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IAM in T/A - Now we need ratification and the loan

I think they are more than allegations like the DEN
tech who was reinstated under the whistleblower act.
If you wish to ignore problems with maint.supervisors
pencil whipping work thats your choice thank god those
techs didnt.I dont care what luv mechs do thats got nothing
to do with us at ual.
Also no offense but attitudes like yours help those who
would do these sorts of things keep doing it and not get
caught.I guess that says more about you than the whistleblowers.
Yes I know his company code.I havent said anything about Tiltons pay
what he makes is his business besides even if you didnt like it theres
nothing you could do about it anyway.I wanted to use glenn.tilton@ual.com
if it works on outside e-maillike yahoo.I dont use company equipment to send
e-mail.The company is monitoring their systems.Thanks
No offense, but your attitude is part of whats wrong with UAL. here you are posting ONE guys alligations against our company from a VERY anti United site. Why are you even on it? Do you bash your own airline, the company that pays you're bills feeds your family and provides them medical care and travel. Do you see the LUV guys doing it? They've got wheels and panels falling off jets, and they seem all peachy keen in public. If you're gonna beat your wife, do it at home, where nobody sees it. Seems to me if there EVER was a time to at least put up a PUBLIC front of teamwork, nows the time
On 11/25/2002 10:25:03 AM wts54 wrote:

I think they are more than allegations like the DEN
tech who was reinstated under the whistleblower act.
If you wish to ignore problems with maint.supervisors
pencil whipping work thats your choice thank god those
techs didnt.I dont care what luv mechs do thats got nothing
to do with us at ual.


There is a time and place for everything. i applaud those mechs who aired the situation in the PROPER FORUM. do you think this is it? How about untied.com? Why don't you put some signs up in front of the ticket counter? We have over 80,000 employees, of course there will be one or two bad applesin management AND on the line. But for an employee depending on UAL for his long term security to be out in public shouting WE Suck is just dumb IMHO.
On 11/22/2002 9:06:10 PM Bob Owens wrote:

SWA is getting raises but you're giving concessions. Is their contract still expiring next year or did they get a small increase in exchange for an extension. Come on college boy surely you realize there is more to a book than the cover. Maybe I should have clarified the statement to indicate that the company is not going to open the contract when times are very good and the workforce is in a good bargaining position. Whom do you suppose had the upper hand at the table, SWA or the pilots?

SWA opened a concessionary contract EARLY and negotiated a new contract that expire later. That's the point. Why would you just open the contract and have it still expire on the same date? What part are you having trouble understanding?

I'll accept that as your realization that you do not have valid counterpoints, thus your attempt to flee the discussion. You musnt allow your MBA certified intellect to be one upped by the "great unwashed".

You made the statement that I should talk to an MBA. I said I am one. What part do you not understand? Discussing Economics with you is about the same as telling Castro about the benefits of capitalism. You honestly don't exhibit even a basic understanding of supply and demand or market forces. I'd have more luck teaching astrophysics to a 3 year old. If anyone doubts it, all they have to do is read you diatribe in Just conversation where you advocate lowering the maximum workweak to 32 hours. I can't do it justice without violating the rules of the forum (ie can't use the proper adjectives like nutty, wacky, crazy...). News flash Bob, Communism Doesn't Work!!


Funny how your employer (AA) is going to be asking you to take paycuts shortly.

As for my old school ways, I'm taking a paycut, so therefore I'm advocating that all UA employees agree to the same because it is a necessary component to our financial turn-around. Being the expert that you are on this subject, I'm sure you've seen that our unit costs are among the highest in the industry (2nd after US Airways). Gee, and which two carriers are in the worst financial condition in the industry? Yup, US and UA. Amazing, huh? I would never advocate a paycut for someone else without having to take one myself. I've not yet done that and I won't do that. But paycuts are necessary for UA's turnaround. And we all know what implications that has for you and your employer (AA). Don't worry, the gravy train days of AA exploiting UA's weak position are over. Turnabout is about to become fair play!


You don't need Tilton's email to send him ideas. Why not write him a letter? And as for his email address, if you think about it hard enough, I'm sure you can figure out his address. I'd have emailed it to you but you don't have Private Message capability.

