related catagory is this.

When the IAM acreeded The Planners , Material Controllers and Tech Doc Specialists...many people whom were Senior in that job prior became Junior once the IAM came in.

Example...The IAM and the Compnay agreed to allow date of hire to rule the day period.

Some people whom were New to Maintenance Planning from other areas got full credit for years with the company , including those whom left MSP positions just prior to the acreetion into the union.

This is NOT my personal fight to wage...but when all other IAM jobs are bid based on Senority within a classification...it's not very fair for a junior timed person within a classification to reap Senior timed benefits for anything beyond vacation time.
The FM disaster was caused by Frank and Bill.

Frank and Bill took it upon themselved to violate the contract and layoff mechs and call mechs back.

They disregarded seniority and assigned senior guys laid-off to third shift heavy when they were shop mechanics.

Tony and Tommy strickly adhered to the CBA and would not devate from it.

The whole problem was caused by a VP who paniced, I cant remember his name, but he was over the Engine and some Component Shops and had no clue on what to do.

I for one would prefer the CBA adhered to then two renegade reps take it upon themselves to violate the CBA they took an oath to protect.

And at the time of 9/11 Tommy was not assigned to CLT but would assist Tony.
You're dead wrong here dude...don't let the facts get in your way....

FACT:Management violated the CBA and layed off out of seniority.

FACT:Frank and Bill threatened a walkout if they didn't get everyone back layed off out of seniority.

FACT: Your boys shoulda grown some balls and backed up the northern group.

FACT: I'm one of the ones layed off who had 16 yrs seniority while a bunch with 1 yr or less worked in my own department.

FACT:CLT was still in the North vs South mode back then and you know it.

FACT:Grievance over this was thrown under the carpet during BK....so who lost more north or south? 😱
Funny if it did not occur then why did Roach step in and tell Bill he was not to make any agreements, LOAs, no conference calls with the company, or anykind of deals with the company without the other AGCs being part of it?

And why was Bill having private conference calls with Frank and the company and Frank was not an AGC?

Shall I call Tony and Tommy and let you know exactly what happened?
Yeah maybe I can hear their side....

That was back in the days when your local were at war with 1976....

It was all political and still is......

Company violates CBA its ok and just sit by and lose money?

Yeah maybe we should file a grievance... :lol:

LL1976 did right and got those illegally ousted back where they should be...WORKING.

Your guys sat by like a bunch of goody two shoes and let their represented lose weeks of monies.

Really matters like a friggin' hill of beans for you and I now doesn't it? 😉
All unions lost their FM Grievances.

It was not a war between 1725 and 1976, funny why did Bill and Frank have a private conference call with the company and hid everything from the other AGCs?

Why did Roach step in and tell Bill no more?
Must not have been that big of a deal...Bill still there and Frank just got a promotion.Maybe it had something to do with it?

It was not a war between 1725 and 1976

Funny I remember relaying info to you about some things going on in PIT and having it blow up in my face when your boys called LL1976. :shock:

He was elected to a GC position, key word, elected, big changes at 142.

New DL President and a previous GC was told not to run.

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