First, We have a name for that when they do it.
Second, oil was going to pau for the Iraq invasion and colonization, remember?
Didn't work, did it?
Now your kids and grandchildren are going to pay for it, and it only made the mess worse.
A much stronger military campaign strictly against ISIS I am all for
And, then we have to do something we haven't been willing to do since Japan and Germany, and that is pony up for something to constructively fill the vacuum we create. That means legitimate government and a legitimate reconstruction of a viable country and a viable educated employed middle class.
In Europe and Japan the foundation was there and the people amenable to and desirous of that and willing to work hard for a distant improvement.
In the frontier areas of Iraq, Afghanistan etc that is something that has never existed, and that the people and especially the people in power do not understand or value or want or know how to make work.
So we gotta' stick around doing peaceful stuff like educating the girls and figuratively teaching them to fish for however many generations it takes, at whatever cost. Elsewise, it just blows up again.
If you want to eradicate Islam, figure on several hundred years' of brutal occupation.
Again, we have a name for that sort of thing when we are afraid that they are trying to do it.
Second, oil was going to pau for the Iraq invasion and colonization, remember?
Didn't work, did it?
Now your kids and grandchildren are going to pay for it, and it only made the mess worse.
A much stronger military campaign strictly against ISIS I am all for
And, then we have to do something we haven't been willing to do since Japan and Germany, and that is pony up for something to constructively fill the vacuum we create. That means legitimate government and a legitimate reconstruction of a viable country and a viable educated employed middle class.
In Europe and Japan the foundation was there and the people amenable to and desirous of that and willing to work hard for a distant improvement.
In the frontier areas of Iraq, Afghanistan etc that is something that has never existed, and that the people and especially the people in power do not understand or value or want or know how to make work.
So we gotta' stick around doing peaceful stuff like educating the girls and figuratively teaching them to fish for however many generations it takes, at whatever cost. Elsewise, it just blows up again.
If you want to eradicate Islam, figure on several hundred years' of brutal occupation.
Again, we have a name for that sort of thing when we are afraid that they are trying to do it.