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How Could The Ramp Be Changed For The Better?

BoeingBoy said:
Yup, you got your post finished before I could say good nite...

Ok, I see what you meant (as opposed to what you said).

Those small stations don't have utility now, at least very few, so that's a strawman.


agreed it is a strawman comparison however 700 was using it as a comparative rate in CLT and that is not a fair comparison to make.
How could the ramp be made better?
These 20 plus year seniority guys that still have to be told what to do,
the guys that never want to get in a bin,
the guys that expect someone else to go get the onload bags,
the guys that expect someone else to go get the carts for the offload,
the guys that are always the last ones out to the gate when a flight comes down the line,
the guys that are always trying to hide,
the guys that get paid the same amount we do but expect us to carry them,
well, those guys could do us all a favor and just quit.
That's how we could make the ramp better.
Plain and simple. Lighten the load on us all. Let the boys move on and leave the men behind.
I, for one, am tired of carrying their load and mine too.
If I'm going to earn 12.65 an hour I'd like to earn my paycheck; not mine and somebody elses too.
Ramp Rogue said:
My suggestion would be for the ramp to go to HIRE DATE SENIORITY. That way if USAir survives, junior agents would not be working while senior agents are furloughed. The CWA operates under a HIRE DATE SENIORITY system and there is no animosity that stems from it. You are where your seniority falls and that is it. No junior people ahead of senior people. Last hired, first fired. That is of course is if USAir makes it through these turbulent times.
Looking for an answer for my post . Or is this something that cannot be argued? Let us talk reality not BS just want a good answer to what I talked about, Will support u if I feel it is something that is viable . But there are too many of us out there that know what needs to be done.We will not support waste just because you want to save your job.
This is about making an airline which is going to make money. Yes fuel is a great part of our problem but there are alot of other factors that weigh in! Looking fo a good answer.....And look in the mirror befor you piont I have!



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TheLazarusman said:
How could the ramp be made better?
These 20 plus year seniority guys that still have to be told what to do,
the guys that never want to get in a bin,
the guys that expect someone else to go get the onload bags,
the guys that expect someone else to go get the carts for the offload,
the guys that are always the last ones out to the gate when a flight comes down the line,
the guys that are always trying to hide,
the guys that get paid the same amount we do but expect us to carry them,
well, those guys could do us all a favor and just quit.
That's how we could make the ramp better.
Plain and simple. Lighten the load on us all. Let the boys move on and leave the men behind.
I, for one, am tired of carrying their load and mine too.
If I'm going to earn 12.65 an hour I'd like to earn my paycheck; not mine and somebody elses too.
Why do you if you are doing what you are supposed to do say you are caring about someone else? We all have days that are not up to par . Not just our group and I know that sometimes we have some that need lots of help . But all groups do. lets make sure that we can win together not apart. I love my job as most of us do. But like you I am sure you will not love it at 12,95 an hour Would have liked to seen those color on that L10 :up:
Oh, and Ramp Rogue, I am serious about my answer. If we had more guys that held themselves accountable for their actions, the ramp would be a better place. If more guys took responsibility, instead of expecting others to carry all the weight, the ramp would be a smoother operation. It's better to have too many chiefs and not enough indians than the other way around. If we removed the dead weight, it would be surprising how much more efficient an operation we would have. And I think morale would improve drastically as well. So let's trim the fat, and get rid of the old, and young, guys who are too lazy to be here anyhow; and I think you'll see just how much better the ramp can really be. :up:
TheLazarusman said:
Oh, and Ramp Rogue, I am serious about my answer. If we had more guys that held themselves accountable for their actions, the ramp would be a better place. If more guys took responsibility, instead of expecting others to carry all the weight, the ramp would be a smoother operation. It's better to have too many chiefs and not enough indians than the other way around. If we removed the dead weight, it would be surprising how much more efficient an operation we would have. And I think morale would improve drastically as well. So let's trim the fat, and get rid of the old, and young, guys who are too lazy to be here anyhow; and I think you'll see just how much better the ramp can really be. :up:
LAZ I agree no argument from me.. But not so many cheifs as enpowering the cheifs to get rid of the dead weight. But we still do not need all the employees we have to do what I or we have done in the past. Pay one group a good wage for doing a great job . And if they are not doing there jobs you get rid of them.
Hire date would be nice but that will not change the way the ramp operates. If and I do say if this company survies this BS. We will be molded in the same way LUV does business. The same way some of us did it prior to USAir.
We cleaned we deiced, we did everything but work on aircraft. Which the mech group should be payed to do. That in itselef would save the company millions.
But we should also have the engine ,brake , and all the other shops fpr mechs so we could make money contracting this work for other airlines.
We have the best employees in the business that have had no managment for so long that we have all become complaciant in our jobs.
If it ends in two weeks oh well, I will miss it but I have made great freinds meet numerous people and will look back on this time even if it has been hard at times with respect for all my fellow co-workers AS A GREAT TIME!

Sorry not a question but do you agree? B) FOR LAZ
Sorry not a question but do you agree? B) FOR LAZ

Absolutely, I agree. I remember the days when we did it all; and I think it would be cost effective if we did so again. Mech's should work on the airplanes; and we should do the rest. It only makes sense for fleet and customer service to clean and service the aircraft. We're already on site. Why pay a subcontractor to do it? Fleet Service can dump the Lav's and do Water Service. Fleet Service can park and push aircraft. Fleet and Customer Service can clean aircraft. In hubs utility can clean aircraft. We don't need subcontractors. Mech's can work on aircraft. That's the way it used to be. That's the way it should be.

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TheLazarusman said:
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Laz we had no utiltiy in the hubs sorry. Night have had a ew in the hager but hell if i have time to walk the cocourse in clt I have time to clean a plane and dump a lav plus dump the h20 and refill it!
It is time to get lean without cutting salary!
real world said:
My point is the rate is not $30 across the system it is lower, however EWR the high cost market works well for shock value.

It has been done. They did tell the judge that and it was true, however again EWR is a high cost market.

Wow, I thought you knew more.

US flies into 89 mainline station, Utility is only at 8 stations during first and second shift and then only third shift at 10 stations. F/As clean at 25 stations, so who does the cleaning at 66 stations?

Go look at the quality of work you get at those 66 stations.
real world said:
agreed it is a strawman comparison however 700 was using it as a comparative rate in CLT and that is not a fair comparison to make.

MAGSA rate, come on you should know what that is, guess you been in CCY too long to realize the planes are flithy and nasty since you cut the utility to 8 stations 1,2 and 3rd shift and 10 stations 3rd shift only.

See you on Tuesday.
Laz we had no utiltiy in the hubs sorry. Night have had a ew in the hager but hell if i have time to walk the cocourse in clt I have time to clean a plane and dump a lav plus dump the h20 and refill it!
It is time to get lean without cutting salary!

Bend your a....over for them to put it all the way up !
real world said:
My point is the rate is not $30 across the system it is lower, however EWR the high cost market works well for shock value.

It has been done. They did tell the judge that and it was true, however again EWR is a high cost market.
Ok, if EWR is so high cost, why not save $700/day, and have fleet svc. employees tow the A/C? Operating in a high cost market is one thing; fiscal stupidity is quite another....

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