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How Does Us Close The Doors?

PITbull said:
Hey Cav,

And when have I been wrong since you are choosing to quote me all damn day???

You have not explained the profits that U posted inspite of soaring fuel prices and "GOFARES" that acutally bring down the yield, and inspite that every single legacy carrier reported losses. You also have not cited that U bookings are higher than any time in our history and that the company is growing a faction of its business....WITH WHAT MONEY???

The only money this company does not want to foot is for labor to have a livable wage or a promised pension. Period.

And they will rid themselves of it one way or another. THAT DOES NOT MEAN WE ARE GOING OUT OF BUSINESS!!!

One week, Lakefield is talking about the profits of U and what attributed to it; next he's talking about huge employee profit sharing; the next week its BK!!!

There is no "doom or gloom" only that which was created by management to "hook" the employees.
The company has you smack dab in front of Smoke & mirrors.

Move away from it.

Glad you're so full of wisdom and we are all just lost little souls full of fear and confusion brought on by Bruce All Mighty...whatever Pit, disagreeing with you is a dead end street everyone knows this. You need to squelch that anger problem before you stroke out, plus it's not lady like screaming at the top of your lungs when someone doesn't agree with your every thought. Chill women, chill!
Well, look whose calling the "kettle"... B)

Bite me! 🙄
PITbull said:

Besides your self induced management fear, what have you to prove dispite what is in the 10Q report that states to the contrary, that leads you to surmise that we are going over a cliff? Granted, the company is looking to furlough BIG.
Pitbul for your information managements threats dont scare me they motivate me! They make me see thru the so called smoke and mirrors that you so often speak of and make me get off my arse and seek better employment elsewhere.

I have turned down 2 job offers in the past week and am currently waiting on 2 more at which time I'll make the decision on when and where I'll go NOT the incompetent management of US Airways.

Pitbul, tell me how many airlines have gone into bankruptcy and succeeded, better yet how many airlines have succeeded because of employee concessions?

The AFA has just made a counter proposal to the company even if the company agrees to the proposal (which I doubt that they will) do you think theres enough time before the 9/12 deadline to get the proposal ratified?

If so, what about the IAM or the CWA, or have those two unions slipped your mind?
My focus is not on what other unions do or not do. My focus is strictly on our group and what will have the least impact or collateral damage with any proposal.

Proposals are one thing; ratification is another.

However, good answers CC 😀
PITbull said:
Well, look whose calling the "kettle"... B)
Bite me! 🙄

Guess my joke went over like lead balloon....oh well :unsure:
I flew for Air Midwest (when it was still a good airline) when they were the commuter for Braniff 3. I was in Topeka (FOE) when news came across the company radio that the 5 o'clock bank of flights at MCI was cancelled. The Whole Bank! With my brother (BAC11 driver for BN) out of work I knew it was time to find a better job. I did.

At Midway. <_<

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