IAM Fleet Service topic

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Feb 14, 2008
Hey I was wondering if anyone knows which of the following cities were either IAM east cities, TWU west cities or both before the US/HP merger. I have a friend who is applying for US and was curious.
Thanks everyone

Moderator note:

Since it's time for a new Fleet thread, I'm going to close the other one out & make this the new Fleet thread.
To the op for future ref please ask these types of questions in the US Fleet thread.
Hey I was wondering if anyone knows which of the following cities were either IAM east cities, TWU west cities or both before the US/HP merger. I have a friend who is applying for US and was curious.
Thanks everyone

SAN -twu
EWR -iam
BWI -iam
ORD -iam
MCO -iam
TPA -iam
BOS -iam
IND - not sure thinking twu/iam
MCI- same i believe twu/iam
SFO -twu
PHL -iam
DCA -iam
LAX -twu
FLL -iam

If your friend is applying for a job now all the above cities are IAM .
I'm reviewing some overtime procedures that I don't think are being applied right as far as after someone has met their 40 hour qualifier.

anyone that wants to discuss this can email me at: [email protected]

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago
Tim: Here is a special problem we have had in CA since the passing
of the law requiring employers to pay time and a half overtime to
anyone working more than eight hours. My understanding of this law
is that it applies to both part time and full time employees.

The law contains an exception for those employees: "covered by a valid collective barganing
agreement, if the agreement expressly provides for the wages, hours of work. and working
conditions, and if the agreement provides premium wage rates for all overtime hours
worked, and a regular hourly rate of pay for those employees at not less than 30%
more than the state minumum wage."

It is my strong oppinion that this does not exempt US from paying overtime after eight hours
to all CA US employees. My opinion of this law is that the exceptions are made to protect
union workers against having to submit to a law which could lessen the value of thier contract.

The company has taken the opposite view by saying that this law does not apply simply
because we have our own rules for overtime. To my knowledge this has never been
formally questioned. Anyone out there know any different.

I believe the most obvious breach of this law is for the part timers. It would be specifically
because there are NO provisions in our contract for overtime in a one day period.

Thanks BF
Tim: Here is a special problem we have had in CA since the passing
of the law requiring employers to pay time and a half overtime to
anyone working more than eight hours. My understanding of this law
is that it applies to both part time and full time employees.

The law contains an exception for those employees: "covered by a valid collective barganing
agreement, if the agreement expressly provides for the wages, hours of work. and working
conditions, and if the agreement provides premium wage rates for all overtime hours
worked, and a regular hourly rate of pay for those employees at not less than 30%
more than the state minumum wage."

It is my strong oppinion that this does not exempt US from paying overtime after eight hours
to all CA US employees. My opinion of this law is that the exceptions are made to protect
union workers against having to submit to a law which could lessen the value of thier contract.

The company has taken the opposite view by saying that this law does not apply simply
because we have our own rules for overtime. To my knowledge this has never been
formally questioned. Anyone out there know any different.

I believe the most obvious breach of this law is for the part timers. It would be specifically
because there are NO provisions in our contract for overtime in a one day period.

Thanks BF

I'm on it! I'll have to look at the Illinois laws and I will also look up the California laws. First glance, i would say that what is known of the 'exception clauses' in state laws usually mean that someone can't be treated any less but is not limited to the state minimums. I know Illinois law has certain minimums and exclusions but I don't remember there is anything there that would suggest that US AIRWAYS application of the law is correct.

Give you an example. Employers don't have to pay 'tipped employees' the state minimum wage. This is so the 'tipped employee' can make more. If the tipped employee makes lousy tips and only brings in $5 in tips over an 8 hour day and also only gets paid $2.01 per hour then the tipped employee is entitled to the difference by law.

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, chicago
Attention LAS brothers and sisters,

You have a Grievance Committee Election on thursday at your union hall. It's my understanding

that Mike M is the man for the job. Unlike your current GC chairman John M , Mike is a true union

man and not a company patsy . SO get out there and exercise your right to vote , maybe if you

had some strong leadership on the local level things would start to change in what appears to be

a management run union out there.

Grievance Committee special election will be held DECEMBER 10th at the LOCAL LODGE

not the American Legion (where the last elections were held) . from 6 am to 6 pm

if your not sure where the LODGE is located contact a shop steward or come by the Grievance office

mods reposted from the closed thread . as this is pertinent to an up coming election
If there is anyone that has protested your seniority, have you gotten an answer yet? If you did get an answer was it favorable? If so, what was your course of action that got that favorable answer? The 18th is right around the corner and I think the company is stalling. We must push this issue to right a severe wrong.

Hey LAS when and where do you vote? This should be posted here and everywhere at the airport!

Get the vote out guys we need the change in leadership and Mike M is da Man!


LAS votes THURSDAY 0700 - 1900 at the USPS Union Hall. The hall is at Eastern and Sunset (right by the airport) and right behind Nikki Lees. MM is planning on running a shuttle most of the day, but I do't know the details.

And yes, MM is the man for the job. JM is more useful at doing nothing then he is as a station chair. Oh wait, they're the same to him! I believe the "ticket" to vote for is MM, SW, and JS. JM is an idiot, and I don't know what the hell JD was thinking when he put his name up for election.
Went to hit out today and saw a memo by the workbrain
clock stating, ''Starting Monday all agents must hit in and
out in thier assigned work area.'' I don't know what your
stations look like but in PHL if you work in Unit 4 and need
to hit in you pass up to 5 clocks before getting to your assigned
work area. ENOUGH. If your a 0500 satrt you have to be at
work at least a hour before your shift to ensure that you get
a bus on time and get to your work area by your scheduled
start time. A clock is a clock no matter where it is on property.
So if you finish running bags over at the Int'l terminal and
you become off the clock, you still must return to your work
area to have a valid clock.
The memo was from N.C. ramp manager. We need to stop
this company pushing us around and we need to stop it soon.
Have a great holiday everyone and work safe.
sounds like D.R is trying to make a name for himself. All the company requires is clock-in on

A TIMECLOCK. Never has it been a policy or procedure that you HAVE to clock in your assigned work area

hell ABR would have 20 or 30 late every day if they expected 90 people to clock in at the same clock within

10 mins of start of shift. Sounds alot like the Company trying to get people caught up in being late and

progressed on the new BS attendance policy .

sidenote. I do remember the s/m you refer to clocking out in team 1 as to be closer to the door when its

time to go and being assigned in team 2 . Double standard. Funny how a suit and tie changes peoples

perspective on things.
Went to hit out today and saw a memo by the workbrain
clock stating, ''Starting Monday all agents must hit in and
out in thier assigned work area.''

What a joke... That should be an easy one for the ND team (or even your local committee) to take care of.

Here at NW, you have to be in "your assigned work area" 10 minutes prior to the start of your shift. You don't have to be working, just there and ready to go. I'm pretty sure you can hit any clock you want on the way to it as well (at least that's how it's been in the cities I've worked in).
If there is anyone that has protested your seniority, have you gotten an answer yet? If you did get an answer was it favorable? If so, what was your course of action that got that favorable answer? The 18th is right around the corner and I think the company is stalling. We must push this issue to right a severe wrong.


I have been out since August on Occupational Injury. Is there anywhere online that I can check my seniority? I won't be back to work until next year.
regarding clock in-time, there are numorous cases even at the supreme court level that if your clock in time is 8am you are given time to change clothes or prepare for work at that time. The company cannot make you change shoes and get your proper safety equipment on your dime, its on the companies dime. So if your locker is 1000 feet away from your work area, clock in first than go to your locker and prepare for work, if your late and a flt comes in well, they should be prepared for that.
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