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IAM Merger Update

You iam diehard idiots that continue to spout off about a $78 multiplier aren't giving all of the facts. For partimers it is half of that whether you are a displaced fulltimer or not. It also isn't calculated on how many years that you have with USairways. It is based on how many years that you have in the iam plan. Which for all of the ramp is almost two years. So if you have 25 years with USAirways, and 2 years in the iam plan you will only be receiving $156 a month retirement if you were to retire today. Don't think that you are going to get $78 x 25 years service from the iam as a retirement. It ain't gonna happen. We were also supposed to be automatically vested in the plan. I got my statement and it said that I am not vested, but I've been working on the ramp for 23 years. if you are an HP ramper you will not be included in the iam plan until you start giving them your dues money. So don't think the iam is in your corner, they are not.
December 12, 2005

US Airways-America West Integration Update

Teamsters-CWA Reach Transition Agreement with US Airways

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

The Communications Workers of America (CWA) and International Brotherhood of Teamsters have reached a transition agreement with US Airways for the Customer Service Employees they propose to jointly represent.

In the transition agreement, the Teamsters and CWA acknowledge the fact the full Section 6 contract negotiations will not occur as a result of the merger. The Agreement resolves pay differences between the two contracts and transitions America West workers into the existing US Airways-CWA agreement.

The agreement also addresses how seniority integration will be handled. One aspect that should concern workers at both airlines is the provision stating that there will be no stapling of all the employees of one airline to the bottom of the seniority list of the other airline. By expressly stating that the stapling of all employees is prohibited, the stapling of an unspecified number of employees is not only permitted, but is apparently being contemplated by the parties.

Unlike the Teamster’s ever-changing integration policy, the IAM’s position remains clear and consistent – integration should be based on an employee’s date of hire into the classification. This method is fair and unambiguous, which may be why the Teamsters refuse to agree to it.

The Teamsters and CWA are asking the National Mediation Board to rule on their joint representation of Customer Service workers at the same time at least one of the parties, the Teamsters, are objecting to the IAM’s request to rule on representation for the combined airline’s Mechanic & Related workers.

The IAM is also negotiating a transition agreement with US Airways, but the objection from the Teamsters is holding up the process.

It is the Machinists Union’s opinion that since America West workers will be covered by the terms of a transition agreement they should be active participants in the process. The Teamsters’ delay tactics are preventing current America West representatives from attending and participating in the IAM’s negotiations, but the IAM cannot reach a transition agreement without the participation of America West Mechanic & Related representatives. Their experience and knowledge of the America West agreement is valuable to the employees at both carriers.

The Teamsters’ interference is preventing the final resolution of any pay disparities between the work groups and participation in the IAM National Pension Plan (NPP) by the Mechanic & Related workers at the combined carrier.

As the IAM has previously stated, we are proposing that US Airways contribute into the NPP on behalf of Mechanic & Related employees of the combined airline. However, under NPP rules, a company must contribute a negotiated rate for at least 1,600 hours annually on behalf of a participant in order for the participant to receive a full year’s credit. Less than 1,600 hours will earn only a partial benefit.

If US Airways does not begin contributing to the NPP by March of 2006, the combined group of Mechanic & Related employees must wait until 2007 to receive their first full year’s credit. Unfortunately, the Teamsters have stalled negotiations in an attempt to squeeze a few months more dues from America West Mechanics.

Any talk of the Teamsters negotiating their own pension plan is a joke. No airline will agree to participate in any Teamster multi-employer plan because their gross underfunding creates an enormous liability for contributing employers.

The IAM’s strong scope language will also force maintenance the Teamsters allow America West to export to El Salvador to be done by US Airways employees, creating job opportunities for furloughed Mechanic and Utility workers.

The only party that benefits from delaying the process is US Airways.

The Machinists Union is ready to work with America West Mechanic representatives to conclude transition negotiations so the combined Mechanic & Related workforce can benefit from the resolution of wage disparities, participate in a defined benefit pension plan and begin the recall of hundreds of US Airways workers.

All we need is for the Teamsters to stop delaying the process.

In Solidarity,
William O'Driscoll

What a joke keep spreading the lies. there will be a vote quit crying. I'm in no hurry to take your IAM paycut and lose sick time and holidays. also don't forget the loss in my 401k matches.
December 12, 2005

US Airways-America West Integration Update

Teamsters-CWA Reach Transition Agreement with US Airways

In Solidarity,
William O'Driscoll
700, this is posted on the local and district website and also was mailed to everyones house. Does it have to be posted here also?? :blink: How about some info on whats been talked about in the transition agreement, or is that top secret. :down:
IAM’s position remains clear and consistent – integration should be based on an employee’s date of hire into the classification. This method is fair and unambiguous

If USAirways with employees ranging from 25-40 years Seniority was purchaced by AWA with 1/5 the workforce ranging from 1-20 years seniority,. USAirways would cease to exist and It's employees would want and expect AWA management to act fair and honerable. Protecting the previous employees USAirways from lay-off pay seniority and work towards a fair seniority integration based on position as they enter the AWA workforce. Knowing they could all be offered employment at day one seniority and bottom scale wages as entering AWA employment. Expecting seniority integration based on date of hire at a company that no longer exists would be considered arogant and rediculious.

Don't let the name on the door confuse you.

Both of the companies that each and everyone of us used to work for no longer exist. We all hope to retain employment at USAirways LCC.

