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How Obama repeatedly ignored warnings about ISIS

Analogy, or metaphor if you prefer.

Think Whack A Mole if that's more in line with your ability to reason.
Again, don't fret! BaRack has ISIS " CONTAINED ".........................to planet earth!
"And what’s been interesting is, in the aftermath of Paris, as I listen to those who suggest something else needs to be done, typically the things they suggest need to be done are things we are already doing. The one exception is that there have been a few who suggested that we should put large numbers of U.S. troops on the ground.

And keep in mind that we have the finest military in the world and we have the finest military minds in the world, and I’ve been meeting with them intensively for years now, discussing these various options, and it is not just my view but the view of my closest military and civilian advisors that that would be a mistake — not because our military could not march into Mosul or Raqqa or Ramadi and temporarily clear out ISIL, but because we would see a repetition of what we’ve seen before, which is, if you do not have local populations that are committed to inclusive governance and who are pushing back against ideological extremes, that they resurface — unless we’re prepared to have a permanent occupation of these countries.

And let’s assume that we were to send 50,000 troops into Syria. What happens when there’s a terrorist attack generated from Yemen? Do we then send more troops into there? Or Libya, perhaps? Or if there’s a terrorist network that’s operating anywhere else — in North Africa, or in Southeast Asia?"
Well dammit Quag, we have occupied Korea and defended Europe and Japan for 75 years, why not just go ahead invade all the "un western un democratic" countries with brutal dictators and Muslim populations and use our overwhelming military capability to spread our beliefs and our way of doing things around everywhere?

We would only have to occupy the entire world for a couple or three hundred years until all those other idelogies and beliefs finally die out and are forgotten.

Surely Pete and Dell and the rest would be willing to sign themselves and ten generations of their progeny up for duty in the sandbox, or Angola, or Mali, or Indonesia in order to impose our beliefs on thise people?

We could be like The Empire, we have plenty of drones already...

(Insert Sarcasm Emoji thingie here....)
Glenn Quagmire said:
"And what’s been interesting is, in the aftermath of Paris, as I listen to those who suggest something else needs to be done, typically the things they suggest need to be done are things we are already doing. The one exception is that there have been a few who suggested that we should put large numbers of U.S. troops on the ground.
And keep in mind that we have the finest military in the world and we have the finest military minds in the world, and I’ve been meeting with them intensively for years now, discussing these various options, and it is not just my view but the view of my closest military and civilian advisors that that would be a mistake — not because our military could not march into Mosul or Raqqa or Ramadi and temporarily clear out ISIL, but because we would see a repetition of what we’ve seen before, which is, if you do not have local populations that are committed to inclusive governance and who are pushing back against ideological extremes, that they resurface — unless we’re prepared to have a permanent occupation of these countries.
And let’s assume that we were to send 50,000 troops into Syria. What happens when there’s a terrorist attack generated from Yemen? Do we then send more troops into there? Or Libya, perhaps? Or if there’s a terrorist network that’s operating anywhere else — in North Africa, or in Southeast Asia?"
Nice to see you join the conversation after I destroyed your narrative.
townpete said:
Nice to see you join the conversation after I destroyed your narrative.
Enjoy your delusions...

You didn't destroy anything, save maybe a few of your own few remaining brain cells

The truth can't be destroyed, not even by the not-quite-right "narrative"

(Rush-baby spring a new word on ya' again did he...? )
Dog Wonder said:
You destroyed his narrative?  Last thing you posted got proven to be a lie.

Last thing hell... damn near everything he posts is a lie.
Glenn Quagmire said:
"And what’s been interesting is, in the aftermath of Paris, as I listen to those who suggest something else needs to be done, typically the things they suggest need to be done are things we are already doing.,,,"
Seriously? And just what, might I ask are we "already doing", save for basically nothing, except to ensure that "Death to America!"-Iran gets nuclear weapons, of course?
Just curious here: How bad will things need to get, and how many of you liberals will need to be killed by these people before you even begin to wake up? I suppose only time will tell....
EastUS1 said:
Seriously? And just what, might I ask are we "already doing", save for basically nothing, except to ensure that "Death to America!"-Iran gets nuclear weapons, of course?
Just curious here: How bad will things need to get, and how many of you liberals will need to be killed by these people before you even begin to wake up? I suppose only time will tell....
EastUS1 said:
Seriously? And just what, might I ask are we "already doing", save for basically nothing, except to ensure that "Death to America!"-Iran gets nuclear weapons, of course?
Just curious here: How bad will things need to get, and how many of you liberals will need to be killed by these people before you even begin to wake up? I suppose only time will tell....
So what do you suggest?  Send in the troops?  Oh yeah, because that worked out so well before.
777 fixer said:
So what do you suggest?  Send in the troops?  Oh yeah, because that worked out so well before.
I was a big fan of the idea of conquering and colonizing the whole middle east (less Israel) immediately after Desert Storm, and we well could've done just that then, so don't look at me for any half-azzed and wholly inadequate answers now. 😉
For these sad times though? An actually serious aerial campaign would leave any (previously) observable forces of ISIS decimated or destroyed, but that would take something other than an anti-American/muslim-loving little "pimp-in-chief" to bring about.
Would some caring liberal even try to explain to me why ISIS was EVER allowed to move freely along, as shown in the following pics?: 
No worries kids. Here's your answer:
EastUS1 said:
I was big fan of the idea of conquering and colonizing the whole middle east (less Israel) immediately after Desert Storm, and we well could've done just that then, so don't look at me for any half-azzed and wholly inadequate answers now. 😉
Dam straight. Don't stop until there's a Walmart and a Starbucks on every other corner. Paid for by their oil fields.
EastUS1 said:
I was big fan of the idea of conquering and colonizing the whole middle east (less Israel) immediately after Desert Storm, and we well could've done just that then, so don't look at me for any half-azzed and wholly inadequate answers now. 😉
Conquer the ME?  With what?  That's hilarious.
townpete said:
Dam straight. Don't stop until there's a Walmart and a Starbucks on every other corner. Paid for by their oil fields.
Works for me.

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