It's amazing how people are still so quick to blame Tilton for a perceived greedy cash grab to save the company. He hasn't even been here 90 days yet. Do you honestly think he has a feel for all of the problems entrenched in this airline after such a short time? His entire focus right now is on keeping us out of bankruptcy and stabilizing our balance sheet. Once he does that, if cultural changes aren't made, than you can slam him as being another CEO not intent on fixing the true problems of United. But I honestly think he will make many of those changes. But they take time. They don't happen overnight.
Don't get me started about Untied.com. I would focus on going through the proper channels to lodge complaints...not going to a complete wack job. That guy has way too much time on his hands.
Okay,here is one for you UAL fired Mr Guilford for reporting
maint items that the sup wanted to whip.UAL was forced by
a federal judge to reinstate him with backpay,seniority,etc
immediately,and UAL is still trying to get out of the backwages.
I have seen the documents from the goverment.He works in DENMM
why dont you call him.He can tell you all the details.To simply
say that its needs to be reported in house first is giving
maint management to much credit granted they are not all
bad apples,but there are those in management that would
not follow approved repair practices and possibly jeopardize
the flight for an on time departure.The saving grace may be
the redundant systems and or the skillful pilot.Mr Guilford isnt
the only person UAL fired for reporting to management first
then fired.What recourse is there? The whistleblower act does
give the average person trying to do a good job a fighting chance.
Also in the Guilford case thank God when the pilot was told of the
problems he rightly refused to fly the aircraft.What about the maint
foreman who had his license revoked by the faa for a year.What did
the company do you ask?Simply place him in the auto shop until
the faa gave his license back.Enough proof or do you want his name
and the names of the others who have had faa civil action taken
against them.I know of 3 at my station.Im sure mechs at other stations
can name theirs.Okay when we try to report a situation and no one listens
who do we call ??If our own company turns it back and tries to take action
against employees with safety complaints what do you suggest we do?
What if it was you 6 miles up in a aircraft with a problem and maybe
things are bad enough even our most skillful pilot cant get things under
control and land safely? Aircraft maintenance is something that should
be done by the book.If its not right by the book then its not fit to
fly period.All of the mechanics I think are just looking out for those
of us that fly and the customers that we carry with us.
Lastly if you are still not convinced call Bill Norman in SFO through
unitel.The v-p of line maintenance can give you a readout of that case and
all the millions of dollars of fines the faa has levied against UAL.The
faa can tell you other facts about our maint practices.Remember just because
a flight arrives someplace it doesnt mean it was airworthy.It simply
means through pilot skill or aircraft redundancy the flight arrived.
On 11/25/2002 10:25:03 AM wts54 wrote:

I dont care what luv mechs do thats got nothing
to do with us at ual.

Maybe you should, they seem to make money.

Also no offense but attitudes like yours help those who
would do these sorts of things keep doing it and not get
caught.I guess that says more about you than the whistleblowers.

What it says is I've got enough brains to realize that posting my company grievances on untied will not change the situation. that's why you go to the PROPER AUTHORITIES. If someone robbed you would you call the cops or would you post on badrobbers.com. Catch a clue.


I have no way, no way of knowing if anything on Untied.com is true.

I am a strong believer - as you may be learning by my posts - in having all facts in the matter and that the information being used to debate one's point comes from a credible source.

Credible sources include publications, white papers, analyst reports, etc. I certainly do NOT consider Untied.com a credible source. Prove me wrong...give me some facts that you can back up.
What if what he and the other people say are true,and I believe
most of it based on my time with the company.Do you have a problem
with the truth?Like my country right or wrong.
On 11/25/2002 10:51:58 AM wts54 wrote:

One or two ?? I never said we suck you did.

RTFP WTS, I was characterizing your UAL bashing.
No offense, but your attitude is part of whats wrong with UAL. here you are posting ONE guys alligations against our company from a VERY anti United site. Why are you even on it? Do you bash your own airline, the company that pays you're bills feeds your family and provides them medical care and travel. Do you see the LUV guys doing it? They've got wheels and panels falling off jets, and they seem all peachy keen in public. If you're gonna beat your wife, do it at home, where nobody sees it. Seems to me if there EVER was a time to at least put up a PUBLIC front of teamwork, nows the time

Maybe they treat their people a little better ?????
I didnt realize that Unitedchicago was your real name, I figured it was an alias.
My yealy pay come out to about $72696, It could be more depending on how much OT or how many holidays I work. SS and Credit Card # are none of your business.
So how much do you make?

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