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How Could The Ramp Be Changed For The Better?

Why is it that with all of the labor relation vp's at USAir, there are no labor relations on the ramp? Whom are they relating too? Each other? The morale around the place is very depressing. Is this their goal? If so, they should be made presidents instead of vp's, beacuse they have made it almost unbearable to work the ramp. If they keep killing off all of the indians, pretty soon there will only be chiefs to work the ramp. We all know that chiefs don't work. Then and only then maybe they will wake up and realize what they have caused. Hopefully it won't be to late!
johnny fleet...
You're making a big assumption about "what/if's" on the senority issue. You were NEVER part of the negotiations process, so how can you assume it was going to be offered..?

You must have been told that from I.Heard
USA320Pilot said:
How about removing Utility from the IAM-M contract and combining it with the IAM-FSA contract? Then integrate the Utility and FSA work groups into on job classification called Ground Personnel and cross utilize workers to increase productivity.

This would undoubtedly eliminate the total job positions, but the increase in productivity could count towards the cost cut target.



If we eliminated utility, would it save the company? No.

Looks like the company will have to take more from ALPA - you're so good at giving it up.
Justaramper said:
johnny fleet...
You're making a big assumption about "what/if's" on the senority issue. You were NEVER part of the negotiations process, so how can you assume it was going to be offered..?

You must have been told that from I.Heard

No Assumtions made at all, Customer Service was all placed on DOH, except for Ramp!
You knew the 'rules" of senority after the IAM was elected to represent the ramp. It was the "adjusted date" and they never hid that fact from anyone. CS did a survey and only 35% returned the survey, this was done PRIOR to the CWA getting representation rights.

Beat the dead horse all you want it is NOT going to change your senority date...!
Justaramper said:
You knew the 'rules" of senority after the IAM was elected to represent the ramp. It was the "adjusted date" and they never hid that fact from anyone.

Beat the dead horse all you want it is NOT going to change your senority date...!

That's where the problem lies. No one knew the rules of seniority, until after the iam was elected. And now the iam dummies up when questioned about anything concerning seniority. What type of an outfit is the iam? One that only cares about taking our dues, and going on dues paid vacations, and not one that cares about the concerns of the members. I long for the day when the iam is voted out!
Now looks like a good time to decertify the iam. How are the proceedings started?
As a line pilot, I see many ramps working ok. Two guys working the aft bin, two, and then three working the forward bin. Got off the gate 8 min. early. Talk about smack! 133px in a 400. PBY-PHL.
It can be done, but it's going to take a broom, starting in PHL, below the wing, to get this airline back on track again.
Non-rev'ed from PHL to home, the flight before cx. Can't believe what out px have to go through now to get rebooked. Hubs have to get more agents to help at the gate to rebook.
I have had experiences at PHL which include sitting at a gate for 30 minutes waiting to be marshalled in to park while watching 5 or 6 rampers sit at the next gate and read their newspapers--only to be told they can't park the aircraft because we're not in their zone.

Sorry folks there is no excuse for something like that...and I doubt it would happen at another station. If it's work rules then those work rules have to change.

PHL has a pervasive thing called Philly 'tude. While the percentage of employees with that 'tude is relatively small, it has a divisive and often detrimental effect on the overall situation.

PHL also has some of the best of the best--to their credit they haven't been converted to "the dark side" as yet, but the way things are going perhaps it's just a matter of time.

I wish you all the best....
I am not in PHL so I make no claim to know for sure what goes on, but just guessing, lets say this "out of zone employee" slides down to gate x & parks that plane etc. Now SUPRISE a plane moved to their gate & no one there. Then in all probablity they will go thru hell explaining where they were or even written up. The above happens ALOT.
Believe me. It's below the wing in PHL that's not working. CLT, with more flights, makes it work.
What US needs in PHL is the Terminator.
Rico said:
Well, Like I said, I think we should maintain Utility IN-HOUSE if we can get the work to be done at competitive rates. I just doubt that can be accomplished or maintained with the IAM.

Besides all the whitty remarks and quips, you chose to ignore my point that Airways Utility has maintained and will continue to force abnormally high pay and expensive work rules by utilizing the negotiating leverage of the Airways Mechanics. Just does not seem fair (to the mechanics), nor competitive (in the industry) to me.

Another strange quote you brought up 700...

Your example sounds neat, but I know of no such single Utility person that works for only 13.00/hr (with no benefits), and continually dumps lavs all day long, 8 Planes each and every hour they work, do you..?

Utility fuctions differ little from Fueling or Catering when it comes to the cost effectivness of maintaining the function in house, or outsourcing. You know as well as I do that what you quoted above is a non-negotiated price ("call up" cost from FBO vendor vs. a lower negotiated rate). That rate is not the rate that needs to be payed for a ongoing contract. No different than getting Fuel from a non-contracted vendor, in which the price is substantially more than what it would cost from our normal source.

Saying that one guy only makes 13 bucks, only works that one hour (during the bank), does not sit around at all between banks, and that they cheapest Airways could contract out ongoing lav dumps is 30$ is not exactly telling it like it is... So please stop muddling up the issue with nonsense like that 700.

BTW, you really cannot brag about making such a high salary in one part of your post, and then claim that it would be so much cheaper to keep things the way they are (in the very same post) without ruining your argument. 🙄

Keep in mind another thing...Utility dont sign logbooks..a licenesed a@p mechanic can only sign off logbook items. These sign-offs have the potential to follow that mechanic down the road 5-6 years later. He/she is signing for any and all work done on that aircraft up to that point...enough said about mechanic/utility pay rates
Atlantic said:
Believe me. It's below the wing in PHL that's not working. CLT, with more flights, makes it work.
What US needs in PHL is the Terminator.

Sorry, Arnold is taken but I here Jesse Ventura has some time on his hands.

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