<_< My! My! My! look what we've started!!!First aa, let me say, I don't enjoy seeing anyone layed off, either exTWA, or nAAtive employees! We've been over this ground so many times! Yes we were awarded 100% of our seniority at MCI, and STL! But what is happening here? SLT has been reduced to a mere line station with a hand full of employees! MCI, which at one point in time employeed 6,000, in a week will be down to 900! 500 are going out the door this time! Less than six months ago it was 300! How many next time aa? I'll spell it out for you aa!Put all your bad apples in one, maybe two baskets, and then get reed of the baskets!!!!Do we see an agenda at work here??? The work, and aircraft we brought to aa, are now being done in TUL to save NAAtive jobs at the expence of ourown! The Aircraft we brought to aa, are now flown and serviced by nAAtive employees, at the expence of ourown! This whole acustion was well planed out! It was not done as a spare of this moument thing! It was planed months in advance of TWA ever going into bankrupcy! And for the record aa, the Unions were in talks with others at the time to keep TWA going as an on going concern! And they were not another Airline, so Uncle Carl would not have been a factor!!!So you talked to "someone" here at what you call a Union, and he said "we" (exTWAers) wanted to staple the Ozark people but the IAM won't let us!!! It's all I can say about that is maybe the TWU should have taken a lesson from the IAM!!!!