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IAM grievance hearing today?

Look around at jobs today....10-12 hour shifts....6 days mandatory....mandatory overtime...move you to midnite with out any reason....at will employment....and people work these jobs and whine and moan...but mention organizing and its like you said a dirty word in church.I tell you ,we've come full circle from the begining of the labor movement in this country.
Mention unions and you get a sideways sneer.I always hear how they paid dues and what did they get for it.What do you say?
Its bad....real bad.
Dude,to top it off harbor freight gets better vacation and shift differencial
Wait until the Free Choice Bill is signed in!
You'd be better served with signing in the striker replacement bill.....

Your freedom of choice act doesn't do anyone who doesn't give a damn about joining any union anything.Most I talk to think unions aren't needed anymore and they can better fair out on their own.They associate the Union word with the 'T' word....trouble........Wonder why that is?
A couple of us spoke to the arb. sec yesterday & she told us the hearing is on his calendar for 14 & 15May.
yeah, someone posted the arbitrator's phone number on this site so I called after you called. She said May 14th is in the calendar but the arbitrator wasn't around to confirm it. And the IAM hasn't posted any of this info as far as I know.

Now is the chance for the IAM to stick it to LCC management
and get all contracted cities back in the contract


The bottom line is for change to happen and the union to get tough, you all need to get involved to make and force change instead of being apathetic and just throwing stones.

People certainly need to get involved, but that is not "all" there is to it.

Leadership needs to be receptive to the members which is not happening at IAM fleet (unless you're in Philly).


1. When the election season rolls around, does the IAM poll their membership for their views, or do they make campaign contributions without consulting the membership?

2. Do they have a fair and transparent election process for District offices?

3. Is the grievance process transparent? Are grievance results disseminated to the membership?

I know for a fact there are those who got involved and put the membership and the contract ahead of any other consideration. They got their heads handed to them.

I am an ardent unionist, and I hope the IAM transforms itself into a union the membership is proud of.

That'll happen when the leadership listens, for a change.
People certainly need to get involved, but that is not "all" there is to it.

Leadership needs to be receptive to the members which is not happening at IAM fleet (unless you're in Philly).


1. When the election season rolls around, does the IAM poll their membership for their views, or do they make campaign contributions without consulting the membership?

2. Do they have a fair and transparent election process for District offices?

3. Is the grievance process transparent? Are grievance results disseminated to the membership?

I know for a fact there are those who got involved and put the membership and the contract ahead of any other consideration. They got their heads handed to them.

I am an ardent unionist, and I hope the IAM transforms itself into a union the membership is proud of.

That'll happen when the leadership listens, for a change.

Phoenix, May 9th, 1030am and then PAX and Then again, 3pm. Here is our chance to talk directly to the CEO! This is our only chance to connect to our Merge! What is right or wrong? Pax/Mechanics/Fleet/ West or East. IT/operations/ mechanic/fleet/ pax/inflight/pilots. You name it. Doug is a representative of the merger of an industry that whats their money back. Board of Directors/investors/ creditors/shareholders. But! who knows best, but the dedicated Employees. Let the investors WAIT! We will get There!
Hopefully, this airline and industry will recognise American Workers. It's Not about making gains unless you make real results and real money!.
Phoenix, May 9th, 1030am and then PAX and Then again, 3pm. Here is our chance to talk directly to the CEO! This is our only chance to connect to our Merge! What is right or wrong? Pax/Mechanics/Fleet/ West or East. IT/operations/ mechanic/fleet/ pax/inflight/pilots. You name it. Doug is a representative of the merger of an industry that whats their money back. Board of Directors/investors/ creditors/shareholders. But! who knows best, but the dedicated Employees. Let the investors WAIT! We will get There!
Hopefully, this airline and industry will recognise American Workers. It's Not about making gains unless you make real results and real money!.
Dont we have an investment I think so. :up:

As you know I'm not an ardent unionist, but I am NOT opposed to them.

IMO the ONLY way to reach any entrenched organization is through massive involvement. If you look at almost anything good that happened throughout US History, it didn't happen until the people rose up in righteous indignation.

The IAM will serve the IAM globally NOT the individuals locally and we have proof of that time and again.


In my youth, I was your typical Southerner - the only thing I knew about the union was they won the Late Unpleasantness.

Two things changed my mind. I learned about the role unions played in building the American middle class (second only to the GI Bill, IMO).

And USAir.
Who do you believe anymore. I don't know. I just know I don't want to give up "our change of control".
Unfortunately, it now appears the IAM themself pushed back the arbitration date. Contrary to their letter which read...,

"The Machinists Union is demanding an immediate and expedited arbitration of our Change of Control grievance. We will update you as soon as the dates are scheduled."

I personally called the arbitrator's office and his own secretary said "May 14th" was tentative.

I hate being right about this but I think even a box of rocks can figure out that the IAM is doing the math on how many more members, you guys and your 'change in control' can buy them when they 'cash it in'.

Allstrike you got that number to that truck driving school! :unsure: If we cant get this east west BS to stop and stand as ONE, WE ALL will need new jobs! 🙁

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