How Many Cards Were Filed?

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  • #16
Checking it Out said:
Derek, the laughing is not the cards, its the fluid you smell everyday!

Have a Great TWU DAY!

That really got him. Did that one come from the PR Firm, or did you create that one on your own time?
Checking it Out said:
Derek, the laughing is not the cards, its the fluid you smell everyday!

Have a Great TWU DAY!
Ah, yet another example of twu's ability to protect our profession.

The twu smells fear... and it is their own!
Checking it Out said:
Derek, the laughing is not the cards, its the fluid you smell everyday!

Have a Great TWU DAY!
Wow, My first personal response from you. You used to address me by my "alias".
The "smell" you referenced will clear up soon. All, can feel the winds of change,
and with the change comes a new day and better representation for all of us, AMFA supporters and TWU alike.
Don't forget I'm a "Son Of a Bricklayer" HEH HEH HEH HEH HEH.

Have a GREAT AMFA day.. Kevin, Gary, Randy, John, Dennis or what ever your name is.
with the change comes a new day and better representation for all of us, AMFA supporters and TWU alike.

So I am to believe that because you stated I will have better representation, am I also to believe then that AMFA has changed it's negotiating and arbitrating skills since this morning? You are either a true follower without hesitation or PORTION DELETED
Johnny Lunchbox said:
So I am to believe that because you stated I will have better representation, am I also to believe then that AMFA has changed it's negotiating and arbitrating skills since this morning? You are either a true follower without hesitation or PORTION DELETED


If you are in the "Craft and Class", you will receive better support and representation from the AMFA than you ever did with TWU. You will have
a voice in what happens to you. (control your own destiny)
If you are insecure or feel that someone else must make decisions for you
then don't participate in the Democracy that is AMFA.

I doubt seriously you could care less which union will represent you. In other
words, I think you are just here to instigate. So, pursue your defense of the TWU.
AMFA is Coming. Like it or not.

As for your " PORTION DELETED". I guess a "liar" is someone you would disagree with dispite the facts.
Name: Taylor
Employer: Former NWA
Location: Msp
Date: Monday, March 15, 2004
Time: 01:37 PM

Joey, I feel the same way. Most of my family works at NWA. I use to walk the hangars on B-side when I was little and being a mechanic I wanna to be when I grew up. My childhood dream turned into a royal nightmare. This so called union that we voted for turned into a sham. I voted no for this lousy contract because these idiots gave up good language in exchange to show the rest of the industry they got us good wages, well they didn't! I wanted full retro, not some signing bonus that wasn't even a forth of what I would have gotten if we would of received full retro. This union can take there so called industry leading contract and PACK IT! How will these idiots survive now that almost three fourths of there membership has been let go and probably and most likely never come back. Thank you AMFA for destroying my dream and the dreams of everyone else you stiffed.
Name: Joey
Employer: Laid off from NWA
Location: St Paul
Email: To "Still IAM at Heart"
Date: Monday, March 15, 2004
Time: 08:20 PM

Gamble? How dare you insinuate that what I did was gamble! I've never gambled in my life and I didn't gamble when I decided not to move after I was ILLEGALLY laid off. That's right Brother! AMFA told me that NWA laying me off was illegal and that the company would lose this in arbitration. John Roby and Steve MacFarlane and Jim Atkinson personally told me that I would be back to work as soon AMFA got my grievance arbitrated. So I didn't gamble! AMFA LIED to me!!!! Is it ok for AMFA to lie to me? Mathews actually told me that I might as well suck up the severance and unemployment while staying home, because he and the Seehams would certainly win my grievance and have me back at work before that ran out. Hello, it RAN OUT! I was mislead. That's not my fault.
James T. Kirk said:
Name: Joey
Employer: Laid off from NWA
Location: St Paul
Email: To "Still IAM at Heart"
Date: Monday, March 15, 2004
Time: 08:20 PM

Gamble? How dare you insinuate that what I did was gamble! I've never gambled in my life and I didn't gamble when I decided not to move after I was ILLEGALLY laid off. That's right Brother! AMFA told me that NWA laying me off was illegal and that the company would lose this in arbitration. John Roby and Steve MacFarlane and Jim Atkinson personally told me that I would be back to work as soon AMFA got my grievance arbitrated. So I didn't gamble! AMFA LIED to me!!!! Is it ok for AMFA to lie to me? Mathews actually told me that I might as well suck up the severance and unemployment while staying home, because he and the Seehams would certainly win my grievance and have me back at work before that ran out. Hello, it RAN OUT! I was mislead. That's not my fault.
You may want to take Knobby's website with a grain of salt. We do, but if he helps your cause, go for it.
Decision 2004 said:
CIO wants to know how many cards were filed with the National Mediation Board.



Enlarge this image up and count them for yourself CIO!

Must not have added up to the 50% +1 huh, decision 2004...???

Take a long hard look at this picture. This was your best shot, and you lost :p

amfa: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!
High Speed Steel said:
Must not have added up to the 50% +1 huh, decision 2004...???

Take a long hard look at this picture. This was your best shot, and you lost :p

amfa: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!

We may have lost the preliminary battle but rest assured we will not lose the war.
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  • #28
Checking it Out said:
Looks like a few thousand short!

27 Cards short and you call it a "few thousand".
Now we know how the TWU came to believe they saved 12,000 jobs!
It must have really been 100 jobs.
Ken MacTiernan said:
Amfa up against a brick wall. . .how fitting!!

That is not a brick wall that AMFA has backing them up. It is the membership! You know what is really fiiting twuer? Your continued ignorance of facts and evidence placed in front of you showing how the very people the twu represents do not want them.

twu says, 1) AMFA is a splinter group.
2) AMFA will not get enough cards.
3) AMFA has cards expiring by the thousands.
4) AMFA will not file with the NMB.

Believe what you want to twuer. Facts will remain facts.
1) AMFA represents more AMTs than the twu.
2) AMFA has enough cards.
3) See above.
4) AMFA did file on 3-12-04 with the NMB.
Now, either stand up like a man and fight FOR your profession or simply continue to live the life of a coward. GO AMFA! ;)
No just 499.
Checking it Out said:
Looks like a few thousand short!

I see your back to the "AMFA is just an Internet scheme" aye cio?

Well the party is over and we will be back working on the drive with more vigor than you can imagine, get ready and don't forget to bring your coffin on a trailer trick.

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