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IAM in T/A - Now we need ratification and the loan

United Chicago
I have some news for you. The information on Untied.com IS CORRECT. Though the previous poster mentioned I was in Denver his reading is in error. I was in INDY. You will note that a crack was reported in the frame of an aircraft, this is part of the primary structure of an aircraft. I also have been in touch with GT Davis the mech in Denver. The picture is also a fact as I also saw the aircraft as it is depicted in the picture. Now if you have any further doubt about what is on Untied.com I suggest you contact them for proof. BTW If there were falsehoods do you doubt for one minute United would not have them in court?
Now as for the original subject. The mech. group alone at the U gave up $60-$100K each in the original EFLOP scam never to be recouped. Now they are being told to give up another $60k or else with NO BUSINESS PLAN BEING PRODUCED. So I guess if I were to ask you for $60K over 5 1/2 yrs. with no give back or even an attempt to provide to you an incentive that would show you I intend to make good on the money you would willingly give it to me right? If so give me your addy. and I'll take it. These people were given raises in two contracts now only to see them disappear shortly afterwards.
Can't wait to see the BK judge stick it to the IAM. It will be ugly and they will say We will take this place down blah blah blah like they always do. WTS you are in your 50's. Good luck starting over. I know there is a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow for every IAM member cuz them jobs are just out there waiting for all 30,000 of you. Didn't you know all the employers have been holding them positions for you because you are all so wonderfull? They want to give all of you 100k a year and you will never be supervised or accountible cuz they know you hate that.
Does Ms. Biddle and Mr. Miah seriously think you valuable IAM (and I am not mocking when I say valuable - you all are the best in the industry) will be better off in BK?

This sucks. You've heard it all before, the esop hurt...I know. And it may seem like the best way to vent and stick it to UA management.

But in the end...you're sticking it to yourselves. You're still employed and making a good wage.

Please, I'm begging you all...don't cut your nose off to spite your face.

Think about the power you yield as a union right now. You have a board seat and you can veto any CEO candidate. That's HUGE power. HUGE.

If you vote no...UA will be in CH11 within an hour. And poof your board seat is gone.

Possessing the ability to help frame the strategic direction of the company and pick the ceo is huge.

If you're pissed at the IAM...oust them and bring in AMFA. That's the best way to get back at your union. Please please please vote yes!
On 11/26/2002 9:31:24 PM Bob Owens wrote:

"Can't wait to see the BK judge stick it to the IAM."

Other than abrogating the agreement after satisfying C11 U.S.C 1113 how is the judge going to "stick it to the IAM". Come on, come up with some facts.

Little safety tip, the ALPA pension fund is WELL funded, the IAMs is not. So 50 year old WTS will find himself out of a job with significantly less in pension than he'd planned. Defined benefit plans are one of the major items that separate the hub carriers from the LCCs, and are a significant part of our cost disadvantage. think a judge may decide you don't need one? Do you think management will shop for the right jurisdiction to file?
If UAL does go into bankrupcty because the mechanics reject the offer (if you could call it that) all contracts can be renegotiated, including yours and if an agreement is not reached, and the conditions are met, abrogated, not just the mechanics. Maybe thats why your so concerned, who has more to lose?
Can't wait to see the BK judge stick it to the IAM.

Other than abrogating the agreement after satisfying C11 U.S.C 1113 how is the judge going to stick it to the IAM. Come on, come up with some facts.

Please please please vote yes!

Are you for real? Lets see threats did not work. Lies did not work. So now you are resorting to begging?

Well where I come from begging is undignified. In my old school begging was frowned upon. Especially if you were scamming. While these workers will have to live with their pay cuts for at least six years your pay could be restored at any time.
Bob,if the iam rejects the agreement busdrver and all the rest erp's are off
the company would file and negotiations would begin.Busdrver dont get your
underwear in a wad worrying about me I will be fine.

What we have here is a failure to communicate
I would say that the pilots pension is probably more of a drain than the IAMs. Plus if he agrees to the concessions his pension will be less as a result of the lowered earnings. Nice try.
On 11/26/2002 9:46:26 PM Bob Owens wrote:

I would say that the pilots pension is probably more of a drain than the IAMs. Plus if he agrees to the concessions his pension will be less as a result of the lowered earnings. Nice try.

You don't understand BOB, the underfunded IAM pension would get taken over by the gov and the mech would get a small percentage of what they've earned all these years
On 11/26/2002 9:43:22 PM Bob Owens wrote:


Please please please vote yes!

Are you for real? Lets see threats did not work. Lies did not work. So now you are resorting to begging?

Well where I come from begging is undignified. In my old school begging was frowned upon. Especially if you were scamming. While these workers will have to live with their pay cuts for at least six years your pay could be restored at any time.


Yes, The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence ; but, once you cross the fence, the grass will again be greener on the other side - the side you just left. ..ie rejuvenate your pasture rather than cross the fence.
On 11/26/2002 10:01:12 PM wts54 wrote:

Busdrver dont get your
underwear in a wad worrying about me I will be fine.

