On 11/21/2002 7:41:27 PM Bob Owens wrote:
"Now I'm not attacking your rates of pay, I realize that only those with many years get to those levels,your worth every penny you make, the question is could you replace it?"
You must have missed that.
I guess I should have waited before the last post, well save it for Seven years and then see how it looks.
Actually, i didn't miss it. Whats YOUR level of education other than your SPECIALIZED A&P? How many Mechs are Dr's, Lawyers, nurses, MBA's? I've flown with pilots AND F/As who are ALL of those. I've got papers on my desk at this moment for another job (mil) that would pay me what I make today AND a full retirement in 7 years. I'm an airline pilot, specifically a UNITED AIRLINES PILOT because that's what I want to do. I'm part of the BEST pilot group (well except for those groups with funny names like 539, FQ-50, FQ-75) in the WORLD. I assume you WANT to be an A&P Mechanic? If not go work at the monkey. I think you're fooling yourself if you think there are sooo many other jobs out there. When EAL and Pan Am went out, that capacity was replaced by other hub airlines that had the same staffing rules. Now capacity is being replaced by low fare airlines that have about 1/3rd the number of mechanics per jet. If you lose your job are you going to give Boeing the secret Charlie Bryan handshake? What about the 30,000 workers currently laid off there? YOU'RE DREAMING!!!
How exactly is Tiltin "Risking it all"? How much will he make this year, whether he succeeds or fails? How much will you or any other worker at UAL earn next year? Mr Tilton will make more in his first year at UAL than any mechanic will in a lifetime. What is his Risk? His reputation? I'm sure that Millions of dollars can make a bruised ego more tolerable.
Then you should've been a CEO. You could have faught your way to the top based on your own merit instead of union rules and turned the company around...nah, too much work right? If Tilton returns us to profitability by 2004, he's worth every penny!!!!!
I dont work at UAL. So I can honestly say that I'm not responsible for UALs condition. I'm here to encourage my fellow mechanics not to accept pay cuts. Is it true that even with your pay cuts you will still be making more than AA pilots? UAL Mechanics will be making 7% less than us, plus the retro.
Here's the truth. Prior to our new IAM contract, it could prob been said that YOU made 20% more than UALs mechanics. would it have been fair for YOUR mangement to use the old rates from an expired contract as a baseline to extract concessions from you? A contract soo bad that they went on strike over it in the 90's, but the democratic administration refused to let them continue the strike and encouraged a subpar settlement. The truth is AMR offered it's pilots about 25% more than UALs new contract rates about 1 1/2 ago. The pilots at AMR realize that although they are getting a raw deal, it is inappropriate to demand industry leading wages from your company while it's hemoraging cash and could go BK, even if another workgroup (like the mechanics) already have an ILC. But in any case thank the lord you don't work at UAL.
I have 22 years as a mechanic, 16 years with the present carrier. I'm at the top of my feild now. If I was told to vote on a paycut or else we would go under I would take my chances and vote NO. Why should I beleive them? How many times have we heard this before? In 1982, it was the end for the industry. Deregulation had ushered in the era of the discount carrier and cattlecar air transportation. By 1984 they were making record profits. In 1992 the industry had "lost more money than all the profits combined since the start of the industry", by 1993 they were making profits again, by 1995, new records were being set. A lot can happen in 5 years.
Yep, a lot can happen. An Airline can go BK and liquidate. Thanks to dem Pres Carters Deregulation, how many BK have there been? EAL, Braniff, Pan AM, PE, Air florida, Air South, FRNT 1, West Pac, Midway 1, midway 2, ect ect. Yep you're right, i bet they're bluffing
Who knows what the industry will be like in 2004? The only thing that will be certain is the concessions that you agree to now, while things are at their absolute worst, will still be in place till 2008. If things dont get better they will be back for more, if they get better good luck at getting them to reopen the contract.
We don't know that. Once the loan is repaid, UAL can do whatever it wants. I'm thinking that UAL will want to renegotiate a few of the contracts early. I don't think they want another situation where they have several concessionary contracts expire at the same time. We won't know until the time comes, but hopefully this new guy is wise enough to realize that an early contract is usually cheaper than a late one.