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How Much Is Management Going To Contribute ?

Mr Aero, OH PLEASE....MY main point of this is that mgnt is obviously not going to contribute to the bottom line with labor. This is not right! Smoke and mirrors dude...WAKE UP!! As for the slackers...my point is that some managers (if thats what you want to call them) cant even step up to the plate when theres no other players on the bench. Its just plain pathetic. Who suffers? The CUSTOMER! Need I say more? And lets not get into any debate it deals with contractual language issue nonsense!
How can you make this statement: "mgnt is obviously not going to contribute to the bottom line with labor"? First, Lakefield said all will participate in some way. Second, you're using the word "obviously" when all you have heard is rumor and innuendo. Third, if management is so bad and you're a top notch candidate, why don't you apply? usairways.com lists loads of CCY jobs open.
Salesguy & USFlyer:

All of your comments in this topic are valid points.


USFlyer said:
First, Lakefield said all will participate in some way.
And you are falling for that....??

Do I need to list all the other items which senior mgt. said and it didn't come true..?? For gods sake, mgt. got their week of vacation back already. 😱

Oh, I forgot....Who's trying to kill us this week..?? AMERICA WEST & JETBLUE..??

I can't get that out of my mind..... :lol: :lol: :lol:

There is no mention of any groups in managment taking further cuts.

What is mentioned is that Lakefield approved quarterly "retention bonuses" for middle management, 4% increase in July 1 for lower managment and non-labor employees, and no cuts for senior management.

Yea, they are just so damn special :down: They even have labor believing they need bonuses to be retained...LOL..
Frontier69 said:
Mr Aero, OH PLEASE....MY main point of this is that mgnt is obviously not going to contribute to the bottom line with labor. This is not right! Smoke and mirrors dude...WAKE UP!! As for the slackers...my point is that some managers (if thats what you want to call them) cant even step up to the plate when theres no other players on the bench. Its just plain pathetic. Who suffers? The CUSTOMER! Need I say more? And lets not get into any debate it deals with contractual language issue nonsense!
How do you know management isn't going to contribute? They've contributed in the past so why wouldn't they contribute now? You're reading too many conspiracy theories. Just because you heard it in the break room or from the union steward doesn't mean it's gospel for cryin out loud.
As for the vacation loss and supposeded reinstitute of that time I'm not so sure that is true. I know one manager that hasn't gotten any vacation back that they lost during the last givebacks. What they did get back recently was a small raise. I only know a small group of managers at UAIR and from what I see in traveling when they are working is they do a fine job. The talent to fix UAIR is present right now at the airline if they could only get managements boot off their neck.
you must be the one who schedules all these flights from the islands in CLT to arrive so that more bags than you want to think about miss & we loose all those psgrs. So much for you college education!
Based on the performance on the revenue management, yield management, and corporate sales (which habitually treats even it's huge corporate customers as "the problem"), it's not like the folks in CCY are performing like rock stars now.

In fact, they should take their college degrees and move on, so that some young (and probably better) blood can be brought in at rock bottom rates--you know, exactly what CCY would prefer to do to CWA, AFA, etc.
ClueByFour said:
Based on the performance on the revenue management, yield management, and corporate sales (which habitually treats even it's huge corporate customers as "the problem"), it's not like the folks in CCY are performing like rock stars now.
I'll say this again. Lots of folks in CCY have been screaming for years that changes need to be made. SENIOR MANAGEMENT sets the business plan and strategy, so all the screaming by the day-to-day analysts won't result in positive change unless senior management buys into it. SENIOR MANAGEMENT sets the budget for capital improvements, so all the screaming by the day-to-day IT workers won't result in a better web site unless they get the resources to do it. And the list goes on.

Also, there's a reason US is paying retention bonuses (if that is in fact true). The job market in the DC area is DRASTICALLY better than it was two years ago. In the past two weeks alone I've had three headhunters call and I'm not even looking for a job. If I were in CCY and looking at the state of affairs, I'd take the first job that came my way just for some stability. My hunch is lots of people are doing just this, and implementing a new business model cannot be done with hundreds of new employees. Remember, no other airline (other than Independence Air) is based in DC, so to hire experienced talent involves recruiting from other carriers. Who on earth would come to US when virtually every other carrier is more stable?! And, to lure someone away and relocate them would cost big bucks.

And, btw, US has treated this corporate customer very well over the past five years. BBB made some blunders. But, before and after those blunders (which lasted all of a few months), US has treated us VFFs VERY well!
Reservation Agent said:
What are all the Managers gonna give up in pay & benefits to help this company?
Probably a percentage of their pay on par with
union givebacks. During CH11, the average
managment employee making $40,000 annually
gave up 7% of their pay. Some of that was
given back this year (in acordance with union
pay snapbacks) but most management employees
are still earning about 3% less than they were
before CH11. So much for the union people who
were PO'd that management got raises this year.
They were certainly not raises from what I am told.
Most management employees will not see a pay
increase above CH11 for at least 2 or 3 years.
Medical benefits have been increased 96% over
pre-CH11 levels. Single employee paid $12.00
per month prior to CH11. Current cost is $23.00.
🙁 I bet you could find a lot of non-management employees that wish they had only taken a 7% paycut. Are ANY other groups only down 3% since Ch11? No? I didn't think so. Give til it bleeds 😉 I guess that only applies to NON management, is that right?
Fly said:
I guess that only applies to NON management, is that right?
How easy it is to forget that none of those employess have the same job protection afforded labor. They are at-will employees and can be shown the street with little or no recourse - bye, bye, thanks for playing, see you later! It's not an apples to apples comparison.
Non-union employees should not have to give up the same percentage of those afforded union protections, for all the reasons I've articulated several times in previous posts. Non-union employees will participate, but they lack many benefits union employees have. If the union employees don't want to give up more than non-union employees, vote your union out and become non-union employees.

Now I realize I just committed a huge sin by saying what I just said ... for the record, I don't think less of union employees, but having the union "protecting" you is worth something, something that should be factored into one's compensation.
SalesGuyCCY said:
I'm REALLY tired of "Reservation Agent" worrying about what management gives up! Just answer the frigging phones for peat's sake and let others who studied hard, went to college/grad school and have professional careers and significant responsiblilities, worry about the rest.

If you have not listened, Lakefield has said numerous times that EVERYONE will participate in the restructuring which leads me to believe that includes management.

If you are unhappy, do what Seigel suggested: LEAVE!
Before you make comments you know NOTHING about - I would suggest keeping your mouth shut. THERE ARE SEVERAL Sales Representatives with a college degree in our offices, however have choosen this job for one reason or another. May I suggest taking your nose out of the air sometime soon.
chele5 said:
Before you make comments you know NOTHING about - I would suggest keeping your mouth shut. THERE ARE SEVERAL Sales Representatives with a college degree in our offices, however have choosen this job for one reason or another. May I suggest taking your nose out of the air sometime soon.
That may be, but you can't expect the company to compensate you for a college degree just because folks are working in a job where a degree is not required. We all make life choices, and not fully leveraging one's education is one of them.

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