From a pax perspective.
Jetsetter, I do not doubt your sincerity or your team's desire to see US become a better AND a profitable airline. Those of us who have stuck with you guys are certainly on the same page in that regard.
But I'm kind of scratching my head and wondering what in the world US corporate is doing investing 6 months of resource, money & effort to produce this so-called "I Make US Fly" motivational program. To be perfectly blunt, you've got the entire idea wrong. As every pax already knows, WE make US fly, so we're the ones you should be handing the T shirts to ( have you got one in teal blue?).
Bear with me, as I'm not trying to be contrite or condescending here. But if your current employees don't know what the ball game is, then why are they even there in the first place? It's now about how the product will work for the pax who are buying the seats. In that regard, I think there's lots of things to work out yet. And the last thing I want to see as a pax are cutsey buttons and T shirts.
Many employee threads here reflect a robust discussion about improvements/changes which could have distinct impact upon the product experience and pax perceptions/satisfaction with US. Most of my flying with US is TA or with East folks, and I just don't picture these folks being in a mood for a pep rally. And as a pax, I don't see how this does anything for either pax or employees.
As already noted, the web site is gnarly, your elites are clueless as to what DM is or will be in the future as we try to remain loyal to the program, operational issues remain unresolved in some places, and yes, the US Air magazine sucks. Despite great earnings, your employees are still stinging from the effects of give backs and cuts.
I've seen my share of motivational roll outs in my job, and I'll tell you right now, in the absence of a clear and coherent plan/vision, it goes over like a SBD fart in church. It's my opinion that the majority of US employees want to do the job and get it right ( even allowing for some of the negativity which is inherent to PHL -- but I live there and understand it even I don't accept it). It looks to me as if a huge culture gap exists between east/west and T-shirts ain't gonna help.
Best of luck with the plan, but I think that management better focus elsewhere if teamwork, profitability and customer satisfaction is the goal.
Thanks Barry,
Appreciate your opinion and honesty.
Have you contacted anyone at corporate to let them know from a passengers perspective the problems that you are being faced with?
I would be happy to direct you to the right person to contact if need be.
In regards to the "I make US fly" campaign, some may feel that this is a wasted investment. Others feel it is a necessary tool to educate the employees as to what our New Corporate branding is.
You would be amazed at how many employees still think they are a legacy carrier when we are actually the largest Low cost carrier.
Many employees feel its business as usual..and we all know where business as usual got the old US.
This employee campaign is to help alleviate the East vs West mentality..hopefully it will educate and bring the employees together and feel equal to each other. Without it, there is too much negativity and pitting against one another as employee work groups.
From an employee standpoint, we are working to get fair contracts for all employees. Yes, I agree that we deserve some financial compensation. I am sure it will take time, but eventually we will prevail. There are different payscales for employees with the same senority from East and West, I am in that predicament where my counterparts are making $8 more per hour for the same years of service that I am working.
But I continue to do my job and provide a great product to our passengers with what tools I am provided with. We all know it is not the best, but there is always room for improvement.
I help make US fly from an employees perspective, I come to work, I ensure to provide our passengers with a pleasant flight, I am helpful and friendly. If each employee can continue to do their job and provide a friendly environment, we are headed in the right direction.
In regards to IT problems, FF issues, I am sure those who are in those departments are trying to correct and fix those issues. In order to get things fixed, we also need to know what is or is not working, please contact customer relations and let them know.
Thanks for the opinions of all...we are all entitled to voice ones opinion.
I Make US Fly!