House raises our gas prices bigtime...


Oct 29, 2002
"We are turning to the future," said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Yes.....taxing big oil to pass gas to you and me........

Pelosi, D-Calif., said it was essential to commit to renewable energy while reducing reliance on fossil fuels. Doing so, she said, will help address global warming and make the country more energy-independent.

"It's about our children, about our future, the world in which they live," Pelosi said

Kiss my.....

What would a Liberal prefer?
To burn the American flag or to piss on it?? ;)
Yes.....taxing big oil to pass gas to you and me........
Kiss my.....

What would a Liberal prefer?
To burn the American flag or to piss on it?? ;)

Oh Lordy Lordy, now Exxon Mobil will only make $9.8 billion a quarter versus a cool $10 billion, oh what will they do??? Layoffs perhaps, or maybe paycuts? :lol: Oh yeah, and we all know our good friends at big oil have been so kind to us the last 5 years. NOT!!! Did we see a reduction at the pump when Dubya passed the energy bill in 2003 that gave his slave masters at big oil 16 billion dollars worth of tax breaks??? Like they needed it. Don't fool yourself, big oil cares about big oil and nobody else. Why the Hell would a sitting president give BILLIONS of dollars in tax breaks to oil companies that were already making money hand over fist??? Aside from the fact that he and his fellow crooks, er.. i mean administration officials, are hopelessly intertwined with the boys with the black gold. Take off those rose-colored glasses my friend, it would do you some good.
Yes.....taxing big oil to pass gas to you and me........

My understanding of the bill being passed was that it closed loop holes that the oil companies were using and that is was not a 'tax increase'.

The bill would repeal for oil companies a tax break given in 2004 to help domestic manufacturers compete against foreign companies, and another tax break pertaining to income from foreign oil production. Critics of the two tax provisions called them loopholes that the industry had taken advantage of.

CNN article
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My understanding of the bill being passed was that it closed loop holes that the oil companies were using and that is was not a 'tax increase'.

The bill would repeal for oil companies a tax break given in 2004 to help domestic manufacturers compete against foreign companies, and another tax break pertaining to income from foreign oil production. Critics of the two tax provisions called them loopholes that the industry had taken advantage of.

CNN article

And where do you think the money that they are losing when this loophole goes away through this will come from?
And where do you think the money that they are losing when this loophole goes away through this will come from?

Somehow i think our friends at big oil will be just fine. Exxon Mobil only managed to make $40 billion last year alone, hopefully they've saved for a rainy day. I never thought i'd see the day when somebody would complain that big oil was getting the shaft. At least now they know what us Americans have been feeling for the past 5 years. Do you happen to work for a big oil company?

This topic is laughable even by right-wing standards (i.e. - very low).

When W took office, gas prices were $1.47/gallon, national average (source: US Dept of Energy).

Today, the national average is $2.84/gallon, national average (same source).

Earlier this year, the national average was as high as $3.21/gallon, national average (same source).

Yeah, that's right, gas prices have doubled on W's watch.

W and his right-wing buddies on the hill passed energy legislation giving huge tax breaks to his friends in the oil industry. They insisted that it would lead to more exploration, upgraded refineries, reduced dependence on foreign oil (long term, of course), yada-yada-yada - and even LOWER gas prices. None of that happened.

Since W and his right-wing buddies were so very WRONG, there is ABSOLUTELY no reason to believe anything that the right-wingers have to say about those who would dare oppose them and say, "enough!" There is no reason to keep handing-out HUGE corporate welfare give-aways to the oil industry when they haven't lived up to a single promise - and the oil companies have thanked America for the tax breaks by taking a huge bite out of every AMERICAN household's budget since they got this tax windfall.

After all that's already been done by the oil companies, only a fool would think that this would do anything even approaching what the oil companies have already done.
What would a Liberal prefer?
To burn the American flag or to piss on it?? ;)

The much more important question is...

What would a nut-job conservative prefer? burn the CONSTITUTION, or to piss on it?

Of course, for W, Cheeney & Co...the answer is BOTH!
And where do you think the money that they are losing when this loophole goes away through this will come from?


Dell, I've got to respectfully disagree with you here.

While there's no gaurentee that Exxon will lower gas prices, I'm inclined to think that IF Exxon is faced with 4 or 8 years with the democrats running the show, that they will "somehow" find it in their "kind" hearts to "play ball" with Nancy.

Hey, if they Don't, well I would rather take a "porkin'" from them, knowing that "we" were giving them a lil' "poke"

With El CHIMPO's way, Exxon had the best of both worlds.
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Somehow i think our friends at big oil will be just fine. Exxon Mobil only managed to make $40 billion last year alone, hopefully they've saved for a rainy day. I never thought i'd see the day when somebody would complain that big oil was getting the shaft. At least now they know what us Americans have been feeling for the past 5 years. Do you happen to work for a big oil company?

You've missed the boat.......big oil loses a tax break little you and me make up the money.
You've missed the boat.......big oil loses a tax break little you and me make up the money.

Then it's too bad that they've been allowed (encouraged?) to increase their prices to levels indicative of extortion. Big oil has been given a tax break and what do they do? increase prices. Where does the problem lie? I say with an administration that realizes tremendous gains when this particular industry has windfall profits. That's the only success that dumbya has had while in office...he has lined his and his friends' pockets thanks to lowering taxes for the most profitable industry out there.
You all would be more successful learning to ride a bike than to change the money grubbing habits of big oil.

Show your disdain, ride a bike to work!

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