I'd rather you be GREAT with company paid health insurance and pension. Medicaid blows!

What we have here is a failure to communicate
Here is what the rank and file received for their partcipation.This is
over and above what the already agreed to.The company wants to talk to the
pilots again.

US Airways¡¦ management notified the employee representatives that an additional $200 million in annual cost reductions from changes in work rules and benefits are needed to help the bankrupt carrier improve its operations.

US Airways¡¦ targeted cost reductions from District 141-M members include:

„h Elimination of aircraft receipt and dispatch by Mechanic & Utility employees.
„h Reduce the Utility function at PIT, CLT, and PHL to only thru-flight cleaning.
„h Outsource lavatory and potable water servicing.
„h Discontinue using Mechanics to de-ice aircraft.
„h Outsource plant maintenance work.
„h Outsource Ground Equipment maintenance (GSE) from all stations except BOS, CLT, LGA, PIT, and PHL.
„h Daily maintenance checks to be performed by vendors.
„h Eliminate occupational injury (OJI) bank.
„h Delete real estate provisions in plant closings.
„h Eliminate the two percent 401(k) match.

From District 141 members, US Airways is seeking to:

„h Outsource aircraft catering without restriction.
„h Outsource mail and cargo operations.
„h Remove Fleet Service employees from Class II stations with less than 28 flights weekly.
„h Add four daily mainline flights at Class II stations without adding Fleet Service personnel.
„h Add seasonal mainline flights to express stations.

Additionally, US Airways is seeking the following changes that would affect all IAM members:

„h Double employee contributions for medical benefits.
„h Mid Atlantic contract provisions to mirror those at American Eagle.
„h In case the United States goes to war with Iraq, US Airways will seek an immediate five percent ¡§wage deferral¡¨ for up to 18 months.

In return, the company proposes to maintain a minimum of 279 aircraft and offered an ¡§enhanced¡¨ profit sharing plan for participating employees.

Additionally, US Airways hastily closed its Tampa, Florida maintenance facility early this morning, forcing more than 500 IAM members out of work two days before Thanksgiving. IAM attorneys are looking into the legality of the closing.

A conference call between Union Coalition members and US Airways management to obtain further details of management¡¦s plan will take place tomorrow morning. Labor Coalition members will discuss US Airways¡¦ condition in a conference call on Friday, November 29, 2002.

When IAM members recently ratified modifications to their US Airways agreements, it came with the company¡¦s assurance that the revisions were all US Airways needed to successfully emerge from bankruptcy. The leadership of Districts 141 and 141-M are in agreement that additional changes to our collective bargaining agreements are not acceptable, as the company has not established that such revisions are justified. IAM members have already answered US Airways¡¦ distress call, and acted responsibly. US Airways needs to work within the framework they designed to find solutions to their latest situation.

We will keep you updated as developments occur.

Sincerely and fraternally,

S.R. (Randy) Canale
President and General Chairman
District 141

Scotty Ford
President and General Chairman
District 141-M
The AFA discussing the protections of a 1113 letter
from Afa website.

The second form of protection negotiated in this tentative agreement is
what has been called an 1113 Letter. This letter, which appears at
page 18 of the Summary of the AFA Tentative Agreement, provides
substantial, but limited protection, in the event of a bankruptcy filing
by the company. This letter is identical for all labor groups at United.

The 1113 Letter is designed to limit United's ability to seek to reject
the labor Contracts. It does not prevent United from filing for
bankruptcy - that will depend on whether United's finances permit the
company to continue to operate without the protection of the bankruptcy
court. If United does file for bankruptcy, this Letter bars United from
filing or supporting a motion to reject the labor agreements during the
first year from the effective date of this Tentative Agreement. In other
words, if our tentative agreements are ratified and United files for
bankruptcy in the normal course of business over the next year it would
not seek additional concessions from the employees as part of the
bankruptcy process.

There are two exceptions to this protection, which United insisted upon
as part of the negotiations over this Letter. First, if United's cash
flow and liquidity fall substantially below projected levels for a
period of at least ninety (90) days. If that happens the company must
engage in negotiations with the Unions for sixty (60) days to attempt to
reach a negotiated resolution of the liquidity problem. If such
negotiations fail to resolve the liquidity problem the company is then
relieved from its obligations under the 1113 Letter and may seek court
approval for the rejection of the labor agreements.

The second exception to the protections contained in the 1113 Letter
occurs in the event of a war with Iraq or other event that causes a
substantial disruption of the airline industry. In that event, the
company is again relieved of its obligation to refrain from seeking
relief from the labor agreements before the bankruptcy court.
The results are slowly coming in from the big
line stations and it looks like this proposal
will fail by as much as 2000 votes.
read more at:

Im looking in the closet for my golden parachute,
but I think Goodwin stole it.

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