IAM's statements that seniority integration based on date of hire at a company that no longer exists is arogant and rediculious, and definatelty NOT "fair and unambiguous"
[quote name='700UW' date='Dec 15 2005, 08:27 AM'
US Airways Integration Update Fleet Service

To All Members at US Airways

As the integration of US Airways and America West moves forward, events are unfolding that should concern every Fleet Service Employee at US Airways.

In a limited number of stations, individuals have attempted to circulate authorization cards on behalf of the union representing 800 ramp workers at America West. The move has the potential to force an election that could potentially result in decertification and the loss of the IAM National Pension Plan at US Airways.


ALL US WEST(America West) Fleet service agents are represented by TWU Local 580, Not just 800 ramp agents, but roughly 2400 and growing!!!

While we are a relatively young union(local 580) this was are first contract, if you exclude your pay scale our contract is FAR SUPERIOR in EVERY other WAY to that piece of S**T you currently have.

We are in section 6 negotiations NOW.

Please tell me why the IAM REFUSED to take your current deal to the members for a vote?? Is it because it SUCKED!


Why would you want to force more potential members under this Crappy contract? Is it because the IAM truly only cares about 2 stations(PIT, PHL) the rest just don't matter. Is that it? Because those jobs won't subject to outsourcing, most of the new stations would be and thats just not right.

And if you were refering to TWU coming to PHL to try and inform the fleet service agents that they indeed have a better choice out there, but what is done you use Tactics that incluse indimidation and suppression of FREEDOM of SPEECH. Doesn't the IAM believe in the constitution?

Please let me know yours and the IAM's opinion I can't wait to hear it.
$78 is a multiplier, it is what your pension is calculated on, it is no money out of the individual's pocket.

The IAM pension was either the second or third biggest concession that fleet service took.....is this or isn't this true 700? It's a fact and you know it.

And FWIW, I understand the handle thingy but to be fair you should stand behind your own name if you are going to attack me personally. I don't mind if you agree or disagree with me about a topic but I really think it is unfair for you to personally attack me if you hide behind a handle.

At any rate, I believe I remember that Diogenes attended some meetings with IAM district and financial people who went over the IAM pension concession and the number was $47 million concession when compared to the previous modest 401k fleet service had. If Diogenes is lurking maybe he can open 700's ears since I apparently can't.

The IAM AGC's also agreed with the company to limit any contributions to only 40 hours and to place brand new burdens on part timers.

Once there is an election and facts are shared, I don't believe the IAM stands much of a chance given the permanent status of the IAM bankruptcy contract most likely through 2013.

As a side, a 1993 non-dues paying US AIRWAYS fleet service worker will have a much much better job package than the IAM dues-paying ones in 2009. It's not even close. thousands of dues dollars for big big cuts.

The fleet service members voted on the company's final offer, the IAM did not refuse to bring it out.

And Tim, if you have not looked around it is a whole differant industry since 1992 when you had no vacation, sick time, pension frozen, 40% made part-time, outsourcing of cargo, mail and express.

But hey don't let the facts get in the way of your rant.

By the way what happened to the agw club you and mike created?
The fleet service members voted on the company's final offer, the IAM did not refuse to bring it out.

And Tim, if you have not looked around it is a whole differant industry since 1992 when you had no vacation, sick time, pension frozen, 40% made part-time, outsourcing of cargo, mail and express.

But hey don't let the facts get in the way of your rant.

By the way what happened to the agw club you and mike created?

700, for the record,

Early 1990's Non-Union ramper 2005 IAM dues payor
employees 8,300 3,980
paid sick days yes no
seniority protection yes no
retirement contribution up to 10% between 6-3%
paid vacation up to 6 weeks up to 5 weeks
dues paid no $45 month
Stations around 80 around 15-20
Pay $17.88 Between $17-15.60
Overtime double time and half 1 1/2 tops
shift differ .51 nothing
shift trades unlimited restricted
uniform allowance yes no
IAM representation NO Yes
employee health
care contribution minimal tons
prescription plan fair abomination

And another thing. When the IAM says it beleives in date of hire seniority, it doesn't mean date of hire per say. We have never had Date of Hire seniority with the IAM. I mean they use the term but it is defined as a merger of seniority rules so that the real seniority that governs IAM fleet service workers is called classification seniority which governs vacation bidding, shift bidding and all the good stuff.

At any rate, even though the TWU contract is their first one in a bankruptcy type situation it is still much better than the IAM's which is an enema. Plus the TWU allowed for a more flexible duration date that allowed them to commence negotiations earlier this year. The IAM's duration date is outright pathetic and you know it. They didn't fight for squat and the vast majority of workers know this. Correction, the IAM did fight for US AIRWAYS to accept the concessionary IAM pension plan, MDA voluntary recognition, and some money payouts that were allowed in the T/A, and a board seat.

The way the IAM does this sort of thing makes it possible for some clown from a different culture and in the case of CA a different world come to "your" station and bump your butt out the door. Seniority at work, but also human nature at work and why that nonsense creates more negative results than positive. The IAM is famous for making seniority GOD, it's their tabernacle to be moved to any airline and why the Teamsters is by far a better choice IF you must live under a unions umbrella and foolish rules with morons for leaders.
if seniority isn't the best measure....apparently how much you can ingest would be the rule of thumb?? 😉
The facts must have gotten in 700's way, because when the facts were presented 700 had no rebuttal.